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Molėtai Gymnasium English Project Virtual Class. A Trip to Dzūkija G. Krupauskas, A. Dvilevičius, A. Gečiauskas, I. Jutelytė, D. Pivoraitė Molėtai 2004. Dzūkija. Content. Var ėna district Druskininkai district Lazdijai district Alytus district. Varėna District. Varėna District.
Molėtai GymnasiumEnglish ProjectVirtual Class A Trip to Dzūkija G. Krupauskas, A. Dvilevičius, A. Gečiauskas, I. Jutelytė, D. Pivoraitė Molėtai 2004
Content • Varėna district • Druskininkai district • Lazdijai district • Alytus district
Varėna District Varėna district is in the southern part of Lithuania, in sandy Dainava plains, Dzūku highland and Eišiškės plateau. There are 160 lakes, many streams and rivers in Varėna district. The bigger part of Varėna district is covered by forests. They occupy about 65,7 percent of area. The third part of the area of the Varėna district is covered by Dzūkija National Park and Čepkeliai State Reserve. The biggest swamp complex of Lithuania and the woods surrounding it are reserved in the Cepkeliai State Reserve.
Pirčiupiai While driving on the road Vilnius–Druskininkai we can see a grate monument „Mother of Pirciupiai“, which is made by the sculptor G. Jakubonis. It reminds us, that in 1944 fascists burned up the whole village and 119 of its residents. Just a dozens meters away from the road there is a Pirciupiai Inn inviting to have some snack and to rest.
Subartonys & “Čiurlionis way” • House museum of writer‘s V.Krėvė-Mickevičius, Subartonys village. The museum was opened in 1968 in the birthplace of the writer Vincas Krėvė – Mickevičius. The main exhibition tells the story of the writer‘s life and literary carrer. • In 1875 the famous Lithuanian artist and composer M. K. Čiurlionis was born in Senoji Varėna, and oak pillars by the road Varėna – Druskininkai are erected for the memory of him.
Varėna & Senoji Varėna • The Varėna town was founded in 1862 by the railway Warsav - Peterburg. At that time it was a small settlement, which developed little by little and it became center of district in 1950. Town was rapidly growing and a lot of villagers moved into Varėna. The place where Varėna residents like to spend their leisure time -artificial reservoirs. • Senoji Varėna (Old Varėna) is situated at the point where the river Varėnė inter flows with the river Merkys. The first time this place was mentioned in historic sources in 1413. In 1875 the famous Lithuanian artist and composer M. K. Čiurlionis was born in Senoji Varėna.
Perloja Perloja is situated 19 km West of Varėna, by the river Merkys and by the Vilnius – Merkinė road. Perloja village is know since 1387. The castle, which was here at those times, beat off many attacks of crusaders. In 1792 Perloja was granted with rights of the Magdeburg. The Respublic of Perloja was existing here during the period of 1918 to 1923. Perloja is famous with its monument to Grand Lithuanian Duke Vytautas, which was built in 1930 and preserved till now. Recently the mini art gallery of artist Juzefa Bagdonienė was opened in Perloja.
Merkinė Merkinė is one of the oldest Lithuanian settlements. It was mentioned for the first time in 1359. In XIV-XV centuries by the rivers Nemunas and Merkys the castle was built. In 1569 the Magdeburg rights were confirmed for the Merkinė settlement. The history of Merkinė is related to names of Grand Lithuanian Duke Vytautas, Jogaila, the king of Poland Vladislav Vaza, who died here, and czar of Russia Piotr I, who was here too. It is the town with the famous and glorious past. It is also worth visiting Merkinė Local Lore Museum. The museum was founded in 1968, and grew out of the educator Jonas Vitkus‘ collection. Housed in an architectural monument, a former Orthodox church built in 1888 on the foundations of the former town hall, the exhibition features the history of the Merkinė area from ancient times to the present.
Liškiava A village Liškiava was formed in XV century. On the mound not far off Liškiava there are still ruins of the old castle, which was just started and not finished in the end of XIV or beginning of XV century. A mountain, which is called „Church Mountain“, is near the village. The Liškiava church and Dominicans abbey are the monuments in the late baroque style.
Druskininkai District The name of the locality derived from a word ‘druska’ (salt).The settlement with springs full of mineral salts was known from old times.According to researchers of the history of the resort, already in the 13th century, when Lithuanians were fighting against the Teutonic Order, at the confluence of the Nemunas and Ratnyčia rivers there stood a defensive castle. Druskininkai is a town which upholds sanative resort traditions for more than 200 years. Inartificial natural factors - mineral water, curing mud, great climatic conditions, kindly and cosy environment, and various entertainments will allow You to forget everyday cares and to relax from stressness. Druskininkai offers several worthy distractions. The town itself contains nine large sanatoria offering a complete set of spa treatments that feature the local high-salt content waters, the cure mud and mild healthy climate.
Places to Visit • V. K. Jonynas’ Gallery; • Jewish Museum in Memoriam of J. Lipchitz; • M. K. Čiurlionis Memorial Museum; • Forest Museum “Girios Aidas”; • Druskininkai Town Museum; • Museum “Grūto parkas”.
V. K. Jonynas’ Gallery & M. K. Čiurlionis Memorial Museum • Oeuvre exposition of the national Lithuanian painter Vytautas Kazimieras Jonynas (1907–1997), who was working in Germany and the USA for a long time, include: drawings, graphic arts, pictorial art, sculpture, and stained glass projects. The most valuable interiors of churches and works of monumental architecture that were created by the painter are presented in the photographs. • Well-known painter and composer M. K. Čiurlionis (1875–1911) spent his childhood in Druskininkai. A museum was established in the house where the Čiurlionis family lived. The family had two little houses where the authentic mode of life was reproduced; in other two buildings – one can find expositions that reflect artist’s oeuvres, biography, and history of the family. Summer is the time when grand piano concerts are held in the garden.
Forest Museum “Girios Aidas” The museum was established in 1971. Here one can find a variety of information about Lithuanian biota. Expositions of animals and birds are established in hollows of oak-trees. Witches, dwarves, and other fabulous characters ‘hide’ here. Besides, one can here birdsongs and wood sough.
Druskininkai Town Museum & Museum “Grūto parkas” • The Town Museum was founded near Lake Druskonis in the ‘Linksma’ villa that was built in early 20th century. The museum keeps works of art, books, as well as historical exhibits of the town and its surroundings. • In the shade of firs and pines Soviet monuments are located there, which were taken down in 1989. The monuments were brought here from different Lithuanian cities and towns. It is one of the most popular musuems in Lithuania, which attracts lost of tourists not only from Lithuania.
Lazdijai District Tourists have yet to discover Lazdijai district places of interest. This territory is still unknown for most of the travellers. This is hardly surprising, because during the Soviet occupation anyone visiting the regions around the Soviet border was carefully monitored. Such “stewardship” meant that the border areas most suitable for recreation were little visited for a long time. The territory of Lazdijai district includes Veisiejai and Meteliai regional parks. There is the third biggest Lithuania‘s lake Dusia. Undoubtedly it‘s still has some places to visit.
Mounds (1) • Gumbeliai (Maišymai); • Prelomčiškiai; • Elveriškė; • Rudamina (~1km s. from Rudamina); • Verstaminai (three); • Krikštoniai; • Ūdininkai; • Palazdijai; • Šlavantai; • Druskininkėliai; • Paveisininkai; • Černiauskai (Leipalingis).
Buildings (1) • Aštrioji Kirsna Manor farmstead with a park (farmstead is among the largest in Lithuania, 19th C.; landscaping of park started in the 2nd half of 19th C.); • Sperskiai Mausoleum Chapel (in Būdviečiai, blt. 1800); • Rudamina Palace (blt. in the end of 18th C.); • Rudamina Church (blt. 1592, reb. in 1745 and 1810-1817, art mon.); • Veisiejai Church (blt. about 1817, art mon.); • Leipalingis Palace (blt. in the early 19th C.), and a granary (blt. in the late 19th C.).
Buildings (2) • A house, in which poet Salomėja Nėris lived from 1928 to 1931 (Seinų str. 29, Lazdijai). Places of birth of famous people: • Painter A. Žmuidzinavičius (bo. 1876) estate in Serijai; • The museum of Veisiejai land; • The museum of Lazdijai district.
Veisiejai & Dusia • The old part of Veisiejai town, formed before the late 19th C.is an urban monument. There is also the museum of Veisiejai land. • Dusia is the third biggest lake in Lithuania.
Alytus District Alytus was founded 420 years ago on the picturesque hills, green valleys that surround the Nemunas River. Alytus is the youngest city, according to the age of the population, in Lithuania and the sixth largest city in the country. Alytus is the capital of Dzūkija. The landscape is mosaic. Green areas and forests merge with dwelling blocks and industrial districts. Alytus is the regional center of industry.
Places to Visit • Alytus local lore museum; • Anzelmas Matutis children’s literature museum; • Antanas Jonynas museum.
Museums • Alytus local lore museum. The museum was founded in 1935. It contains archeological finds, ethnographic exhibits, printed matter, photographs and a rich collection of numismatics. The two exhibitions currently on display are „The Material and Spiritual Culture of South Lithuania“ and „The Dainava Region in the Balttle for Lithuania‘s Independence“. • Anzelmas Matutis children‘s literature museum. Opened in 1988, the museum is located in the former home in which writer Anzelmas Matutis lived from 1961 until his death. Located in the writer‘s study the exhibition presents his life and creative work. • Antanas Jonynas museum. Founded in 1898, the museum is located in the home town of writer Antanas Jonynas, where he lived until 1940 and contains an exhibition commemorating his life and work.
Archeological Monuments Mounds: • Geruliai; • Punia (called Margis Hill; 14-17 C. site of Punia Castle); • Raudonkalnis (Margavas); • Rumboniai; • Kružiūnai, Pivašiūnai; Bambininkai; • Giluičiai; • Aniškis; • Alytus (Mound str.; site of Alytus Castle); • Pilaitė (Radžiūnai); • Obelytė; • Kaukai; • Milžinai Hill (Poteronys); • Daugai; • Obelija; • Pupasodžius (Žilva); • Dirmiškiai. Barrows: • Punia forest the 1st (near Bundoriai; largest in the district).
Buildings • Punia Chapel (blt. late 18th C.); • Rumboniai Church (blt. 1795, art mon.), Chapel (blt. late 18th C.) and belfry (blt. about 1908); • Pivašiūnai Church (blt. 1825, art mon., visited by pilgrims from other places); • Pivašiūnai Cemetery Chapel (blt. 1853); • Simnas Church (blt. 1520, rec. a few times, art mon.); • Daugai Church (blt. late 18th – early 19th C. , art mon.); • Tatars’ Mosque (blt. 1889, called wooden Raižiai Mosque). Villages: • Daugirdai (street type).
Urban & Historical Monuments • The old part of Butrimonys small town, formed late 18th C.; • The old part of Simnas town, formed early 19th C.; • The old part of Daugai town, formed early 4th dec. 20th C.. Places of birth of famous people: • R.Kalanta (V.Krėvė str. 6, Alytus, bo. 1952); • Revolutionary S.Konarskis, participant of the 1831 Rising (bo.1806 in Dapkiškės); • Painter A. Žmuidzinavičius (1876-1966), a memorial museum (Balkūnai v., Miroslavas Neig.).
Simnas It‘s a small town in Alytus district. It was founded in the 16th century. According to the legend it was called after two brothers Simas and Sinas. The town has a very beautiful, natural and unspoilt landscape. It is situated near to the lakes of Simnas and Gilutis. The most valuable wealth of the town is piscturesque landscapes. Žuvintas reserve attracts hunderds of tourists not only from Lithuania but from the other countries too. There is also worth seeing Simnas Church.