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Refrigerator and Freezer Early Retirement and Recycling

Refrigerator and Freezer Early Retirement and Recycling. Measure Status Change Recommendation. May 15, 2012. Background.

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Refrigerator and Freezer Early Retirement and Recycling

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Refrigerator and Freezer Early Retirement and Recycling Measure Status Change Recommendation May 15, 2012

  2. Background • SBW Recommended measure be declared “out of compliance” with RTF Guidelines because neither data nor methodology to collect data exist to estimate the fraction of the units normally sold as used or donated that would be replacedwhen the program eliminates the sale or donation.

  3. Staff Recommendation • Recommend Measure be classified as “under review” • Strict adherence to Guidelines requires data on the share of refrigerators that are sold as used or donated that are replaced versus recycled in order to place the measure into “active” status • In staff view acquisition of such data is • Too costly • Potentially unreliable • Does not significantly alter savings

  4. Factors Effecting UES • Average UEC of existing refrigerators and freezers • Including adjustments for “partial year use” and “performance degradation” with age • Average age of existing refrigerators and freezers • Used to derive remaining measure life and average UEC of existing units • Average UEC of replacement appliance • Share of retired units replaced with new appliance • Share of retired units replaced with used appliance • Share of existing appliances normally (i.e., absent a program) retired each year

  5. Establishing Baseline Unit Energy Consumption (UEC) The “baseline” for all RTF savings estimates should be reflect the UEC of appliances absent program intervention (i.e., current practice and/or federal standards whichever is more efficient)

  6. Baseline Cases

  7. What We Think We Know

  8. Baseline Conditions – What We Need To Know

  9. How Important Is It? • 57% of recycled refrigerators would have been left on the grid without the program • Of these some would be • Kept & used (largest share) • Sold & used • Donated or given away & used • ETO data indicates that less than 30% of the 57% (i.e., 17%) of recycled refrigerators that would have been left on the grid are sold or donated • What share of these units, if not made available due to the program would be replaced by another refrigerator?

  10. ETO Refrigerator Disposition(What Participants “Said They Would Have Done”)

  11. ETO Tracking System Results

  12. PNW Refrigerator Saturation

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