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CRM Program Instruction Changes. Reference. CNAFINST 1542.7. Instruction changes. CRM Qualification and Life Cycle Training Model References: OPNAVINST 1542.7C; 7.b.: If CRM training is current in T/M, then it does not need to be redone prior to first flight.
Reference CNAFINST 1542.7
Instruction changes CRM Qualification and Life Cycle Training Model References: • OPNAVINST 1542.7C; 7.b.: If CRM training is current in T/M, then it does not need to be redone prior to first flight. • CNAFINST 1542.7; 6.b.(2): Initial T/M specific CRM ground and flight training shall be conducted in all Chief of Naval Air Training (CNATRA) squadrons and at the Fleet Replacement Squadrons (FRS) prior to first flight andis required for all students, instructors under training and any NATOPS qualified aircrew members without documented T/M specific ground training as defined by reference (a): (OPNAVINST 3710.7 series).
Instruction changes (cont.) Initial T/M Specific Training OPNAVINST 1542.7C; 7.b.: Initial and recurrency CRM training shall be conducted by a designated CRM instructor or facilitator… CNAFINST 1542.7; 6.c.: Initial T/M Specific Training. Shall be conducted by a designated CRM Instructor (CRMI)… • Some squadrons may initially be short CRM instructors to ensure this new requirement is met. Recommendations: Look through all NATOPS jackets and find personnel that have attended CRMI and utilize them to help with the initial shortfall. • Send current CRMF personnel to attend CRMI.
Instruction changes (cont.) Annual T/M Specific Recurring Training OPNAVINST 1542.7C: Not specified. CNAFINST 1542.7; 6.d. (1): CRMI/CRMFs conducting the training meet their own annual requirements.
Instruction changes (cont.) • CRM Instructor Training • OPNAVINST 1542.7C; e: Not specified. • CNAFINST 1542.7; 6.f.: Successful completion of the CRM Instructor course is a prerequisite to designation as a CRM Community Program Manager (PM) or CRMI. T/M CRM Facilitator training must also be completed in order to be designated a CRMI in a specific T/M. • New requirement in the CNAFINST. This was seen as a best practice and not specifically required in OPNAVINST 1542.7 (series). However, it was a requirement in the Assist Visit Checklist. • Recommendation: Send current CRMF personnel to attend CRMI.
Instruction changes (cont.) • CRM Facilitator Training • OPNAVINST 1542.7C; 7.f.: Not specified. • CNAFINST 1542.7; 6.g.(1)/(2): • (1) If the CRMF training is being administered with the intent of qualifying a CRMF,… • (2) If the CRMF training is being administered with the intent of qualifying a CRMI,… • Provides specific guidance for CRM training topics for CRMI and CRMF qualification that were not covered in OPNAVINST 1542.7 (series). This section clarifies that CRMF training does not need to occur first to become a CRMI.
Instruction changes (cont.) • Flight Instructor CRM Training • OPNAVINST 1542.7 (series): Not specified. • CNAFINST 1542.7; 6.h.: FRS and TRACOM units shall incorporate formal CRM training into instructor indoctrination. This requirement can be combined with initial ground training. • This section provides specific IUT guidance in FRS and TRACOM units.
Instruction changes (cont.) • Civilian Aircrew Members/Instructors • OPNAVINST 1542.7 (series): Not specified. • CNAFINST 1542.7; 6.i.: Civilians that fly as active aircrew members shall maintain the same qualifications as a uniformed aviator. Non-flying civilians that provide flight instruction to USN/USMC aviators are required to maintain the same ground CRM currencies as uniformed aviators. If they are providing CRM initial ground training they are required to be a CRMI. If they are only providing CRM recurrent ground training they are required to be a CRMI or CRMF. • This section provides specific guidance for Civilians mirroring the requirements of uniformed aviators.
Instruction changes (cont.) • Unmanned Aircraft Systems • OPNAVINST 1542.7 (series): Not specified. • CNAFINST 1542.7; 6.j.: All UAS platforms shall conduct CRM training in accordance with this instruction, to include training for UAS crewmembers (UASC), Air Vehicle Operators (AVO), Mission Payload Operators (MPO), and Ground Maintenance Vehicle Operators (GMVO). • This section provides guidance for UAS mirroring the requirements of uniformed aviators.
Instruction changes (cont.) • Documentation Requirements • OPNAVINST 1542.7C; 7.g.: • CNAFINST 1542.7; 6.m.: The CRM Training/Evaluation Record, enclosure (3), shallbe used to document CRM courses, designations, ground training, and extensions in the individual’s NATOPS Flight Personnel Training/Qualifications Jacket in Section II, part C. All CRM designation letters and flight evaluations shall also be filed in the NATOPS Jacket. CRM flight evaluations shall be documented on an applicable T/M approved form with the following statement included in the write up; “Conducted CRM flight evaluation per CNAFINST 1542.7A.”* • New requirement specifically for designations to be recorded and designation letters to be filed in the NATOPS Jackets. Also provides a standard statement for recording the CRM flight evaluation. • *CNAFINST 1542.7A is a typo and should be CNAFINST 1542.7.
Instruction changes (cont.) Responsibilities OPNAVINST 1542.7C; 8.: CNAFINST 1542.7; 7.: Removed: a. Chief of Naval Operations (N78) b. CG Marine Corps Combat Development Command (C473) c. Commander, Naval Air Systems Command (PMA-205) e. Controlling Custodians Replaced with: a. Commander, Naval Air Forces b. Commander, Naval Air Forces NATOPS Officer (N455) c. Deputy Commandant for Aviation (DC AVN)
Instruction changes (cont.) Responsibilities (cont.) OPNAVINST 1542.7C; 8.h: CNAFINST 1542.7; 7.d: CRM Instructional Model Manager has been incorporated into Naval Aviation Schools Command Program Officer. (This will change once we transition to Naval Aviation Safety Center). OPNAVINST 1542.7C; 8.d: CNAFINST 1542.7; 7.e: Naval Safety Center changed to Naval Safety Center CRM Program Officer.* *Typo Naval Safety Center CRM Program Officer should be underlined in the instruction.
Instruction changes (cont.) Responsibilities (cont.) OPNAVINST 1542.7C; 8.f: CNAFINST 1542.7; 7.f: CRM Curriculum Model Manager changed to CRM T/M/S CMM (refer to enclosure (4) ). (8) Forward detailed copies of contractor-developed CRM materials to the IMM for review and concurrence. (9) When a TRACOM air wing commander (CTW) is the CMM for multiple T/M/S, the CTW may designate in writing a PM for each T/M/S training aircraft.
Instruction changes (cont.) Responsibilities (cont.) OPNAVINST 1542.7C; 8.i: CNAFINST 1542.7; 7.g: Unit Level (1) Designate in writing a CRM Unit Level Manager (ULM). ULMs shall be a qualified CRMF and should normally be the Unit NATOPS Instructor. (4) Ensure flow of pertinent CRM related issues to the CRM CMM via the PM to include T/M/S lessons learned, documented CRM breakdowns, and specific areas of concern for the T/M/S. Ensure appropriate material is briefed to all aircrew members.
Instruction changes (cont.) Responsibilities (cont.) OPNAVINST 1542.7C: Not specified. CNAFINST 1542.7; 7.h: Individual Naval Aircrew Members (1) Ensure CRM is applied to all phases of flight planning, flight execution, and debriefing. (2) Ensure the ULM is informed of all CRM-related incidents involving the breakdown of CRM, as well as hazard mitigation that resulted from effective CRM practices. The goal is to learn from our mistakes and our positive CRM practices and behaviors that increase mission effectiveness and mitigate preventable aircrew errors. Provides specific guidance for all aircrew members.
Instruction changes (cont.) Responsibilities (cont.) OPNAVINST 1542.7C: Not specified. CNAFINST 1542.7; 7.h: Individual Naval Aircrew Members (1) Ensure CRM is applied to all phases of flight planning, flight execution, and debriefing. (2) Ensure the ULM is informed of all CRM-related incidents involving the breakdown of CRM, as well as hazard mitigation that resulted from effective CRM practices. The goal is to learn from our mistakes and our positive CRM practices and behaviors that increase mission effectiveness and mitigate preventable aircrew errors. Provides specific guidance for all aircrew members.
Instruction changes (cont.) • Records Management • OPNAVINST 1542.7C; 9: The reporting requirements required by this instruction are exempt from reports control per SECNAVINST 5214.2. • CNAFINST 1542.7; 9.*: (*Typo should be 8.): Records created as a result of this instruction, regardless of media format, shall be managed per SECNAV M-5210.1C.
Instruction changes (cont.) Forms and Reports OPNAVINST 1542.7C; 7. g: Enclosure (4) CNAFINST 1542.7; 10.* (*Typo should be 9.): Enclosure (3) of this instruction shall be locally produced to document CRM qualifications and be permanently maintained in the NATOPS Flight Personnel Training/Qualification Jacket Section II, Part C.
Instruction changes (cont.) • Definitions • Enclosure (1) • OPNAVINST 1542.7C • CNAFINST 1542.7 • Added more to clarify the existing definitions: • Crew Resource Management (CRM) • Crew Resource Management Critical Skills: AF, AS, CM, DM, LD, MA, SA • Time Critical ORM (TC-ORM) • CRM T/M/S Community Assistant Program Manager • CRM Unit Level Manager (ULM) • Naval Aviation Activity
Instruction changes (cont.) CRM Training/Evaluation Record OPNAVINST 1542.7C (Enclosure (4) ) CNAFINST 1542.7 (Enclosure (3) ). CRM Facilitator Course replaced with CRM Designations (List all CRM Designations Attained to include Instructor, ULM and Facilitator in this section). Allows for all CRM qualifications, not just the Facilitator course.
Instruction changes (cont.) CRM Training/Evaluation Record (cont.) OPNAVINST 1542.7C (Enclosure (4) ): Annotation required T/M CNAFINST 1542.7 (Enclosure (3) ): Annotation requires T/M/S This ensures CRM training is created and tailored to identify the specific CRM and Mission differences in multiple series aircraft in the Naval Aviation inventory.
Instruction changes (cont.) CRM Training/Evaluation Record (cont.) OPNAVINST 1542.7C (Enclosure (4) ): CNAFINST 1542.7 (Enclosure (3) ): Has typos. There is no difference between the two instructions and should read as below: Ground TrainingFlight Training Annual CRM Ground Training CRM renewal expires last expires the last day of the day of current month plus current month plus one year. one year and may be accomplished 60 days early
Instruction changes (cont.) TABLE OF T/M/S CRM CURRICULUM MODEL MANAGERS AND INSTRUCTOR REQUIREMENTS OPNAVINST 1542.7C: (Enclosure (2) ): CNAFINST 1542.7 (Enclosure (4) ): Most of aircraft in the inventory were not removed from the inventory/table have a change in one or more of the following: T/M/S, T/M/S CURRICULUM MODEL MANAGER COMMAND, CONTROLLING CUSTODIAN OR MINIMUM NUMBER/TYPE INSTRUCTOR.