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Acronyms. Definition: An acronym is a kind of abbreviation. It is a word formed by taking letters from a phrase that is too long to use comfortably. Sentence: Laser is an acronym of L ight A mplification by S timulated E mission of R adiation. Abstract Noun.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Acronyms Definition: Anacronym is a kind of abbreviation. It is a word formed by taking letters from a phrase that is too long to use comfortably. Sentence: Laser is an acronym of Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation

  2. Abstract Noun Definition: An abstract noun refers to states, events, concepts, feelings, qualities, etc., that have no physical existence. Sentence: Abstract nouns are words like freedom and love; you can’t see them or touch them.

  3. Action Verbs Definition: verbs that describe actions and things taking place. Sentence: The word “get” is passive; the word “grabbed” is active!

  4. Adjective Definition :An adjective modifies or describes a noun. Sentence: Without adjectives, sentences would be boring and lifeless.

  5. Adverbs Definition: Most are formed by adding adverbs are formed by adding-ly to an Adjective. An adverb modifies or describes verbs and adjectives. Sentence: To made the adjective “slow” an adverb, just add –ly to the end – “slowly.”

  6. Affixes Definition: an affix is either a prefix or a suffix. Synonym ?? Antonym ?? Sentence: Faith is the root word, but by adding affixes like –un to the beginning and –ful to the end, I change the word to “unfaithful.”

  7. Antonyms Definition: An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another. Sentence: High and low are antonyms because they are opposites.

  8. Articles Definition : the words “a, an, the” are called articles. Sentence: Articles may be small, but they are very, very important words that we use all the time.

  9. Clauses Definition: A Clause is a part of a sentence that contains a subject and a verb. It is usually connected to the other part of the Sentence by a Conjunction. Synonym ?? Antonym ?? Sentence:

  10. Comparatives Definition: comparatives are used to compare two thingsby adding –er to the end of the word. Sentence: She is big, but he is bigger than her.

  11. Concrete Nouns Definition: A concrete noun refers to objects and substances, including people and animals, that exist physically. Sentence: Love may be an abstract noun, but candy is a concrete noun; I can see, touch, and taste it.

  12. Coordinating Conjunctions Definition: Coordinating conjunctions join two items of equal importance. For, and, nor, but, or, yet and so are the coordinating conjunctions. Sentence: To join two independent clauses, use a comma and a coordinating conjunction.

  13. Complex Sentence Definition: A sentence that is formed when a writer combines a dependent clause with an independent clause. Sentence: The formula for a complex sentence is dependent clause + independent clause = complex sentence.

  14. Compound Sentence Definition: A sentence that is formed when a writer combines an independent clause with another independent clause. Sentence: The formula for a compound sentence is independent clause + independent clause = compound sentence.

  15. Compound - Complex Sentence Definition: A sentence that is formed when a writer combines a dependent clause with a compound sentence. Sentence: The formula for a compound-complex sentence is dependent clause + independent clause + independent clause = Compound-Complex sentence.

  16. Dependent Clause Definition: It is a portion of a sentence that begins with a subordinating conjunction, and it has a subject and a verb, however, it can not stand on it’s own. By itself, it is not a complete thought. Sentence: “Even though she cried last night…” is an example of a dependent clause.

  17. Direct Object Definition: What or who ever is receiving the action is the direct object. Synonym ?? Antonym ?? Sentence: She closed the door. “Door” is what is being closed, so that’s the direct object.

  18. Ellipsis Definition: An ellipsis is used when you only complete a portion of a sentence, but omit the other portion of the sentence as though you didn’t finish your thought. It is marked by three consecutive periods (…) Synonym ?? Antonym ?? Sentence: “Now, where on earth did I put that…?”

  19. Etymology Definition: the study of the origins of words and of how their meaning changes and develops over time. Synonym ?? Antonym ?? Sentence: Etymology is useful when trying figure out why we use words like “bologna.”

  20. Fragment Definition: When the sentence is not a complete thought it is a fragment. Sentence: “Walking to the store” is an example of a sentence fragment; it’s missing a subject.

  21. Grammar Definition: Grammar describes the rules of a language. Sentence: Grammar is a useful study because I need to fully understand the language I use to speak and write with everyday.

  22. Homonyms Definition: a word that is written and pronounced the same way as another, but which has a different meaning. Synonym ?? Antonym ?? Sentence: The word “blue” is a homonym because it can mean a color or a feeling.

  23. Homophones Definition: Homophones are words that are spelled differently but sound the same. Sentence: The words “read” and “red” are homophones because, although they sound the same, they have different meanings.

  24. Idioms Definition: A phrase which has a common meaning and is usually understood by speakers of the same language. However, the phrase is not literal. It has a different meaning. Sentence: The phrase “I’m broke!” is an idiom; it means that I don’t have any money, not that a part of my body is actually broken off.

  25. Imperatives Definition: Imperatives are verbs used to give orders, commands and instructions. If no subject is given, then the subject is (YOU) Sentence: “Go to the store, and get me some candy!” *Be careful on this on!!! This is still a compound sentence, even though there is no subject, because the subject is implied.

  26. IndirectObjects Definition: The indirect object of a verb is not directly affected by the action, but can either receive the direct object or have the action done for them. EG: She sent James the letter. ('letter' is the direct object) Synonym ?? Antonym ?? Sentence:

  27. Infinitives Definition:. Sentence:

  28. Interjections Definition:. Synonym ?? Antonym ?? Sentence:

  29. Intransitive Verbs Definition:. Synonym ?? Antonym ?? Sentence:

  30. Irregular Verbs Definition:. Synonym ?? Antonym ?? Sentence:

  31. Linking Verb Definition:. Synonym ?? Antonym ?? Sentence:

  32. Objects Definition:. Synonym ?? Antonym ?? Sentence:

  33. Part of Speech Definition:. Synonym ?? Antonym ?? Sentence:

  34. Participles Definition:. Synonym ?? Antonym ?? Sentence:

  35. Passive Voice Definition:. Synonym ?? Antonym ?? Sentence:

  36. Past Participles Definition:. Synonym ?? Antonym ?? Sentence:

  37. Possessive Pronoun Definition:. Synonym ?? Antonym ?? Sentence:

  38. Predicate Definition:. Synonym ?? Antonym ?? Sentence:

  39. Predicative Adjectives Definition:. Synonym ?? Antonym ?? Sentence:

  40. Prefixes Definition:. Synonym ?? Antonym ?? Sentence:

  41. Abstract Noun Definition:. Synonym ?? Antonym ?? Sentence:

  42. Prepositional Phrases Definition:. Synonym ?? Antonym ?? Sentence:

  43. Prepositions Definition:. Synonym ?? Antonym ?? Sentence:

  44. Present Participle Definition:. Synonym ?? Antonym ?? Sentence:

  45. Pronouns Definition:. Synonym ?? Antonym ?? Sentence:

  46. Proper Adjective Definition:. Synonym ?? Antonym ?? Sentence:

  47. Proper Nouns Definition:. Synonym ?? Antonym ?? Sentence:

  48. Punctuation Definition:. Synonym ?? Antonym ?? Sentence:

  49. Quantifiers Definition:. Synonym ?? Antonym ?? Sentence:

  50. Relative Clause Definition:. Synonym ?? Antonym ?? Sentence:

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