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Probate Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

As an experienced Elder Law Attorney in Wisconsin, I can assist you in simplifying the probate process, guiding you through it in a way that decreases anxiety and stress.

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Probate Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

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  2. Probate is a legal process which helps in settling down the estate of a person after their passing. Creating a trust and transferring assets to it may help you avoid probate and save taxes.

  3. NO LEGAL ASSISTANCE You might distribute assets at an early stage or fails to meet the deadlines. A Probate Attorney in Wisconsin has the ability to keep you away from any such mistakes.

  4. PERSONAL TAXES ARE NOT FILED BEFORE AN ESTATE IS CLOSED An executor should file the tax returns of the person who has become deceased for the year of death. In case the taxes are owned and the Estate is already closed, it must be opened again either to pay the due tax or inherit a refund. At this point, heirs have spent their inheritance. Virtually, it’s impossible to return it.

  5. IMPROPER HANDLING OF CREDITOR CLAIMS In case a person who is being served as an Executor fails to publish a Notice to Creditor, in the designed manner and for a length of time, creditor claims must be submitted long after they are barred. The personal representatives should pay the bill of the estate in a specific order.

  6. Serving as an executor of the will is a pleasure but it carries responsibility. For the ones, who are not comfortable in completing their work on their own, they must get in touch an experienced Probate Attorney.

  7. CONTACT US (262) 812-6262 paralegal@elcwi.com www.elderlawcenterofwisconsin.com


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