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The Case for Christ

The Case for Christ. The Identity Evidence Lesson 7 0f 14. Focus Question. What things did Jesus do or say that indicate he knew he was Messiah and Son of God?. Opening Thought. Communicating the Eternal to the Finite Avoiding Preconceptions Patient Disclosure. Who did Jesus Think he was?.

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The Case for Christ

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Case for Christ The Identity Evidence Lesson 7 0f 14

  2. Focus Question • What things did Jesus do or say that indicate he knew he was Messiah and Son of God?

  3. Opening Thought • Communicating the Eternal to the Finite • Avoiding Preconceptions • Patient Disclosure

  4. Who did Jesus Think he was? • Clues from Jesus’ Relationships • He had Twelve Disciples • He was Greater than John the Baptist (whom he described as the “greatest man born of woman”) • He challenged the Religious Leaders • He threatened the Roman Authorities

  5. Who did Jesus Think he was? • Clues from Jesus’ Miracles • Signs of a New Kingdom

  6. Who did Jesus Think he was? • Clues from Jesus’ Teaching • Authority beyond the Prophets (“Truly, I say to you…”) • “Abba” (informal address) as initiating new terms of relationship with God

  7. Who did Jesus Think he was? • Jesus’ Teaching in Gospel of John • I am the bread of life (6:35,41,48,51) • I am the light of the world (8:12; 9:5) • I am the gate for the sheep (10:7,9) • I am the good shepherd (10:11,14) • I am the resurrection and the life (11:25) • I am the way, the truth, and the life (14:6) • I am the true vine (15:1,5)

  8. Who did Jesus Think he was? "Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it and was glad." So the Jews said to Him, "You are not yet fifty years old, and have You seen Abraham?" Jesus said to them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am." Therefore they picked up stones to throw at Him, but Jesus hid Himself and went out of the temple. -John 8:56-59

  9. Who did Jesus Think he was? HWHY hwhy HVHJ

  10. Who did Jesus Think he was? YHWH yhwh JHVH

  11. Who did Jesus Think he was? YaHWeH yhwh JeHoVaH

  12. Who did Jesus Think he was? I am!

  13. Summary • Craig Blomberg—essential reliability of the New Testament documents • Bruce Metzger—accurate transmission through history • Edwin Yamauchi—corroboration though ancient historians • John McRay—archaeology underscores trustworthiness

  14. Summary (continued) • Gregory Boyd—the Jesus of history and faith are the same • Ben Witherington—Jesus believed he was the Son of God

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