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LOCAL AUTHORITIES SUPPORTING INITIATIVE Conclusions & Recommendations of Working Groups Table 1-2 – Multiactor Dialogue Baku, 11 February 2011. Strengths/Advantages. 1. Qualified policy dialogue - Representative organisation of LAs that negotiate with central authorities (UKR);
LOCAL AUTHORITIES SUPPORTING INITIATIVE Conclusions & Recommendations of Working Groups Table 1-2 – Multiactor Dialogue Baku, 11 February 2011
Strengths/Advantages 1. Qualified policy dialogue - Representative organisation of LAs that negotiate with central authorities (UKR); 2. Legal environment - Law regulating the interaction between the local and central authorities (UKR), but also challenge if independence not secured (AZB); 3. Support structures - NSA/LA programme urged LA to rely on NGOs for assistance in preparing proposals, experience of collaboration; 4. Membership in international organisations or conventions (e.g. Council of Europe) which contains certain legal requirements or conventions for the management of LA.
Weaknesses & obstacles identified 1. Lack of space or platforms for dialogue among LAs; 2. Institutional Structure - Dependency on central authorities and central subsidies, top-down instead of bottom-up decision making; 3. CentralisedState Structure – Competition among local and regional authorities for limited funds and comptences from central authorities; this results in • Lack of institutionalisation and dependence on decision making persons; • Lack of political will of central powers for real / practical decentralisation (strong “Vertical of Power”) • No Budget authority - Lack of independent resources of income for LA; • Insufficient capacities and human resources in LA. 4. LA often are not sufficiently aware of EU applicable programmes.
Good Practice & Lessons learned 1.Capacity Building - Distance learning opportunities for members (internet, practical workshops) (UKR), 2. Involvement of LA in EU programming (Annual Action Programme in Belarus, sector support on regional development in Georgia); 3. EU Delegations supporting a multi-stakeholder dialogue with civil society on local development at municipal level in Morocco; 4. Cooperation between national associations of LA within and outside the EU (European Platform); 5. Dialogue with central authorities through strong mayors in Armenia; 6. Coordination Unit to assist in enhancing the dialogue and cooperation between central and local authorities in Morocco.
Recommendations & Issues for further thought 1. Strengthen LA as independent decision makers on the grass-roots level (e.g. by creating special support programmes/structures to empower LA staff); 2. Enhance the role of national association(s) of LA as important interlocutor between EU and central authorities is crucial (self organisation on national level) and enforce their cooperation between EU member states and neighbouring countries (North-South, South-South, East-East and East-South); 4. EU should promote more Cross Border Cooperation and other projects to enhance cooperation among ENP countries with shorter procedures for selection and contracting of proposed projects, information about its thematic programmes; 5. Encourage a trilateral political dialogue between EU, central and local authorities through setting-up competent, independent and sustainable structures (including civil society).