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The Odyssey Movie. Ricky Alfera, Delaney Burke, Clayton Dubbs, Rachel Krakoff, and Mike Piroli. "You will find trouble in your house, proud blustering men who devour your substance and plague your wife to marry and offer their bridal gifts. But you shall exact retribution from these men".
The Odyssey Movie Ricky Alfera, Delaney Burke, Clayton Dubbs, Rachel Krakoff, and Mike Piroli
"You will find trouble in your house, proud blustering men who devour your substance and plague your wife to marry and offer their bridal gifts. But you shall exact retribution from these men". • Explains Odysseus's journey to the underworld and his experience with Teiresias and his foretelling of Odysseus's future.
"If you leave these [cattle] unharmed and attend to the business of getting home, you may yet reach Ithaca, although not without suffering; but if you do any damage, then I foretell destruction for ship and men. You may save your own life [...]" • Circe forewarns Odysseus and his crew of the potential dangers which end up affecting them in the end and explains the fact that the road ahead is dangerous.
"I choose rather to die once with a mouthful of salt water than to be slowly squeezed out in a desert island. [...] They wasted no time, but drove off the best of the cattle of Helios [...]". • The actions of the men show how foolish they are to disobey direct warnings and the scene reveals why the men are killed.
"Father Zeus, and all ye blessed gods that live forever! You meant my ruin when ye made me fall into that cruel sleep! My men whom I left behind have committed a monstrous crime!" • The scene explains how Odysseus was saved and later sentenced to Calypso's island while his men end up being killed.
Saving Money While Making a Movie • writing your own script instead of hiring someone saves the most money • find a location that's cheap and easy to access and free to the public to use • make your own costumes instead of hiring someone • find the cheapest lighting system or use lights you already have