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Engineering Analysis المرحلة الثالثة Assit.Lec. Shaimaa Shukri

Learn Laplace transform basics, applications, analytic properties, and convergence regions in engineering analysis. Explore modulation properties and gamma function relations.

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Engineering Analysis المرحلة الثالثة Assit.Lec. Shaimaa Shukri

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Engineering Analysis المرحلة الثالثة Assit.Lec. Shaimaa Shukri

  2. First lecture

  3. Laplace Transform Concepts and Applications

  4. Laplace Transform Introduction

  5. Laplace Transform How to find F(s) from f(t)?

  6. Example If b>0, F(s) exists for Re{s}=0 where it reduces to F() Otherwise the Laplace transform F(s) doesn’t contain the Fourier transform F() as a subset

  7. Existence for Laplace Transforms Let f(t) be a piecewise continuous on every finite interval on t  0 For some real constants k, p,T The Laplace transform of f(t) exists for all Re{s}>p

  8. Since f(t) is piecewise continuous e-stf(t) is an integral over any finite interval on the t-axis

  9. Example

  10. Analyticits of the Laplace Transform Suppose f is piecewise continuous on [0,) |f(t)|<kept for tT where k, p and T are real The Laplace transform of fis analytic function in the right half-plane of Re{s}>p

  11. Region of Convergence The range of values for the complex variable s for which F(s) converges In Laplace transform applications, the complex plane is referred as the s plane

  12. Example

  13. Linearity Modulation Properties of Laplace Transform

  14. Modulation F(s) converges for Re{s}>k The modulation of the signal becomes Re{s}-Re{s0}>k for existence

  15. Example

  16. Example

  17. Example Gamma Function relation Let st=x

  18. Differentiation

  19. Example

  20. Example Find L{(t)} from u(t)

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