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American Eagle Application

American Eagle Application. Estella Yu, Sarah Rhodes, Jordan Lindsey, Nicole Zientek. itunes App store shows more users gave current app 1 star than 5 Google Play shows 900 users rate it 5, but about 400 gave it a 1 Users either really like the app or dislike it. Why change the design?.

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American Eagle Application

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Presentation Transcript

  1. American Eagle Application Estella Yu, Sarah Rhodes, Jordan Lindsey, Nicole Zientek

  2. itunes App store shows more users gave current app 1 star than 5 • Google Play shows 900 users rate it 5, but about 400 gave it a 1 • Users either really like the app or dislike it Why change the design?

  3. COMPETITORS OBSERVED: • Sell to and attract young adults and teens • Hollister Co., Express, True Religion, Abercrombie & Fitch • Same target audience – late teens to early twenties • Other competitors: H&M, Forever21 • COMMON SITE NAVIGATION • Home, Find a store, shopping bag, look bag, login/sign up, ability to scan items in-store, shop/browse/men/women, promotions/offers, gift cards, search, wish list, integrated twitter feed/social media, buttons for different fit guides, featured section USER RESEARCH

  4. Primarily black and white, so color stands out • Images in color draw viewer’s attention • Straight to the point and concise Express

  5. Pictures that represent the company on top – similar to AE • More scrolling is required to view everything • Different style elements than AE, but similar in dark colors and concept design Abercrombie & Fitch

  6. Adobe 2013 Retail Apps & Buying Habits (511 smartphone shoppers) • Google 2013 Mobile In-Store Shopping Survey (1507 smartphone shoppers) • AE Survey monkey (21 smartphone users) Influenced by friends. (social media) Use phone in-store for help. (location) Favor buying Style Mixer outfits. (added feature) SURVEY RESEARCH Value money saving offers on app. (emphasize deals)

  7. To provide resources that further assist in mobile shopping experience • Give our users the clothes and styles that they want upfront • Utilization of the Style Mixer and other fun activities, such as Instagram competitions for discounts and promotion codes • Creation of an app that lets customers shop on the go GOALS OF THE APP

  8. Vs.


  10. Axure Prototype • Users can make purchases on app and pick them up at a store • 95% we surveyed favored having this option available • Save on shipping costs • Give users mobility on when and where they can receive purchases Pick up in-store option


  12. Receive notifications when you are close to an AE store Ping Mobile Location-Based Text Message Ads Get a Major Boon


  14. SUBJECT #1: • We had Taylor navigate through and find an item that she liked, place it in her cart, and proceed to check out. • She said that the site was easy to navigate and that the most important feature of the app is the shopping cart. USABILITY TESTING

  15. SUBJECT #2: • Mark navigated through the prototype and liked how easy it was to use. • He also liked the simple layout highlighting sales because that is his primary interest on the phone. USABILITY TESTING

  16. SUBJECT #3: • Katie liked best the location of the “Apply Discount” at check out. • She liked the Instagram Competition for the possibility to win free AE merchandise. USABILITY TESTING

  17. We found that the Instagram contest idea was well-liked by many because it would provide costumers with a chance to win extra deals and promotions. • We found that our app was easy to navigate through, and the design was simple, yet tasteful. FINAL RESULTS

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