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New Employee Orientation. Environmental, Safety & health. Introduce Office of Risk Management Discuss Additional Duty Safety Officers Briefly cover asbestos safety Determine applicable training for your new position Answer any questions you may have in the short term.
New Employee Orientation Environmental, Safety & health
Introduce Office of Risk Management • Discuss Additional Duty Safety Officers • Briefly cover asbestos safety • Determine applicable training for your new position • Answer any questions you may have in the short term ES&H orientation Objectives
ES&H Orientation Risk Management
Risk Management’s long-term goal is to minimize risk exposure to the physical, human, fiscal, and environmental resources of the University • To minimize the impact of losses, the University shall: • Routinely identify significant risks to which the University may be exposed • Avoid unnecessary or unreasonable exposures to the extent practicable • Take reasonable and practical proactive steps to anticipate and/or prevent harmful events and losses • Initiate reasonable and appropriate loss control techniques to minimize the frequency, impact, and severity of losses that are unavoidable Office of risk management
Risk Management is committed to ES&H continuous improvement • Risk Management will be conducting audits throughout TWU campuses to identify areas for improvement • New programs and training requirements will be coming out • Feel free to contact Risk Management with concerns or suggestions! ES&H program improvements
The less incidents at the bottom of the pyramid, the less likely a more serious incident occurs • So, report all concerns or potential incidents to your supervisor and the Director of ES&H! Safety Incident pyramid
http://www.twu.edu/rm/ Risk Management website
Harold JohnsonAssociate Vice President, Facilities Management and Construction/Risk Manager • Office: 940.898.3130 • Matt Moustakas, Director of Environmental, Safety & Health • Office: 940.898.2924 • Mobile: 940.465.4084 • mmoustakas@twu.edu Office of Risk Management
ES&H Orientation Additional duty safety officers
Each department is required to designate an Additional Duty Safety Officer • The ADSO acts as the point of contact for Risk Management/Director of ES&H • Risk Management will communicate the policies, procedures, regulations, and standards to the University community through the ADSOs • ADSOs are usually the person tasked with maintaining the departmental emergency plan Additional duty safety officers
ES&H Orientation Asbestos
Briefly discuss asbestos on at TWU since most employees do not receive specific asbestos training • There are significant quantities of building materials on campus that contain asbestos • Asbestos in building materials that is intact and left in place is not hazardous • So…do not disturb any building materials! • i.e. cutting, drilling, sanding, buffing, etc. • Building materials are tested, and any asbestos is removed by a remediation contractor before any renovations proceed Asbestos
ES&H Orientation training
Risk Management has developed a checklist of training requirements based on your work activities (click here for a copy of the form) • Read through the descriptions of the work tasks/ activities and check those that apply to you • Give the checklist to your ADSO or send to Risk Management (fax 940-898-3148) • These training requirements will be entered into the Risk Management training database Training
Training is available in the following formats: • Risk Management classroom training • Departmental classroom/meeting training • “On the job” training (generally provided one-on-one by supervisors) • Blackboard training • Click here for instructions for accessing ES&H training in Blackboard Training
All employees who are on campus regularly are required to complete the Fire Safety/ Evacuation training…why not complete it now! Follow the instructions on the previous slide to access the ES&H training in Blackboard, review the Fire Safety/Evacuation PowerPoint slides, then complete the quiz to get credit. Training
Questions? • Matt Moustakas, Director of Environmental, Safety & Health • Office: 940.898.2924 • Mobile: 940.465.4084 • mmoustakas@twu.edu
Don’t forget: • Complete the training requirements form and submit to ADSO or Risk Management (click here) • Click here for instructions for accessing ES&H training in Blackboard • Complete the Fire Safety/Evacuation Training in Blackboard, or at the next classroom session • Contact Risk Management with questions/concerns! Thank You