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&. The Infusion of ICT into Curriculum Delivery. Welcome. Facilitator: Mary Ann Chaitoo Email: maryannchaitoo@hotmail.com maryannchaitoo2004@yahoo.com. Usernames and Passwords. PC Logon Username: lab1s1 – lab1s21 Password: public1. Safety Moment. Emergency Plan
& The Infusion of ICT into Curriculum Delivery
Welcome • Facilitator: Mary Ann Chaitoo • Email: maryannchaitoo@hotmail.com • maryannchaitoo2004@yahoo.com
Usernames and Passwords PC Logon Username: lab1s1 – lab1s21 Password: public1
Safety Moment • Emergency Plan • Safety at the Shopping Malls
Icebreaker • Consider the Classroom Environment • Identify the possible health and safety hazards that may exist. • Suggest ways of reducing those hazards.
Overview • Introduction • Workshop Outcomes • Specific Learning Objectives • 21st Century Learning • Productivity and Web 2.0 Tools • TPACK • Educational Technology • Conclusion
Workshop Outcomes Individual: 1. Created a blog at one of the blog sites given on the Blog page of the Wiki, then post at least 3 blog reflections on the technology integration process or a relevant topic or issue as suggested by facilitator over the course of the 3-day session. 2. Completed TPACK self-assessment 3. Completed daily self- assessment
Workshop Outcomes Group: 1. Completed TIP template 2. Designed an ICT integrated lesson. 3. Included the use of technology tools (productivity and web 2.0) that will be integrated into the lesson with clear justifications for the use of each tool. 4. Designed rubrics for assessment of outcomes. 5. Completed lesson evaluation. 6. Completed group assessment.
Specific Learning Objectives Learners should be able to: • Recall the different Educational Technology Models. • Apply the principles of instructional design to ICT integration in the classroom. • Design instructional systems for ICT integration. • Develop instructional strategies and materials. • Evaluate and manage ICT integration programmes.
Framework for 21st Century Learning • The Framework presents a holistic view of 21st century teaching and learning that combines a discrete focus on 21st century student outcomes. • A blending of specific skills, content knowledge, expertise and literacies.
Why Web 2.0 and 21st Century Teaching? • Major disparity between what students learn in school and what they need to function in the workforce • Advances in technology • Fast access to knowledge • Global competition • Rising workforce capabilities Partnership for 21st Century Skills (2007). Learning for the 21st Century.
Web 2.0 Vocabulary
Googletools Web 2.0 Social bookmarking vodcast Widget podcast avatar Wiki-folio Tags Technorati blog wiki backchanneling Flickr Voki
Online Video Hosts • YouTube. Okay, so it’s blocked in many schools, but it is a location for students to publish their videos. • TeacherTube. Many schools are allowing this site. Teacher and student created videos are available. • Ustream. Want to air a live broadcast to the world? (Your pen pals in Argentina want to see the cool experiment you are doing in Eau Claire.) It’s possible with Ustream. All you need is a videocamera. http://www.youtube.com/ http://www.teachertube.com/ http://www.ustream.tv/
Blogs • Use as a newsletter to communicate with families • Students can use blogs to talk with the world about books they have read, comment on issues, post papers and request feedback, etc. • Podcasting Blog http://ple20.blogspot.com/ http://edublogs.org/
Wikis • Collaborative writing is easy with a wiki. Create, edit, modify, link, and organize all via the web. http://pbwiki.com/
Collaborative writing, editing • When several people are working on a project, emailing a document gets messy. Use an online service to host your materials then everyone in your group can access them as needed. You can also see how added which information and provided which edits. Great for individual accountability and responsibility. http://docs.google.com
Podcasts • Promote public speaking by creating podcasts. • Use Audacity, a free, cross-platform sound editor to create and edit your podcasts. • Attach a podcast to your blog and ask for feedback. That’s real world! Audacity Instructional videos http://asimov.coehs.uwosh.edu/~winterfe/audacity/ http://audacity.sourceforge.net/
Call, collaborate, communicate • Reaching out to others has never been more cost effective. You can call on cell phones, regular phones, or via the internet. • Skype -- internet based phone • Pingo -- low cost calling card http://www.skype.com/welcomeback/ http://www.pingo.com/
Virtual Workspaces • Collaborate using a whiteboard, chat, conference call and more. • Try Vyew (view) http://vyew.com/site/
Photo Storage • There are many sites available to host your photo collection. A few sites include: • Flickr http://www.smh.com.au/ffximage/2006/09/15/ic_camera1_narrowweb__300x406,0.jpg http://www.flickr.com/
Bookmarks • Organization is the key to information literacy. Are your bookmarks available when you need them? Can you share them with others? Is adding to your bookmarks as easy as a single click? Online tools are available to help • Save, share, access your bookmarks anywhere and anytime. • Del.icio.us • Foxmarks -- use with Firefox http://del.icio.us/ http://www.foxmarks.com/
Dictionaries and Encyclopedias • Judging the accuracy of information is a critical information fluency skill. Teach your students to triangulate their data regardless of their sources. • Is Wikipedia accurate? Triangulate your findings to answer that question. • No one source of data is always accurate! http://www.wikipedia.org/
Language Translators • For students learning a language or teachers with a student who speaks another language, language translators are a great help. • Beware, they aren’t always accurate! • BonPatron.com is recommended by my teen son • Dictionary.com Translator is also available http://bonpatron.com/en/
Webquests An inquiry-oriented activity in which some or all of the information that students interact with comes from the Internet. http://webquest.org/index.php http://bestwebquests.com/default.asp
Maps A picture is worth a 1,000 words. Explore the world with online map resources. • Google Maps Street View -- research a career, find a place to live, use street view to see the neighborhood where the apartment you want to rent is located. Does it look like a place you would be comfortable living? http://maps.google.com/help/maps/streetview/index_.html • Google Earth -- use this to have your students go on that vacation they planned for their family. They can see the sights along the roads they travel. • Bing Maps
“The data web” Control of information “The intelligent web” The third decade, 2010-20 Semantic web companies as catalyst Wisdom of the expert Why search, when you can find? Standards, protocols, rules Digital above all else Web 2.0 vs. Web 3.0 • “The document web” • Abundance of information • “The social web” • The second decade, 2000-9 • Google as catalyst • Wisdom of the crowds • Mashups, fragmentation integration, new tools • Search, search, search • Lawless, anarchic • Print and digital Intro Web 2.0 Mentality Strategy Web 3.0 Conclude
TPACK Technological Pedagogical And Content Knowledge
TPACK Framework TPACK is a conceptual framework which is grounded in an understanding that quality teaching and learning do not occur when the three knowledge bases exist separately, but that meaningful and engaged learning happens when there is an interplay and relationship between the three.
TPACK: An Overarching Framework http://mkoehler.educ.msu.edu/topics/iste-tpack-video-%E2%80%93-all-the-tpack-2x-the-commercial-interruptions/
Definition of Web Quest • An inquiry-oriented activity in which some or all of the information that students interact with comes from the Internet. • Main Purpose of Web Quest.. develop higher order thinking skills… they are not a source of simple information retrieval.
Why WebQuests?… because they have shown to… • fosters student motivation & authenticity • developed critical thinking skills • promote cooperative learning activities http://www.thematzats.com/webquests/intro.html
What makes a good Web Quest? • A Quest that promotes higher order thinking. • A Quest that is linked to previous and subsequent activities. • A Quest that is student centered and promotes scaffolding. • A Quest that is FUN!!!
Two types of WebQuests Short Term • Goal – knowledge acquisition and integration. • Learner makes sense of large amounts of information. • Typically completed in 1-3 class periods. • Long Term • Goal – extend and refine knowledge. • Learner analyses a body of knowledge and transforms it …. into a product. • Typically completed in week to month.
Activity #1 • Follow the Webquest About the Reliability of Information Found on the Web. http://biologycorner.com/quests/reliability.html • b. What do the terms cyber ethics • and cyber citizenship mean?
c. Create your own WebQuests. http://zunal.com/webquest.php?w=63942
Wikispaces • What are wikis? • Purpose of wikis. • How to create a wikispace? http://moeictintegrationintheclassroom.pbworks.com/
What is a Wiki? A wiki is a website that allows the easy creation and editing of any number of interlinkedweb pages via a web browser. Wikis are typically powered by wiki software and are often used to create collaborative wiki websites, to power community websites, for personal note taking, in corporate intranets, and in knowledge management systems.
Main Page Contact Us Resources Wikis: Collections of Pages edit edit edit • Wiki pages look like web pages • Anyone with a web browser can read a wiki site • Anyone with the proper permissions can edit a wiki site Illustrations adapted from Guillaume du Gardier. What is a wiki? June 2, 2005
Why use a wiki? • Easy to learn – no HTML required • Easy way to share knowledge • Easy way to collaborate across borders • Ability to revert back to old versions • Ability to track who’s done what & where • Fostering collaboration among friends and/or colleagues
Wiki Sites • Pbwiki.com • largest consumer wiki farm; 23 languages • Twiki, Jotspot • Socialtext.com • Our wiki site: http://www.wikispaces.com/
Educational Philosophy Three main theoretical schools or philosophical frameworks have been present in the educational technology literature. These are: • Behaviorism • Cognitivism • Constructivism
Bloom's Taxonomy is a classification of learning objectives within education. Bloom's Taxonomy divides educational objectives into three "domains:" Affective, Psychomotor, and Cognitive. Within the taxonomy learning at the higher levels is dependent on having attained prerequisite knowledge and skills at lower levels (Orlich, et al. 2004). A goal of Bloom's Taxonomy is to motivate educators to focus on all three domains, creating a more holistic form of education.
Educational Technology Educational technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources.
Benefits Educational technology is intended to improve education over what it would be without Technology: • Easy-to-access course materials. • Student motivation. • Wide participation. • Improved student writing. • Subjects made easier to learn.