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Important Strength and Conditioning Exercises That Helps to Improve Your Martial Arts Game

Strength and conditioning exercises are not only amazing for your complete fitness but also help you improve your martial arts game. If you want to improve your strength, then you should go for heavier weights. For endurance and conditioning, you should go for more reps at lower weights. Legacy Taekwondo Center is a popular martial arts school in Ellicott City that can help you discover a new you.

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Important Strength and Conditioning Exercises That Helps to Improve Your Martial Arts Game

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Important Strength and ConditioningExercisesThat Help You Improve Your Martial Arts Game

  2. An Overview Strength and conditioning exercises are not only amazing for your complete fitness but also help you improve your martial arts game. Whether you are training for strength, conditioning, power, or endurance, weighted exercises can help you achieve all. If you want to improve your strength, then you should go for heavier weights. For endurance and conditioning, you should go for more reps at lower weights. Legacy Taekwondo Center is a popular martial arts school in Ellicott City that can help you discover a new you.

  3. Following are some essential exercises that can help you improve your martial arts game: #1: Push-ups #2: Pull-ups #3: Overhead Presses #4: Deadlifts

  4. #1: Push-ups Push-ups are very important for improving your strength and conditioning. So, include push-ups in your regular warm-up schedule. In order to do a proper push-up, you need to tuck in your arms properly. Also, make sure that your elbows are gliding properly.

  5. #2: Pull-ups It is another important exercise that can help you improve your upper body strength. Pull-ups are essential for pulling motions in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. If you are a beginner, then start doing easy pull-up exercises including jump pulls, negative pull-ups, and more.

  6. #3: Overhead Presses In overhead presses, you lift dumbbells or kettlebells from your shoulders. Always remember that you need strong shoulders when you are fatigued. Well, when it comes to overhead presses always go for at least 12 reps.

  7. #4: Deadlifts It is another exercise that can help you activate your hamstrings, glutes, core, and lower back muscles. In order to improve your martial arts game, you should involve deadlifts in your warm-up session.

  8. Thanks! Contact Us +1 (410) 696-2462 info@legacytkdcenter.com www.legacytkdcenter.com

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