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Putting Knowledge to Work with the People of Maine A Member of the University of Maine System. Saving Home Energy. Home Energy Use… Where Can I Save Money? Part 1. Direct Energy Use- Household. How We Use Energy in Our Homes in the Northeast
Putting Knowledge to Work with the People of Maine A Member of the University of Maine System Saving Home Energy Home Energy Use… Where Can I Save Money? Part 1
Direct Energy Use- Household How We Use Energy in Our Homes in the Northeast Heating accounts for the biggest chunk of a typical utility bill. Source: Building Energy Data Book, Table 2.3.10: 2001 Energy End-Use for an Average Household by region
How America Stays Warm Household Heating SystemsAlthough several different types of fuels are available to heat our homes, more than half of Americans use natural gas. http://www1.eere.energy.gov/consumer/tips/heating_cooling.html
How Maine Stays Warm How the Rest of the Country Stays Warm A recent Maine Lung Association survey indicated the 48% or Maine households intend to use wood stoves or pellet stoves as the main source or supplemental source of heat this winter. Source: Historical Census of Housing – House Heating Fuel – 2000: www.census.gov/hhes/www/housing/census/historic/fuels.html accessed 8/20/08
Home Heat Loss Averages • Infiltration/Air Leakage: 35% • Windows and Doors: 18%-20% • Floors and Below Grade Space: 15%-18% • Walls: 12%-14% • Ceilings: 10% Heat loss from a house
Do You Need a Certified Audit? • Maine Home Performance Weatherization Program http://www.mainehomeperformance.org/index.html • Certified auditor list http://www.mainehousing.org/ENERGYAuditors.aspx • Online self audit http://hes.lbl.gov/ • Home Energy Evaluation check list http://www.extension.umaine.edu/energy/checklist.htm
EVALUATION CHECKLIST FOR HOME ENERGY USE Name:_________________ Housing: House_____ Apartment_____ Condo______ Mobile home______ Approximate square feet ________ Energy Source: Energy usage: units used per year Energy cost perunit
“Energy Audit” Video – If it doesn’t play please go to: http://extension.umaine.edu/energy/videos/index.htm
Step One Assess what you have • Measure or estimate the size of the house • Measure or estimate the size of the windows • Use one year’s worth of utility bills to estimate total energy use for the year
Do-It-Yourself Assessment Things to check: • Joints and Penetrations (infiltration) • Insulation (heat loss and gain) • Ventilation (crawl space and attics) • Ductwork • Doors and Windows • Heating & Cooling Systems • Appliances • Water Heating • Lighting
window air leakage and caulking video “Sealing Up Your House” Video – If it doesn’t play please go to: http://extension.umaine.edu/energy/videos/index.htm
Air Leakage • About one-third of this air infiltrates through openings in your ceilings, walls and floors. • Controlled ventilation • Carbon monoxide detectors
R-value: thermal resistance which indicates the resistance to heat flow. The higher the R-value, the greater the insulating effectiveness. The R-value depends on the type of material, its thickness, and its density. U-value or coefficient of heat transmission: Measurement of ability to pass heat through materials or combination of materials U = 1/R R = 1/U R-value and U-value are inverse of each other Insulation
Measure the insulation in the attic To check walls: Turn off power to an outlet Remove cover Pull out small amount of insulation Check several outlets Ceilings & Attics: R-49 to R-60 Walls: R-13 to R-21 Floor over unheated crawl space: R-25 to R-30 Crawl space wall: R-25 Slab edge: R-12 Basement Wall: R-11 to R-15 R-Values
R- Value of a Wall Section 0.2 12.0 0.6 0.4 13.2
Joints and Penetrations – caulk Insulation – enough? Ventilation – to let excess moisture out Ductwork – wrap pipes with insulation Doors and Windows – seal, pull curtains, indoor shutters Heating & Cooling Systems – clean upgrade? Appliances – upgrade Water Heating – (insulate tank*) Lighting – fluorescent DIY Evaluation Things to check:
Step Two • Calculate the heating costs Btu per Standard Heating Unit • Use the mBtu to calculate savings • mBtu = million Btu = 1,000,000 Btu
Definition: BTU A British Thermal Unit (BTU) is the amount of heat energy needed to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree F. This is the standard measurement used to state the amount of energy that a fuel has as well as the amount of output of any heat generating device.
Heat Cost Comparisonswww.efficiencymaine.com/pdf/heatfuelcomparisoncalculator.xls Formula for cost per million BTU (Cost per unit of fuel ($) x 1,000,000) divided by (Energy content per unit of fuel (BTU) and the product of this divided by the Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency of your heating appliance
Home uses 500 gallons of oil. The furnace is 65% efficient. Total heat produced 69 million btu Cost is $1,170 per year Actual heat used 45 million btu Example #2 Oil: (# gallons oil X 138,500 btu/gal) 1,000,000 = # MBtu /Y (500 gal X 138,500 Mbtu/gal) 1,000,000 = 69 MBtu/Y Cost of oil $2.34 / gallon = $1,170/Y Furnace efficiency of 65% = 45 Mbtu / Y Calculating How Much Heat Used in a Year
Home needs 45 Mbtu Wood furnace is 80% efficient Need over 2 cords of firewood Cost of wood is $437 per year plus the daily tending of furnace Example: Mbtu * 1,000,000 used for heat divided by # BTU/cord divided by the efficiency of the stove= equivalent cords needed to provide heat 80% efficient furnace: 45 Mbtu * (1,000,000/24,000,000)/.8 = 2.3 cords Cost of firewood @ $190/cord = $437/Y Compared to oil at $1,170/Y Should I Use Hardwood? .
Example Calculations • Fuel Oil today = $2.34/gallon • What happens when the price increases or doubles? • 2.34 x 1,000,000 = 2,340,000 • Fuel Oil has 138,500 btu/gallon • 2,340,000 / 138,500 =16.90 • 16.90/.65% efficiency = $25.99/Mbtu Formula for cost per million BTU (Cost per unit of fuel ($) x 1,000,000) divided by (Energy content per unit of fuel (BTU) and the product of this divided by the Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency of your heating appliance
Example Calculations • Frank’s Firewood = $190/cord • 190 x 1,000,000 = 190,000,000 • Hardwood has 24,000,000 BTUs/cord • 190,000,000/24,000,000 = 7.92 • 7.92/.80% efficiency = $9.89 mBTU
Payback for Programable Thermostat • Cost $50 to $150 • Save up to 10% per year on heating fuel costs • One heating season!
Home Energy Loan Program (HELP) Low income home owners Improve efficiencies &/or replacements 3.95% loan up to $30,000 www.mainehousing.org For all energy incentives www.dsireusa.org Residential Energy Efficiency Tax Credit Improve efficiencies and/or replacements including stoves that use biomass. Amount of credit is 30% of cost for all technologies placed in service in 2009 and 2010 combined up to $1,500 www.irs.gov Financial Incentives
Energy Resources • University of Maine Cooperative Extension Energy Information • http://extension.umaine.edu/energy • Efficiency Maine • http://www.efficiencymaine.com/ • U. S. Department of Energy • http://www1.eere.energy.gov/consumer/tips/
Acknowledgement • Developed by University of Maine Cooperative Extension Associate Extension Professors Donna Coffin and Kathy Hopkins • Reviewed by Joy Adamson, Efficiency Maine Program Manager, Maine Public Utilities Commission