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The Simulation Status of SDHCAL

This outline discusses the motivation and standalone Geant4 simulation of the SDHCAL prototype, as well as the realistic geometry and properties of the gas resistive plate chamber (GRPC). It also covers the implementation of the digitizer and provides a summary of the simulation.

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The Simulation Status of SDHCAL

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Simulation Status of SDHCAL Ran.Han 2011.05.20 IPNL

  2. Outline • Motivation • Standalone Geant4 Simulation • Realistic geometry of prototype • Realistic properties of GRPC • ILD Global Simulation Mokka • GRPC @ Videau and Tesla Model • The implantation of digitizer • Summary 2

  3. Motivation Hardware: • Need to be able to resolve energy deposits from different particles Highly granular detectors(as studied in )CALICE Software: • Need to be able to identify energy deposits from each individual part Sophisticated reconstruction software 3 • Particle Flow Algorithm = HARDWARE+SOFTWARE

  4. Overview of SDHCal Software Green: finish Red: in progressYellow: future Purple :Summary

  5. DIF Beam H.V DIF DIF gas Standalone GEANT4 properties description of SDHCAL in simulation :Lightweight; Flexible Easy comparison with prototype, number of layer, with/WO absorber 40 units: 2 cm absorber+0.6cm sensitive medium 1 cm2 readoutpad 5

  6. GEANT4 Simulation Realistic Geometry Simulation : GRPC, electronics , TB profile Test Beam DIF: 1-3 ASIC: 1-48 PAD:1-64 Next: How to get induced charge? Cosmic measurement 6

  7. Polya-distribution: 7400V Polya Fitting Cosmic Charge Polya Fit Charge(pC) Total Q Distribution 1: Simulate RPC physics process (first principle) 2: Get from data , extract parameters in Polya function from Data (F.Sulia, Gas Detectors,2009) average accumulated charge Next : pad multiplicity– number of hit pads for one track going through Charge in each pad ----The charge density distribution 7

  8. 1D and 2D Q Density Distribution KIRK T. MCDONALD’s lecture -0.25cm 1.0cm Dispatching induced charge on more than one pad for tracks on the pad border. Parameter a tuned to data d 8 a=0.12cm  d~0.25cm

  9. Efficiency and Pad Multiplicity Comparison With TB gas gap a=0.24cm Standalone GEANT4 prototype simulation 9

  10. Mokka (Global Simulation for ILC) Mokka is a full simulation using Geant4 and a realistic description of a detector for the future linear collider. Videau SHcalRPC01 ONLY RPC Tesla SHcalRPC02: Keep AHCal information added SDHCal BOTH RPC AND SCINTILLATOR 10

  11. Single muon Check: Geometry Correct

  12. Geantino Check: GRPC Inside 1 -844 -1.9e+03 365 4e+04 0 2.11e+03 2.11e+03 BarrelHcalModule Transportation 2 -853 -1.92e+03 369 4e+04 0 21.8 2.13e+03 physiRPCFree Transportation 3 -853 -1.92e+03 369 4e+04 0 0.402 2.13e+03 physiRPCmylarCathodeTransportation 4 -853 -1.92e+03 369 4e+04 0 0.196 2.13e+03 physiRPCGraphiteCathode Transportation 5 -853 -1.92e+03 369 4e+04 0 0.0544 2.13e+03 physiRPCThickGlassTransportation 6 -854 -1.92e+03 369 4e+04 0 1.2 2.13e+03 physiRPCGapTransportation 7 -854 -1.92e+03 370 4e+04 0 1.31 2.14e+03 physiRPCThinGlassTransportation 8 -855 -1.92e+03 370 4e+04 0 0.761 2.14e+03 physiRPCGraphiteAnodeTransportation 9 -855 -1.92e+03 370 4e+04 0 0.0544 2.14e+03 physiRPCmylarTransportation 10 -855 -1.92e+03 370 4e+04 0 0.0544 2.14e+03 physiRPCPCBTransportation 11 -855 -1.92e+03 370 4e+04 0 1.31 2.14e+03 physiRPCElectronicsTransportation 12 -856 -1.93e+03 370 4e+04 0 1.74 2.14e+03 BarrelHcalModule Transportation

  13. Performance Comparison with Two Different Geometry 1000 K0_Long Events 1000 K0_Long Events Shoot global in Barrel Shoot only Crack part in Barrel Shoot global in Barrel Same: GRPC, Digitization, Marlin Process, Pandora Setting

  14. How to use all these models • Is available in ILD Software V01-11 The file in init.macro like /Mokka/init/detectorModel ILD_01pre00 /Mokka/init/EditGeometry/rmSubDetector SHcalSc03 /Mokka/init/EditGeometry/addSubDetector SHcalRpc02 110 (TESLA) #/Mokka/init/EditGeometry/addSubDetector SHcalRpc01 110 (VIDEAU) #/Mokka/init/globalModelParameter Hcal_sensitive_model scintillator /Mokka/init/globalModelParameter Hcal_sensitive_model SDRPC /Mokka/init/globalModelParameter Hcal_cells_size 10 /Mokka/init/initialMacroFile mac.mac /Mokka/init/lcioFilename pion.slcio /Mokka/init/MokkaGearFileName pion.xml

  15. Status of Digitizer in Marlin • Setup GRPC digitization start from Polya function : SimpleGRPCDigitization • Sum charges of Multiply particles in one cell • For pad multiplicity : the location of the track in one cell not know 1)Using the SimCalorimeterHit to know the number of particles in one cell, and randomly draw the location in the cell 2) Simulating 1mm2 cells and transform them into a 1cm2 cell in the Marlin processor (See Manqi’s talk yesterday) 3) Using LCIO v2 to keep this information in Mokka output

  16. Summary Standalone Geant4 Simulation 1- Realistic GEANT4 Simulation of Prototype 2- Efficiency, PadMulti Comparison with data-> Realistic simulation of GRPC Properties Mokka Simulation 1- Realistic two HCAL structure in Mokka for GRPC 2- Compared the difference of cracks part between two structure Thank you for your attention! 16

  17. Back up

  18. Cosmic Measured Q Distribution 1: Simulate RPC physics process (first principle) 2: Get from data , extract parameters in Polya function from Data (F.Sulia, Gas Detectors,2009) Scintillator GRPC 0.12cm 32cm*8cm QDC preamp gate Charge Spectrum Cosmic Test Set Up 64 Channels, trigger area < Channel area Analog readout 18

  19. Q Density Distribution Formula a; the gas gap, q; the total charge getting from polya function we take it as point charge d ; the location of q. The potential in gap can be expressed from lecture: http://puhep1.princeton.edu/~mcdonald/examples/ph501/ph501lecture4.pdf a=2d 19

  20. Software Strategy Cosmic measured Q distribution Standalone GEANT4 Simulation Test Beam Data GRPC Digitization ILC Global MOKKA ILD Analysis Marlin &&Pandora GRPC in Videau && Tesla

  21. K0_Long: Videau vs Tesla Only shoot to Crack Part 60GeV K0_Long Blue: Tesla Crack RMS90=4.69 Mean=55.2 Red: Tesla Crack RMS90=9.25 Mean=48.05 20GeV K0_Long Blue: Tesla Crack RMS90=3.11 Mean=16.4 Red: Tesla Crack RMS90=2.49 Mean=18.4

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