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Modern Japan. By 1900 Japan became a modern industrial nation Tradition of self-sacrifice and hard work Schools, newspapers, factories, military With industrialization, came a need for raw materials like coal, iron, oil…. Russo-Japanese War.
Modern Japan • By 1900 Japan became a modern industrial nation • Tradition of self-sacrifice and hard work • Schools, newspapers, factories, military • With industrialization, came a need for raw materials like coal, iron, oil…
Russo-Japanese War • 1904-05 Japan and Russia go to war over access to Manchuria for coal and iron • Japan wins and shocks the world community
Japan in World War 1 • Japan on Allied side of WW1 • Gains former German territory in China…looked at China as a source of raw materials, and a market for Japanese goods • Racist toward them
The aggression continues… • 1930’s radical Japanese politicians argued to continue imperialism…took more of China in 1931 (Manchuria) • 1931 Manchuria P.M. Hideki Tojo • 1937 China • “Rape of Nanking” • Leaflets promised good treatment…~300,000 murdered • Many atrocities committed against Chinese…Japanese textbooks ignore and Japanese government still has not properly apologized
World War 2 • 1940…Japan joins the Axis powers (Germany and Italy) • Japan take Indochina…Vietnam • Japan takes Hong Kong, Thailand, Indonesia • Orders given by General Tojo • USA cuts off trade of vital oil…sparks attack on Pearl Harbor Dec 7, 1941 • 8 battleships and 2,500 dead, USS Arizona stands as a memorial • USA fought WW2 on two fronts…Europe and Pacific
1945 • April 1945 Germany surrenders, Japan does not • August 6, 1945 USA drops atomic bombs on Hiroshima (80,000 dead) and Nagasaki 3 days later (40,000 dead) • Hundreds of thousands more are poisoned with radiation • Origin of Godzilla movies of the 1960’s • August 14th, Japan surrenders and is occupied by the USA • Southeast Asia still resentful over WW2, even though reparations paid.
Occupation of Japan 1945-1952 • Millions of Japanese dead from war, Japanese cities bombed, foreigners occupied Japan for first time in history • General Tojo and others tried as war criminals • Emperor Hirohito exonerated, but stripped of his powers
Emperor Hirohito • “Under the weight of winter snow, the branches bend but do not break” • Lives until 1989 and he was right…Japan recovered and became an economic superpower
Blue-Eyed Shogun • American occupation deeply affected Japan-American general Douglas MacArthur oversees • Blue-eyed Shogun!!! • 1947 they help write a new constitution • Parliamentary democracy • Diet holds the power…congress • Women vote for the first time • Bill of rights, press speech religion • Militarism caused aggression, so military now limited-national and coast guards-renouncing war-with the promise of protection by the US military
Pacifism • Officially pacifist…renounce war • Little spent on defense…spent on rebuilding economy • With China in 1949 turning to communism and N.Korea in 1953, Japan became an ally instead of former enemy • Encouraged Japan to rearm… • Currently have a role in Iraq
1952-1980’s • 1952 US turns power back over to the Japanese • Japan continued tradition of hard work, loyalty, discipline, and harmony • Democracy set up by the USA continues • 1980’s economic superpower • “Economic Miracle”…sold supplies for Korean War, rapid recovery also due to being able to start from scratch with newest technology in 1960’s • Leading shipbuilder, technology/electronics
Japanese Auto Industry • 1973 OPEC Embargo oil crisis forced Japanese to develop fuel efficient cars …set standard • Mitsubishi, Toyota, Lexus, Honda, Nissan, Acura, Suzuki • Trade imbalance…Japan exports more than it imports…Favorable trade imbalance • Economic nationalism • Move to a green philosophy/nuclear energy, • Much loyalty to firm, often working for entire career • Women still struggling for status in workplace…30% office ladies
Graying of Japan • Many Japanese still have only one child, not by law • Value on education…school 6 days a week, + juku… Kumon…legacy of Confucianism! • Aging population an issue • Declining population