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PHILOSOPHY AND FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS. Case History: Easter Island. A small volcanic island with a subtropical climate By the 16 th century, a thriving society with 15,000–30,000 people Europeans reached there in 17 th century, only 2000 people struggling in a degraded environment

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  2. Case History: Easter Island • A small volcanic island with a subtropical climate • By the 16th century, a thriving society with 15,000–30,000 people • Europeans reached there in 17th century, only 2000 people struggling in a degraded environment • Reasons for collapsed society: overpopulated, deforestation, soil erosion, loss of agricultural base, further conflicts and wars, geographic isolation, and geologic limitations

  3. Looking Ahead: Earth • Earth: geospatially isolated in the universe • Population explosion: exponential growth • Facing limited resources: energy, soil, fresh water, forests, ocean fisheries, rangelands • Global environment: conflicts and integrated resolutions • Lessons from Easter Island: aware of limited resources and needs for sustainable global economy

  4. Earth History

  5. Earth Environment (1)

  6. Earth Environment (2)

  7. Environmental Sciences

  8. Environmental Geology

  9. Fundamental Concepts

  10. Human Population Growth (1)

  11. Human Population Growth (2)

  12. Human Population Growth (3)

  13. Human Population Growth (4)

  14. Figure 1.2

  15. Sustainability (1)

  16. Sustainability (2)

  17. Chapter 1 Opening Figure

  18. Sustainability (3)

  19. Earth’s Systems and Changes (1)

  20. Earth’s Systems and Changes (2)

  21. Earth’s Systems and Changes (2)

  22. Predicting Future Changes

  23. Hazardous Earth Processes

  24. Risk Assessment

  25. Risk Perception

  26. ScientificKnowledge andValues (1)

  27. Scientific Knowledge and Values (2)

  28. Science and Solution

  29. Figure 1.6 Mining Scars On Earth’s Surface

  30. Figure 1.7b Open Pit Mine, NM

  31. Figure 1.Ba The rush for Copper riches In Tennessee 1850s

  32. Figure 1.Bb Man-Made Desert

  33. Figure 1.Bc After decades recovery Is incomplete – revegetation Began in 1930s

  34. Figure 1.C Ontario, CanadaPollution from stacks Caused large kill of trees and vegetation

  35. Figure 1.7a Clear-cutting of forests

  36. Figure 1.Da

  37. Figure 1.Db

  38. Applied and Critical Thinking Topics

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