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All teachers are language teachers. Inclusive strategies for EAL pupils? W hat do you think are the main difficulties for EAL learners in your subject area?. All teachers are language teachers. The Aims of this Session
Inclusive strategies for EAL pupils? What do you think are the main difficulties for EAL learners in your subject area?
The Aims of this Session To look at a wide range of EAL strategies and some examples of resources that apply these strategies. Follow –up: To experiment with EAL strategies in your subject area.
EAL Checklist 1. Use a clear, simple font. 2. Use lots of visuals. 3. Start with clear objectives. 4. Make every lesson a LANGUAGE lesson. 5. Identify the language your students need to know. 6. Model the language your students need. 7. Plan instructions + questioning carefully. 8. Teach key words + structures explicitly. 9. Use graphic organisers. 10. Use DARTs. 11. Divide text into manageable sections. 12. Use collaborative group tasks.
EAL Checklist: 1 1. Always use a clear, simple font. Always use a clear font. Comic Sans is a good choice. a g (difficult for pupils new to the alphabet)
EAL Checklist: 2 2. Use lots of visuals (and bilingual) resources Develop pupils’ dictionary skills Demonstrate Keep Google Images open on your whiteboard isosceles
EAL Checklist: 3 3. Always start with clear objectives.
Lesson Objectives To continue to develop your ability to work out the circumference of a circle through working out much more complicated equations. To use a scientific calculator effectively to help you work out difficult equations. SEAL: To work collaboratively with other pupils in the class. Lesson Objectives To develop your ability to work out the circumference of a circle. To use a scientific calculator effectively. SEAL: To work collaboratively with other pupils in the class. Lesson Objectives To develop your ability to work out the circumference of a circle. To use a scientific calculator effectively. SEAL: To work collaboratively with other pupils in the class. Lesson Objectives To develop your ability to work out the circumference of a circle. To use a scientific calculator effectively. SEAL: To work collaboratively with other pupils in the class. Lesson Objectives To continue to develop your ability to work out the circumference of a circle through working out much more complicated equations. To use a scientific calculator effectively to help you work out difficult equations. SEAL: To work collaboratively with other pupils in the class.
Promoting higher order thinking + language skills in EAL learners Cognitive Academic Learning Proficiency (CALP) NO ACTIVITIES HERE PLEASE! Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills (BICS)
EAL Checklist: 4 • 4. Make every lesson a LANGUAGE lesson. • Build in opportunities for: • Speaking • Listening • Reading • Writing
EAL Checklist: 5 5. Identify the language your students need to know. What do you want the students to be able to do by the end of the topic or lesson? (eg: What key words + structures do they need.) Plan with this in mind.
EAL Checklist: 6 6. Model the language your students need. Structure + scaffold it without diluting the content. (Remember the Cummins Framework of EAL Acquisition!)
What do we learn about Curley’s wife in this extract? (character) In this extract we can see that ______________ is ____________________. We see this when _________________________________________ . This example highlights that _____________________________ ________________________________________________ _________________________________________________. (adjective) (evidence from the novel)
EAL Checklist: 7 7. Plan teacher language carefully (instructions + questioning) Include examples in your lesson plan.
EAL Checklist 1. Use a clear, simple font. 2. Use lots of visuals. 3. Start with clear objectives. 4. Make every lesson a LANGUAGE lesson. 5. Identify the language your students need to know. 6. Model the language your students need. 7. Plan instructions + questioning carefully. 8. Teach key words + structures explicitly. 9. Use graphic organisers. 10. Use DARTs. 11. Divide text into manageable sections. 12. Use collaborative group tasks.
EAL Checklist: 8 8. Teach key words + structures explicitly For example: As a homework “Find the meaning of…” As matching / gap-fill starteractivities
EAL Checklist: 9 9. Use graphic organisers to put words into a clear, visual context. A key visual representsconceptual relationships between objects, events or situations.
Stručnýpopisoběhuvody Oběh vody sice nemá počátek, ale oceány jsou příhodné místo, kde lze začít s jeho popisem. Slunce, které je strůjcem oběhu vody, ohřívá vodu v oceánech, a ta se vypařuje ve formě vodní páry do vzduchu. Stoupající vzdušné proudy unášejí vodní páruvýše do atmosféry, kde nižšíteplotapotézpůsobíkondenzaci vodní páry a jejípřeměnu do formyoblaků. Vzdušné proudy dáleženouoblakanadzemí, a částice vody tvořícíoblaky se srážejí, rostou a potévypadávají z oblohyjakosrážky. Některésrážkypadajíjakosníh a mohou se hromaditjakoledovéčepice a příkrovyčiledovce. V teplejšímklimatusníh s příchodemjaravětšinoutaje a vodavytváříceloplošnýodtok z tajícíhosněhu. Většinasrážekpadázpět do oceánůnebonapevninu, odkuddíkyzemskétížijakopovrchovávodaodtéká.Částodteklé vody napájířeky, které potéodvádějí vodu do oceánů.
EAL Checklist: 10 10. Use DARTs to work with extended text. Cut-up text (Sequencing) Tops+Tails (Making sentences) DARTS Directed Activities Related to Texts Darts make texts easier to read. Gap-filling (Cloze) What next? (Prediction) Pupils can work at different levels on the same text. They can be used in any subject area.
... light energy to produce their own food during photosynthesis Fungi make..... ... spores instead of seeds, cells have a cell wall made of chitin Animals feed.... Protoctista are... ... on other living things ( organisms ), they are multi-cellular, no cell walls Prokaryotes have... ... made up of just one cell Plants use... ...no nucleus; have a cell wall but not made from cellulose
EAL Checklist: 11 • 11. Divide text into manageable sections. • Include: • Images • Key word lists • Questions after each section • Highlighted words or phrases
EAL Checklist: 12 12. Use collaborative group tasks Pupils can process content + practise language in the non-threatening environment of a small group. Oral rehearsal is essential for EAL learners.
Inclusive Strategies: collaborative learning Physical changes True or false? Discuss with your partner. A solvent is used to dissolve a solute. (Try and think of an example!) A solute is like coffee granules when you put them into hot water. Insoluble means the substance will dissolve; soluble means the substance willnot dissolve. When you put salt into water, it vanishes (disappears).
The task: with a partner prepare a differentiated starter or homework task for 2 EAL pupils working at very different stages of language acquisition: • Pupil Ais Libyan. His parents are university students. He is well-educated and literate in Arabic but new to English. Pupil Bwas born in Manchester. He speaks English with friends and Punjabi at home. His writing lacks technical accuracy and is not in standard English.