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How Long Does it Take to Become a Commercial Pilot?

Do you want to professionally fly the plane? If yes, you will need a Commercial Pilot Licence. Check out the infographic to understand what options are available that will help you to establish the best pathway, along with how long you should set aside for commercial pilot training.<br><br>#CommercialPilotLicence #CommercialPilotTraining #LearnToFly #MelbourneFlightSchool

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How Long Does it Take to Become a Commercial Pilot?

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  1. How Long Does it Take to Become a Commercial Pilot? To fly professionally, you will need a Commercial Pilot Licence, and many people wonder how long it takes to obtain this. The answer to the question depends on what pathway you choose to take, and what your goal is. Prerequisites to gain a Commercial Pilot Licence: Be at least 18 years old. Be able to speak and understand a certain level of English. Pass a medical exam. Contact Us Tel No: 1300 532 768 Email: hello@learntofly.edu.au Website: learntofly.edu.au Pathways to obtaining your CPL Recreational Pilot Licence Private Pilot Licence Commercial Pilot Licence Eligibility for Commercial Pilot Licence To get your CPL: You will need to have built at least 150 flying hours in total. Completing training for the 3 CASA licences. Building these hours generally takes most students around 12 months studying full time. Further Steps Reach out to a flight school to discuss your aviation goals. A good school will be able to provide tailored assistance and a clear-cut answer for how long you should expect commercial pilot training to take given your goals and availability to study.

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