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A guide to Liver transplant - Surgery Procedure, Complication, Risk, Recovery Time and Cost Comparison

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A guide to Liver transplant - Surgery Procedure, Complication, Risk, Recovery Time and Cost Comparison

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  1. A guide to Liver transplant - Surgery Procedure, Complication, Risk, Recovery Time and Cost Comparison

  2. A liver transplant is a medical procedure that replaces a patient's diseased liver with a whole or partial healthy liver from another person. This article explains the current indications for liver transplantation, types of donor livers, the operation itself, and the immunosuppression that is required after liver transplantation. Liver transplant is usually kept as an option for people who have significant complications due to end-stage chronic liver disease. In rare cases, sudden failure of a previously normal liver may occur.

  3. When Is a Liver Transplant Needed? A liver transplant is considered when the liver no longer functions adequately (liver failure).Liver failure can happen anytime (acute liver failure) as a result of viral hepatitis, drug-induced injury or infection. Liver failure can also be the end result of a long-term problem. The following conditions may result in chronic liver failure: • Chronic hepatitis with cirrhosis. • Primary biliary cholangitis (it is a rare condition where the immune system inappropriately attacks and destroys the bile ducts) • Sclerosing cholangitis (scarring and narrowing of the bile ducts inside and outside of the liver, causing the backup of bile in the liver)

  4. Biliary atresia (a rare disease of the liver that affects newborns) • Alcoholism • Wilson's disease(a rare inherited disease with abnormal levels of copper throughout the body, including the liver) • Hemochromatosis (a common inherited disease where the body has too much iron) • Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (an abnormal buildup of alpha-1 antitrypsin protein in the liver, resulting in cirrhosis)

  5. The liver has many jobs to do such as to helping to digest your food, clearing some wastes from your blood, making proteins that help your blood to clot, storing glycogen for energy, breaking down many poisons and medicines and many more tasks. When the liver is seriously damaged, there is no treatment that can help the liver do all of its jobs. • The most common reason for liver transplantation in adults is cirrhosis, a disease in which healthy liver cells are killed and replaced with scar tissue. The common causes of cirrhosisare alcohol abuse and hepatitis due to B and C viruses. The most common reason for transplantation in children is biliary atresia, a disease in which the ducts that carry bile out of the liver are damaged.

  6. Causes of Chronic Liver Injury • Viral Hepatitis • Alcoholic Liver Disease • Metabolic Liver Disease • Autoimmune Liver Disease • Genetic Liver Disease • Vascular Liver Disease • Hepatocellular Carcinoma

  7. Hepatitis B • Hepatitis B infection accounts for 5% of all liver transplants performed in the United States but accounts for a larger proportion of liver transplants in other parts of the world, especially Asia and Australia / New Zealand. Hepatitis C • Hepatitis Cis the most common indication for liver transplantation in the United States, affecting nearly 50% of all liver transplant recipients.

  8. Alcoholic Liver Disease. Liver failure due to alcohol abuseis the second most common indication for liver transplantation. Most centers require at least a six-month period of abstinence, often within a recognized substance abuse program such as Alcoholics Anonymous, as a condition of listing for liver transplantation. • Metabolic Liver Disease Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH): Deposition of fat within liver cells may result in inflammation that injures and scars the liver. Risk factors for the development of fatty liver and NASH include obesity and metabolic conditions such as diabetes and hyperlipidemia (increased cholesterol). The percentage of patients being transplanted for this condition has increased 35 fold from 2000 to 2005.

  9. Hepatocellular Carcinoma • Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a primary cancer of the liver, meaning that it originates from abnormal liver cells. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) occurs only rarely in a normal, non-cirrhotic liver. Its incidence is, however, strikingly increased in the background of cirrhosis and, in particular, by certain types of liver disease that lead to cirrhosis (hepatitis B and C, hemachromatosis, and tyrosinemia). Although cancer first starts within the liver, as it grows it can spread to other organs, a process called metastasis. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) most frequently spreads to the lungs or to bones.

  10. How are candidates for Liver Transplant selected? Specialists from various fields are needed to determine if a liver transplant is appropriate. Many healthcare facilities assemble a team of such specialists to evaluate and choose candidates for a liver transplant. The team may include the following professionals: • Liver specialist (hepatologist) • Transplant surgeons • Transplant coordinator or usually a registered nurse who specializes in the care of liver transplant patients • Social worker to discuss your support network of family and friends, employment history, and financial needs • Psychiatristto help you deal with issues, such as anxiety and depression, which may accompany a liver transplant • Anesthesiologistto discuss potential anesthesia risks • Chemical dependency specialist to aid those with history of alcohol or drug abuse

  11. Which Tests are required before getting a Liver Transplant? You will need to bring all previous doctor records,X-rays, liver biopsy slides, and a record of medications to your pre-evaluation for a liver transplant. Some or all of the following studies are generally performed during an evaluation. • Computedtomography, orCT, which uses X-rays and a computer to create pictures of the liver, showing its size and shape to rule out hepatocellular carcinoma. CTs and chest x-rays will also be taken to evaluate your heart and lungs. • Doppler ultrasound to determine if the blood vessels to and from the liver are open. • Echocardiogram to help check the heart function. • Pulmonary function studies to determine the lungs' ability to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide • Blood tests to determine blood type, clotting ability, and biochemical status of blood, and to gaugeliver function. HIV, other viral testing and hepatitis screening are also included.

  12. Where does a Liver for a Transplant Come From? There are two types of liver transplant options: living donor transplant and deceased donor transplant. Living donor: Living donor liver transplants are an alternative for some patients with the end-stage liver disease. This involves removing a segment of liver from a healthy living donor and implanting it into a recipient. Both the donor and recipient liver segments will grow to normal size in a few weeks. The donor, who may be a blood relative, spouse, friend or even unrelated "Good Samaritan," will have extensive medical and psychological evaluations to ensure the lowest possible risk. Blood type and body size are critical factors in determining who is an appropriate donor. ABO blood type compatibility is preferable as well as donors less than 60 years of age.

  13. Deceased Donor: In deceased donor liver transplants, the donor may be a victim of an accident or head injury. The donor's heart is still beating, but the brain has stopped functioning. Such a person is considered legally dead, because his or her brain has permanently and irreversibly stopped working. At this point, the donor is usually in an intensive-care unit and life support is withdrawn in the operating room during the transplant. The identity of a deceased donor and circumstances surrounding the person's death are kept confidential.

  14. The Liver Transplant Operation • A liver transplant involves the removal of and preparation of the donor liver, removal of the diseased liver, and implantation of the new organ. The liver has several key connections that must be re-established for the new organ to receive blood flow and to drain bile from the liver. The structures that must be reconnected are the inferior vena cava, the portal vein, the hepatic artery, and the bile duct. The exact method of connecting these structures varies depending on specific donor and anatomy or recipient anatomic issues and, in some cases, the recipient disease.

  15. Types of Liver Transplant Procedure: •  Orthotopic Liver Transplantation. • Heterotopic Liver Transplantation. • Reduced size Liver Transplantation. • In Orthotopic Liver Transplantation, the recipient's diseased liver is completely replaced with the healthy liver. • In Heterotopic Liver Transplantation, the diseased liver is kept remain intact at its place and donor's liver is placed at the nearest site to the diseased liver. Heterotopic Liver Transplantation is done when the doctor is of the opinion that the diseased liver might recover, if the liver recovers, the other organ shrivels away, if not, then the original one shrivels and the donor's liver performs the body functions.

  16. Reduced Size Liver Transplantation is done on children and involves the transplanting a part of the healthy donor liver into a patient. Reduced Size Liver Transplantation is performed when 15-20% of the original liver is intact. This way, one donor liver can be used for two successful transplants.

  17. What complications are associated with Liver Transplant? • Rejection. • Infection. • Recurrent Disease. • Post-Transplant Lymphoprolipherative Disorder (PTLD).

  18. Best hospitals in India for liver transplant are: • Medanta- The Medicity, Gurgaon • Fortis Escorts, New Delhi • Apollo Hospital, Bangalore • KokilabenDhirubhaiAmbani Hospital, Mumbai • Jaypee Hospital, Noida • BLK Hospital, Delhi • Global Hospital, Delhi • Artemis Health and Research Institute, Gurgaon • Dr. L. H. Hiranandani Hospital, Mumbai • Breach Candy Hospital, Mumbai

  19. Lilavati Hospital, Mumbai • Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Delhi • KEM Hospital, Maharashtra • Sri Ramachandra Medical Center, Chennai • Aster MIMS, Calicut • Continental Hospitals, Hyderabad • Apollo Chennai, Chennai • Yashoda Hospitals, Malakpet, Hyderabad • Jaslok Hospital, Mumbai • KIMS Hyderabad

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