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Mosquito Management Survey

Mosquito Management Survey. July 2014. Strategic Insights 3 The study 6 Quality of life in Waterford 9 Impact of mosquitoes 14 Mosquito Management Plan 21. Contents. Strategic Insights. Quality of life in Waterford could be enhanced by addressing concerns about mosquitoes

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Mosquito Management Survey

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  1. Mosquito Management Survey July 2014

  2. Strategic Insights3 The study6 Quality of life in Waterford9 Impact of mosquitoes14 Mosquito Management Plan21 Contents

  3. Strategic Insights

  4. Quality of life in Waterford could be enhanced by addressing concerns about mosquitoes 9 in 10 Waterford residents are satisfied with their overall quality of life. However, mosquitoes are causing concern for residents and 1 in 2 feel that reducing mosquitoes in the area is the key to improving their quality of life during the summer months. “Do something about the mosquitoes, they are really bad, I can't entertain or make use of the outdoors.” 2 in 3 residents feel that mosquitoes are more of a concern in Waterford than other areas adjacent to waterways in Perth. Mosquitoes are having an impact on residents across Waterford 3 in 4 feel that mosquitoes have at least a moderate impact on their lives during the summer months. The impact of mosquitoes on residents across Waterford is greatest at dusk and at night. Those living closer to the foreshore are the most likely to also be impacted at dawn and during the day. Residents are taking some action to reduce the impact of mosquitoes Those living closer to the foreshore are more likely to avoid being outdoors, wear insect repellent and loose clothing than those living further away. About half of those most affected by mosquitoes often or always use insect repellent and wear loose protective clothing. There may be opportunity to further encourage those who are impacted by mosquitoes to adopt these behavioursmore frequently. Strategic Insights | concern with mosquitoes in Waterford

  5. The majority feel that mosquitoes were no worse this summer than the previous summer and about 1 in 3 feel that they were less of a concern. While some residents acknowledge an improvement, they also feel there is more to do. “The mosquito control hasn't been too bad this year however it could be improved as I live next to a dirty pond.” About half are satisfied with the City’s Mosquito Management Plan. Dissatisfaction is mainly driven by the perception that the plan is not effective enough. “Whatever they are doing is notworking or they are not doing enough.” There is opportunity to continue to educate the community about mosquito management. Generally, Waterford residents are most interested in receiving news and updates about what the City is doing to manage mosquitoes. Those living closer to Waterford foreshore are more interested in statistics such as trends, mosquito numbers, number of traps used and treatments carried out. Strategic Insights | the Mosquito Management Plan

  6. The study

  7. In June 2014, the City of South engaged CATALYSE® to conduct a Mosquito Management Survey. Purpose:to assess Waterford residents’ views on the impact of mosquitoes over the summer and evaluate perceptions of the City’s Mosquito Management Plan. Methodology:the survey was conducted by phone with 131 randomly selected residentsfrom the suburb of Waterford. Interviewing was completed by the ECU Survey Research Centre. Sampling precision is +/- 7.7% at the 95% confidence interval. The study

  8. % of respondents Further from foreshore Closer to Foreshore Sample profile

  9. Quality of life in Waterford

  10. Overall satisfaction with the quality of life in Waterford is very high. 90% are satisfied, including 68% who are delighted Proximity to the river does appear to have an impact on overall quality of life with residents living closer showing higher dissatisfaction than those living further away. Overall satisfaction with quality of life in Waterford: % of respondents • %% = significant variance = notable variance • %% Q. During the warmer months (say August to April) , overall, how satisfied have you been with your overall quality of life in Waterford? Please give a rating our of 10 where 0 is totally dissatisfied and 10 is totally satisfied. Base. All respondents who gave a valid answer, excludes ‘unsure’ (n=130) Quality of life in Waterford | overall satisfaction

  11. % of respondents 53% mention reducing mosquitoes as the key to improving quality of life in Waterford over the summer months. Mosquitoes appear to be more of a concern for females and those living closer to the foreshore. • %% = significant variance = notable variance • %% Quality of life in Waterford | how to improve Q. How could your quality of life improve in Waterford over the warmer months? Base. All respondents (n=131)

  12. Working out efficient routes Generally, residents believe the quality of their lives would be improved if there were less mosquitoes: “Less mosquitoes.” “Better mosquito control.” “By killing the mosquitoes.” “Get rid of all the mosquitoes.” “If we don't have mosquitoes everything would be fine, a lot of mosquito issues.” “If you could control the mosquitoes more.” Working out efficient routes There are residents who are concerned with the level of impact mosquitoes arehaving on their lives, particularly restricting them from spending time outdoors: “By doing something about the mosquitoes, getting rid of them somehow, I cannot enjoy the outdoors because of the mosquitoes.” “Doing something about the mosquitoes, they are really bad, I can't entertain or make use of the outdoors.” “If the impact of mosquitoes would reduce my life would improve.” “If there was better mosquito control our lives would be improved.” “The improvement of mosquito control, there are times in summer where it is impossible to sit outside.” “The mosquitoes drive me crazy in the warmer months - I can't be outside.” “There is a mosquito problem and that limits outdoor activities.” “They could control the mosquitoes, because it's really bad even during the day I can't even water the garden, they are like helicopters picking you up and taking you away.” “They could do something about the mosquitoes, it's pretty bad can't go outside in summer after dark.” ” Quality of life in Waterford | how to improve Q. How could your quality of life improve in Waterford over the warmer months? A full list of verbatim responses is provided in the Appendix

  13. Working out efficient routes Some residents feel there has been some improvement, however there is still room to get better: “By managing the mosquito problem, they have been a nightmare, it's been a real struggle with the council but they are starting to do something.” “If the council would implement their mosquito management plan, they do not fog when their plan says they will. Countless meetings with some aggression from both asides have resulted in some improvements, but this should not be necessary, they should just implement their plan.” “Mosquito control, though it is a lot better than it used to be.” “The mosquito control hasn't been too bad this year however it could be improved as I live next to a dirty pond.” “We sometimes have problems with mosquitoes but this year's problem wasn't too bad.” Working out efficient routes More spraying is suggested by some residents: “Better mosquito control by spraying.” “I would like see less of a mosquito problem. There needs to be more insect spraying to occur during the year.” “I'd like a bit more mosquito control, by the river and surrounds, being sprayed.” “It would be much better if they could get rid of the mosquitoes during the warmer months, it would be good if they could spray the mosquitos just when they are breeding.” “Spray the rivers more to stop the breeding of mosquitoes.” Working out efficient routes And improved cleaning and maintenance of ponds and lakes: “By monitoring and controlling the mosquito problem, the ponds are also very dirty and need to be controlled.” “Clean out all the lakes where the ducks are around the park. Never cleaned. Breeding ground for mosquitoes.” “It could improve by controlling the mosquitoes and cleaning of the ponds during summer they used to do it but I don't believe they do it anymore.” ” Quality of life in Waterford | how to improve Q. How could your quality of life improve in Waterford over the warmer months? A full list of verbatim responses is provided in the Appendix

  14. Impact of mosquitoes

  15. 66% feel that mosquitoes are more of a concern in Waterford than other areas adjacent to waterways in Perth. Perceptions are fairly similar across the community, although those living closer to the foreshore are slightly more likely to perceive mosquitoes in Waterford as worse than other areas. How mosquitoes in Waterford compare to other areas that are adjacent to waterways in Perth: % of respondents • %% = significant variance = notable variance • %% Q. Compared to other areas that are adjacent to waterways in Perth, would you say mosquitoes were les of a concern, about the same as other areas or more of a concern in Waterford Base. All respondents who gave a valid answer (n=89) Concern with mosquitoes | compared to other areas

  16. 75% feel that mosquitoes have had a moderate-high impact on them during the warmer months. Including 37% who feel mosquitoes have had a high impact Mosquitoes are having the most impact on Waterford residents at dusk, followed by night time. % respondents Overall impact of Mosquitoes in the warmer months: Impact of mosquitoes at different times of day: Q. To what degree were you impacted by mosquitoes in Waterford over the warmer months, from August to April this year? Would you rate the impact as high, moderate, low or none at all? Q. Using the same scale, how would you rate the impact of mosquitoes in Waterford at the following times of day? Base. All respondents who gave a valid answer (n= varies from 102 to 129) Impact of mosquitoes

  17. Overall impact of mosquitoes during the summer months is greater among females. The impact of mosquitoes at dawn and during the day is greater among those living closer to the foreshore. Rating impact as moderate / high: • %% = significant variance = notable variance • %% Q. To what degree were you impacted by mosquitoes in Waterford over the warmer months, from August to April this year? Would you rate the impact as high, moderate, low or none at all? Q. Using the same scale, how would you rate the impact of mosquitoes in Waterford at the following times of day? Base. All respondents who gave a valid answer (n= varies from 102 to 129) Impact of mosquitoes | across Waterford

  18. Most residents in Waterford take some action to reduce the impact of mosquitoes. There is room to encourage residents to use insect repellent and wear protective clothing more often. Frequency of action to reduce impact of mosquitoes: % respondents Q. Please rate your frequency of taking the following actions using a scale of always, often, sometimes, rarely or never. How frequently do you take the following actions to reduce the impact of mosquitoes. Base. All respondents who gave a valid answer (n= varies from 124 to 130) Actions to reduce impacts

  19. Those living closer to the foreshore, those who feel mosquitoes have a greater impact on their lives, females and older residents are more likely to take action to reduce the impact of mosquitoes. While those most affected by mosquitoes are more likely to take action to reduce the impact, only around half often use insect repellant and protective clothing. • %% = significant variance = notable variance • %% Q. Please rate your frequency of taking the following actions using a scale of always, often, sometimes, rarely or never. How frequently do you take the following actions to reduce the impact of mosquitoes. Base. All respondents who gave a valid answer (n= varies from 124 to 130) Actions to reduce impacts |across Waterford

  20. 37% feel that compared to last summer, mosquitoes in Waterford were less of a concern this summer. 21% feel that mosquitoes were more a concern this summer. Net Score = 16% less of a concern Perceptions are similar across the Waterford community. Mosquitoes in Waterford this summer compared to last summer: % of respondents Q. Thinking about the last two summers, would you say mosquitoes in Waterford were less of a concern this summer, about the same this summer or more of a concern this summer? Base. All respondents who gave a valid answer (n=125) Concern with mosquitoes | compared to last summer

  21. Mosquito Management Plan

  22. There is room to improve the City’s Mosquito Management Plan. 77% are familiar enough to rate satisfaction indicating there is opportunity to raise awareness, knowledge and understanding of the Plan. Overall, 54% are satisfied with the Plan vs 26% dissatisfied. There is most room to improve perceptions of the plan among males, younger residents and those living closer to the foreshore. Overall satisfaction with the City’s Mosquito Management Program: % of respondents • %% = significant variance = notable variance • %% Q. How satisfied have you been with the City of South Perth’s Mosquito Management Program? Please give a rating out of 10, where 0 is totally dissatisfied and 10 is totally satisfied. If unaware of the program you may say unsure. Base. All respondents who gave a valid answer (n=101) The City’s Mosquito Management Plan | overall satisfaction

  23. % of respondents (Base: dissatisfied residents) 26% are dissatisfied with the City’s Mosquito Management Program. Among these residents, the main concern is that the program is not effective enough. Other concerns are that spraying is not frequent enough and the Council is not taking the issue seriously. The City’s Mosquito Management Plan | reasons for dissatisfaction Q. If dissatisfied, what concerns do you have with this program? Base. All respondents who were dissatisfied (0-4) with the program (n=26).

  24. Working out efficient routes There is a perception among some dissatisfied residents that the plan is not effective enough: “I'm not sure whether it is really working or not.” “It doesn't seem to be as effective as it could be.” “It is not working as the mosquitoes are not being controlled.” “That it is not working. Okay for a week then the mosquitoes are back.” “The program doesn't seem to be working well for the money they are spending.” “The reliance on bats is not going to work and that is all you do.” “Whatever they are doing is not working or they are not doing enough.” “You are not trying hard enough to get rid of mosquitoes. The helicopter is more directed to Salter Point and not to Clontarf.” Some suggest more frequent spraying and fogging: “Lack of frequency with fogging.” “My concerns are the fact they are spraying but I don't think they are spraying enough.” “The lack of frequency of spraying, in summer at least once a month.” Some residents believe that the City / Council is not taking the issue seriously enough: “I have not been happy. I went to a meeting and council did not recognise the problem of mosquitoes.” “Our council seem to think it's up to us to manage the problem but still want to charge us high rates.” “The council does not listen to residents. They should be doing more to get rid of the mosquitoes. The area is devalued because of this.” “The fact there does not seem to be any ongoing management about the program.” ” A full list of verbatim responses is provided in the Appendix The City’s Mosquito Management Plan | reasons for dissatisfaction Q. If dissatisfied, what concerns do you have with this program? Base. All respondents who were dissatisfied (0-4) with the program (n=26).

  25. Residents in Waterford are interested in receiving more information, particularly news and updates about what the City is doing to manage mosquitoes. • Interest in receiving the following information: % respondents Q. The City aims to keep residents up to date and informed about mosquito management. Which of the following types of information would you be interested in receiving? Base. All respondents who gave a valid answer (n=131) Interest in receiving information

  26. Residents across Waterford are interested in receiving news and updates from the City, although females appear to be slightly more interested.Those living closer to the foreshore and females are the most likely to be interested in receiving information about statistics. Interested in receiving: • %% = significant variance = notable variance • %% Q. The City aims to keep residents up to date and informed about mosquito management. Which of the following types of information would you be interested in receiving? Base. All respondents who gave a valid answer (n=131) Interest in receiving information | across Waterford

  27. CATALYSE® Pty Ltd ABN 20 108 620 855 a: Office 3, 996 Hay Street,Perth WA 6000 p: PO Box 8007,Cloisters Square WA 6850 t: +618 9226 5674 f: +618 9226 5676 e: info@catalyse.com.au w: catalyse.com.au

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