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Authorisation and Authentication Infrastructure (AAI). Christoph Graf SWITCH graf@switch.ch. Authentication Online-verification of the user identity based on offered credentials Authorisation Online-verification whether the authenticated user is allowed to access a particular resource
Authorisation and Authentication Infrastructure (AAI) Christoph Graf SWITCH graf@switch.ch
Authentication Online-verification of the user identity based on offered credentials Authorisation Online-verification whether the authenticated user is allowed to access a particular resource We silently skipped the third A for the time being AAI Functions
We need something like that for the “Swiss Virtual Campus” (SVC) project Distance learning (inter-organisational) ETCS Student mobility Universities forced to specialise and to co-operate Others do it as well? Why an AAI?
Critical mass participation Sustainability Infrastructure properties Modular Extensible Standards based Wide-spread usage AAI Success Factors
Several AA services available Some covering whole organisations, some cover departments or projects only Several AA services under review Missing bits Inter-organisational co-ordination Support for student mobility AAI Today
November 2000: AAI Workshop Need for an AAI recognised Authentication and authorisation service should become part of the networking infrastructure Task force AAI-TF established and charged with producing a road map towards an AAI September 2001: final AAI-TF report available See: http://www.switch.ch/aai Report received the blessing of rector’s conference AAI Activities to Date
AAI Roadmap 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Vorbereitende Studie (Oktober. 2001 - April 2002) Entscheid: Bildung AAI Konsortium (Juni 2002) Pilotprojekt (August 2002 - Juni 2003) Entscheid: Inbetriebnahme (Juni 2003) Implementierung (August 2003 - August 2005)
Inhalt der Studie Inhalt Die folgenden Aspekte einer AAI sollen untersucht werden: • Rechtliche Aspekte • Datenschutzaspekte, Haftung und Verantwortung der beteiligten Institutionen und der Benutzer einer AAI. Ausarbeiten von Richtlinien für eine AAI. • Organisatorische Aspekte • Welche Prozesse innerhalb von Institutionen müssen eingerichtet oder verändert werden? • Technische Aspekte • Was ist technisch machbar, welche Technologien stehen für die Implementierung zur Verfügung? Ermitteln, welche Standards und Profile zu verwenden sind. • Finanzielle Aspekte • Schätzungen für einmalige und laufende Kosten pro Institution und pro Benutzer. Untersuchung von Finanzierungsmodellen für gemeinsam genutzte Infrastruktur und Verfahren.
Close co-operation with student administration crucial for A(A) services It‘s a mass business and costs real money – no space for “quick and dirty“ or “trial and error“ It‘s growing larger than anticipated, in an area with a bad track record SVC can play the role of an early adopter in the pilot phase Lessons learned