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ABDOMINAL WALL. SUAT CAN ULUKENT MD, PHD GENERAL SURGEON - ANATOMIST . Karaciğer- Hepar – Liver Safra kesesi- Vesica fellea- Gallbladder Dalak- Lien- Spleen Mide- Ventriculus(Gaster)- Stomach Apendis- Appendix Vermiformis- Appendix.

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  2. Karaciğer- Hepar – LiverSafra kesesi- Vesica fellea- GallbladderDalak- Lien- SpleenMide- Ventriculus(Gaster)- StomachApendis- Appendix Vermiformis- Appendix

  3. International standard on human anatomic terminology - Terminologia Anatomica Thieme Verlag (1998) Nomenclature is a system of names or terms, or the rules for forming these terms in a particular field of arts or sciences

  4. Landmarks of abdomen 4 4 1. Xiphoid process. 2. Costal margin. 3. Tip of the ninth costal cartilage. 4. Tendinous intersections. 5. Umbilicus. 6. Iliac crest. 7. Anterior superior iliac spine. 8. Linea semilunaris. 9. Linea alba. 10. Inguinal ligament. 11. Pubic tubercule. 12. Pubic crest. 13. Pubic symphysis.

  5. Landmarks of abdomen • Horizontalplanes • Transpyloricplane (L1): Halfwaybetween the jugularnotchand the symphysispubis • Subcostalplane (L3): connects the lowestpoints of the twocostalarches. • Supracristalplane (L4): joins the the highestpoints of the twoiliaccrests. • Intertubercularplane (L5): connects the tubercles of the rightandleftiliaccrests

  6. Landmarks of abdomen • Sagittalplanes • Medianplane: coincideswith the lineaalbaandpassesthrough the umbilicus. • Lateralplanes (midclavicularlines): connectsmidpoint of eachclavicletomidpoint of inguinalfold.

  7. Landmarks of abdomen • Horizontalplanes • Transpyloricplane (L1): Halfwaybetween the jugularnotchand the symphysispubis • Subcostalplane (L3): connects the lowestpoints of the twocostalarches. • Supracristalplane (L4): joins the the highestpoints of the twoiliaccrests. • Intertubercularplane (L5): connects the tubercles of the rightandleftiliaccrests • Sagittalplanes • Medianplane: coincideswith the lineaalbaandpassesthrough the umbilicus. • Lateralplanes (midclavicularlines): connectsmidpoint of eachclavicletomidpoint of inguinalfold.

  8. Physical examinationSurgery; operations and interventionsİn order to understand the patientsManagement of blunt and penetrating trauma

  9. Projections of Internal Organs

  10. Projections of Internal Organs

  11. Boundaries of the Abdomen • Boundaries • Superiorly: Xiphoid process, lower border of costal arch, 11th and 12th ribs, vertebra T12 • Inferiorly: Superior border of pubic symphysis, pubic crest, pubic tubercle, fold of inguinal canal, anterior superior iliac spine, iliac crest, spinous process of L5

  12. Boundaries of the Abdomen superiorly by the xiphoid process and costal margins, posteriorly by the vertebral column, inferiorly by the upper parts of the pelvic bones, anterolaterally group of abdominal wall muscles

  13. The Layers of Anterolateral abdominal wall Layers(from superficial to deep) • Skin • Superficial fascia • Anterolateral muscles • Transverse fascia • Extraperitoneal fascia • Parietal peritoneum

  14. The superficial fascia of the abdominal wall (subcutaneous tissue of abdomen) is a single layer of fatty connective tissue. In the lower region of the anterior part of the abdominal wall, below the umbilicus, it forms two layers: a superficial fatty layer (Camper's fascia) (the dartos fascia). a deeper membranous layer (Scarpa's fascia) Linea alba the fascia lata and fasia criprosa the fundiform ligament of penis superficial perineal fascia (Colles' fascia). Fascia profunda (gallaudet ) Lig. suspensorium penis ( clitoridis)

  15. Laminasuperficialis (Camperfasyası) Labium majus m. dartos

  16. Laminaprofunda (SCARPA FASYASI) Lig.fundiforme penis Fascia cribrosa

  17. Fasciaprofunda(GALLAUDET FASYASI) lig.suspensorium penis lig. suspensorium clitoridis

  18. Dartos fascia regulates the testicular heat

  19. Anterolateral muscles There are five muscles in the anterolateral group of abdominal wall muscles: three flat muscles – the external oblique, internal oblique, transversusabdominis muscles; whose fibers begin posterolaterally, pass anteriorly, and are replaced by an aponeurosis as the muscle continues towards themidline two vertical muscles- the rectus abdominis pyramidalis muscles. near the midline, which are enclosed within a (rectus) tendinous sheath formed by the aponeuroses of the flat muscles

  20. keeps the abdominal viscera within the abdominal cavity, protects the viscera from injury, helps maintain the position of the viscera in the erect posture against the action of gravity, contraction of these muscles assists expiration, coughing and vomiting, increases intra-abdominal pressure, including parturition (childbirth), micturition (urination), and defecation (expulsion of feces from the rectum). Anterolateral muscles

  21. jjj

  22. The external oblique muscles • forms the inguinal ligament (POUPART) • forms the superficial (external) inguinal ring • forms the linea alba • formsthe anterior rectus sheetwall • forms the lacunar ligament(GIMBERNANT) • forms the pectinealligament. (COOPER) • forms the reflexum ligament (COLLES ) • forms the fascia spermatica externa

  23. The internal oblique muscles • forms the linea alba • formsthe anterior rectus sheetwall below the linea arcuata and ant-post rectus sheet wall above the linea arcuata • forms the FALX INGUINALIS (TENDO CONJUNKTIVUS) • forms the cremaster fasia and muscles -(N. genitofemoralis’in ramus genitalis) regulates the testicular heat with dartos fascia

  24. The transversusabdominis muscle • forms the linea alba • formsthe anterior rectus sheetwall below the linea arcuata and posterior rectus sheet wall above the linea arcuata • forms the FALX INGUINALIS (TENDO CONJUNKTIVUS)

  25. Fasia transversalis forms the TRACTUS ILIOPUBICUS (lig. THOMSON ) forms the deep (internal) inguinal ring forms the fascia spermatica interna forms the deep (internal) inguinal ring forms Lig. interfoveolare (Hasselbach)

  26. The rectus abdominis muscles forms the tendinous intersection forms the linea semilunaris

  27. Sheath of rectus abdominis Anterior layer • Formed by fusion of aponeurosis of obliquusexternusabdominis and anterior leaf of aponeurosis of obliquusinternusabdominis

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