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mal. bad. malevolent. w ishing evil or something bad to happen to others; showing ill will; spiteful Jason’s malevolent spirit cause everyone to be fearful of him. m alapropism. A word used the wrong way or badly , usually with humorou s results. malicious.
mal bad
malevolent wishing evil or something bad to happen to others; showing ill will; spiteful Jason’s malevolent spirit cause everyone to be fearful of him.
malapropism A word used the wrong way or badly, usually with humorous results.
malicious showing active ill will; desiring to hurt someone or make suffer Gossiping is a malicious act.
malodorous “mal” (bad) + “odor” (smell) + “ous” (possessing the qualities of); possessing the qualities of a bad odor; smelling bad My dog is very malodorous because he had been sprayed by a skunk.
malady a bad health condition; a disease Despite repeated trips to the doctor, the cause of my malady remains unknown.
malaria Illness once believed to be spread by bad air, actually spread by mosquitoes Over one million people die each year from malaria.
malediction “mal” (bad) + “dict” (say or speak) + “ion” (act); the act of speaking badly to or upon someone; a curseThe witch’s malediction made the young princess fall into a deep sleep.
malefactor a person who does bad or wrong things; criminal; villain Many considered Maleficent the malefactor in Sleeping Beauty until she was able to tell her side of the story.
malignant very harmful; causing or threatening to cause death After the bombing, people had to wear masks to avoid inhaling the malignant fumes of the chemical agents.
malpractice “mal” (bad) + practice; performing one’s job or duty in a bad or wrong way; misconduct in an official or professional position. After being sued for medical malpractice, the physician lost his medical license.