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This article explores the causes of increasing criminality and social crisis and proposes a systemic planning and management approach for addressing these issues. It highlights the need for cooperation in implementing and adapting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Habitat III directives to local reality.
CRITERIA AND CONVERGENCE MATRIX for Systemic Planning and Management Action (SPM) Focusing on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and HABITAT III HOW TO cooperate on implementing and adapting the SDGs and HABITAT III directives to localreality Files available at: pgsistemicos.blogspot.com.br
DIAGNOSIS: Sustainable Development Goal 11 (SDGs/GOAL 11): Building inclusive, safe and sustainable cities and human settlements Reality: Due to/With the worsening crisis in Brazil: By the end of July 2015, in five night’s work at the Porto Alegre [Public Ministry Justice Prosecution Office], three attemptedattempted robbery and murder suits were filed against teenagers In addition, on the night of August 6, 2015, two offenders declarations have drawn attention: First case declaration: Female, 17 years old, 7 months pregnant: “She put the knife at the victim’s face to force him to hand it over… he reacted… She was nervous because she meant to take the money in order to pay for something (landlord)” Second case declaration: male, 15 years old: “He did it because he wanted to take the car for a ride... When they grabbed the gun he ended up pulling the trigger, but the gun was unloaded... He thought he could get away with it...”
Moreover, what have the adults been doing... Source: First page of the Correio do Povo newspaper of 08/08/15 • Bank is robbed within the [Security Secretariat]. Police command informed it has not acknowledged the actions perfomed by the criminals • Deepening and broadening the topic/issue: • What are the bottomline motives for such rise of criminality/ criminal cases spike? • Where are we headed (consequences) • What if there ineffective or non-existent public healthcare policies- what will people do? What would/will you? • Furthermore...what are the causes? • What is normally done so as to solve such issues and crisis? • What can/must be done? • Which would/will result?
DIAGNOSIS: Searching for answers…. What are the true causes for the increasing disregard for nature and human dignity, self and others? By 2009: 6,8 billion people By 2011: 7 billion people Today we amount to 6.8 billion people on the planet. Together we consume about 1.4 times the resources of Earth Source: https://www.habitat3.org/the-new-urban-agenda/about Source: Zero Hora newspapaper – May 31, 2009. Image by Daniel Marenco. Source: Veja magazine -2241th edition-year 44 n. 44- Abril Editor- November 2, 2011.
The 500 000 Brazilians that took part on the Brazil Picture by Picture Research , done by United Nation’s Development Program(UNDP), have answered the question: “What must be done to truly improve your life?” The answers pointed to the theme Values http://www.pnud.org.br/hdr/arquivos/rdh_brasil_2009_2010.pdf What are Values? They are ways to perceive the world, and actbased on them
What is usually done to solve the issues and crisis The linear thinking (dualist/cartesian – Power) in action: Complex issues – linear, isolated solutions = ineffectiveness Ex1:Public security/criminality: Linear thinking: guilt → responsibility ex crime→Punishment= more crimes → more imprisionment and/or enhanced punishment (in an isolated fashion); Consequences (inter alia): Ex overpopulated penitenciaries → harder recuperation → regresses from the penitenciary system and returns to its place of origin → repeated infringements → returns to the penitenciary ( increasing inefectiveness cycle) Parallel: # increase in judicialization and/or self-protection (people take justice by their own hands) Source: Systemic Thinking- Field book- p 69- Bookman Fonte:Pensamento Sistêmico – Caderno de Campo – pág.69 - Bookman
What is usually done to sovel the issues and crisis The linear thinking (dualist/cartesian – Power) in action: Complex issues – linear, isolated solutions = ineffectiveness Ex2 Healthcare: Linear thinking:cause → consequence Ex. less → more= less resources→ further budget cuts and/or higher taxation, privatization, etc. If in an isolated fashion (ex. without resource optimization; without planning cooperation and system management which perform and/or intervene without governance; etc.) = results in diminished personal and institucional accomplishment (“less”) and generates absentee, reduced/ ineffectiveness of public policies (“reduced” public policies) → more taxes; ... Crisis/Caos Parallel Justice System is sought after in a true [“rights” rush] What will happen?
EXAMPLE 2: Sustainable Development Goal 3: Healthcare JUSTICE SYSTEM A) General actions ↓ Linear Thinking B) Collective/ class actions (healthcare) ↓ Requires Systemic Thinking ↓ For effectiveness, equality and social Peace HEALTHCARE SYSTEM A) Complexity .Multidisciplinarity .Intersectoriality .interoperability B) Planning and Management ↓ PUBLIC POLICIES Otherwise: intervenes INEFFECTIVINESS WILL WIND UP AT THE JUSTICE SYSTEM
BOOMERANG EFFECT If the Justice System acts in a linear way= increases public policies costs Fonte: Zero Hora 17/11/13 Consequences:less resources= aggravated crisis + especially at the municipality level (mainly due to the fact that the race for the rights begins at the levels closer to the populations) + in all areas ( due to the interconnectiveness among public policies Ex: poor health = absent employee + increasing production costs + diminishing taxes + lesser budget) Generates na increasing cycle of ineffectiveness and unsustainability of public policies/ quality of life
How to cooperate in order to implement and adapt the SDGs and HABITAT III directives to Local reality Avoiding this unsustainable cycle... What can be done? Develop Sistemic Thinking Perceive the system in a holistic manner, The relationships/// interconnections and acting on this comprehension (Values) (Providing sistemic answers to the issues) How to do (implementation methodology): Systemic Planning and Management Action (SPM) Focusing on the Sustainable Development Goals and on HABITAT III
How to (means) implement and adapt that directive on the local context? Implementing SPM Actionplan (Through Convergence Matrix and the Criteria of SMP Actionplans) OBS: Moreover, SPM Actionplans puts in practice: The GOALs 16: “Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels” And the GOALs 17: “Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the goal partnership for sustainabe development ” Example (SDGs/GOAL 3): Sustainable Development Goals3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages (2015) Época magazine, May 18 2009: “ The law assures, however the reality denies Federal Supreme Court faces a crucial debate: Must the State assure access to expensive medicine to all? ” Therefore, e.g. in healthcare (obs: the SPM Actionplans are applicable in any area/focus): It is possible to COOPERATE so as to act effectively and sustainably regarding the healthcare actions and, consequently, reduce and/or qualifiy Judicial prroceedings
Systemic Planning and Management Action SUMMARY (Executive Summary of the general aspects of SPM ActionplanvCriteria and Convergence Matrix graphics – the methodology of SMP as a whole) The SPM Actionplan develops in the following context (Twofold approaches): 1- INFORM: (On the importance of perceiving the existent interconnections – and acting based on this comprehension – primarily concerning the repercussion of the decisionmaking, both positive and negative, on the internal and external context) Considering that the following aspects reduce the effectivity of the policies and increase the amount of judicial proceedings: The difficulty of thinking and acting systemically; the lack of sinergy among the different agencies that act/interfere on the Justice System and on the Healthcare System. Considering that these fenomena may be reverted if cooperation is provided on planning and managing the public policies # - ENLIGHTING FOR TAKING ACTION Based on the aforementioned aspects, the Systemic Planning and Management Action is being perfected, providing, in light of the chosen priority focus (E.g., the perfectioning of the drug distribution network; the creation or perfection of the Technical Support Nuclei-NATs- and the establishment of Unified Healthcare System –SUS- ombudsman; the promotion of family planning; the war on drugs and on H1N1 flu; the improvement of the quality of life of vunerable population, such as the homeless, the natives, the refugees; the preservation of the river springs; the construction of civil infrastructure, the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals- DSGs and the HABITAT III, inter alia)and emphasizing the family context, the vision and integration (mapping and integrating) of multidisciplinary, intersectorial and transplicinary resources)
Therefore, it is possible to establish how, who, where and when/why performing (intra/intersystemic management). Henceforth, it is important to demonstrate the commonality of the mission through the prioritized focus and through the need to provide for the physiological and the psycological needs, along with the security/belonging/self-esteem and self-realization aspects(differently from desires)- both from the users of the analyzed systems and from the professionals that intervene on it. Such thinking encompasses not only the pacients requirements of a determined treatment, but also the demands for the self-fulfillment of the medic/magistrate. The search for attendance of those needs incentives those professionals to improve their performance (which is fundamental to promote the knowledge of the systems interconnections – the systemic thinking- and consequently, the organizational culture) In other words, the planning and management must focus on the enlightment of the coresponsibility and the comprehension on the mutuality of rights and obligations, awakening for context-based and preventing narrow, imediate and punish/victimization decision-making (exteriorized, for example, on the simple “provide/deny” certain treatment). It develops, therefore, the value-based perception and action in a systemic way. The SPM Actionplan foments the production of proportional impacts on the three sustainability dimensions (economic, social, and enviromental). Such impacts based on the aforementioned sustainability dimensions result in positive externalities and increases the harmonization of individual and social interests).
This common mission (Prioritized focus- public efects) demands and favours the formation of cooperation networks, with greater emphasis on Family structures, and allowing the integration of the three sectors (public, private and organized civil society) and the comunity at large. This strengthens the democratic structures, both participative and representative ones, enabling Harmonic and Sustainable Development (DHS). However, for such processes to consolidate themselves, planning and management must enable systemic thinking, contemplating both the mapping of the needs and the activities and possibilities related to the prioritized foci, which will permit the systemic action (mapping and intergration). In this context, Systemic Planning and Management Action/Methodology may be utilized for the implementation of national and international praxis,notably those present at the Federal Constitution and on United Nations treaties and documents. With SPM Actionplan, it is possible to cooperate on implementing and adapting the Sustainable Development Goals and on HABITAT III directives to local reality, along with the criteria constant, for example, in the HABITAT Agenda for Municipalitie, on the United Nations Declarations of Human Rights, the International Covenant for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, on the Dow Jones Sustainability INDEX (DJSI), on the Enterprise Sustainabilty Index (ISE), on the Social Technical Orientation Notebook (COTS) of the Caixa Federal do Brasil, on theBalanced Scorecard methodology – BSC, among others, in turn generating criteria and indexes, enhancing the value of the activities and even attracting investment for the region and/or enabling access to the required resources for the implementation of the Project. In other terms, SPM Actionplan creates a cycle of positive externalities at the public environment, establishing effectiveness and sustainability. In greater depth, it results in Peace, both internally and externally
SPM Actionplan focusing on Healthcare GOAL 3: Healthcare Obs: The Activities established on the SPM Actionplan may be regarded as developed in any focus/DSGs Importante salientar que a Ação de Planejamento e de Gestão Sistêmicos também foi priorizada pelo Comitê Executivo Estadual do Fórum Nacional do Judiciário para Saúde do Conselho Nacional de Justiça e, posteriormente, pela Presidência e pela Corregedoria-Geral de Justiça do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, aumentando muito, dessa forma, a efetividade da Ação de SPM. 2- MEANS/TOOLS TO PRACTICE THE SPM 2.1 - The principal means/tool to implement the Healthcare-focused SPM Actionplan is through the Systemic Planning and Management Action Guidebook. Such resource has two approaches. The first (2.1.1) emphasizes the necessary enlighment of the agent on the importance of acknowledging the existent interconnections on the systems it intervenes. The second part (2.1.2) includes, in didactically, sugestions of best practices on the applicability of SPM. Among other documents, the Guidebook includes: . SPM Actionplans framework; . Cooperation Term Model; . Sugestions to assemble municpal cooperation networks (step by step); . Sugestions for the managers and medical staff; . Advisable documents to include in any Judicial proceedings (basics and specfics), including medical evaluation and minimal protocol models; . Systemic Operational flowchart (on pharmaceutical assistance, diapers supply and mental healthcare)
. Provision 92/2014 – on Healthcare irregularities; . EAD, Workshops and Justice Court Roundtable; . CNJ Healthcare Utterances; . Cases (demonstrating obtained results); 2.2 - SPM Actionplans utilizes two general approaches: 2.2.1 – Institutional environment: Regarding, for example: . The transmition of exemplars of the Guidebooks for the members of the institutuion; . Promotion of welcoming events (e.g.: Healthcare Secretariat representatives), online courses (EAD); improvement courses (e.g.: CAMs- Magistrate Improvement Courses) and workshops (e.g. for the Magistrate’s secretariat and clerks) (obs: Despite the promotion of intra-institutional events, frequently there is participation from representatives of partners of the CNJ Executive State Committee) 2.2.2 –Interinstitucional environment: . Promoting the creation of CNJ Executive Municipal Committees (representation at the jurisdictions) and the creation of virutla comunities . The transmition of exemplars of the Guidebooks for the members of the Healthcare Systems, the Judicial Systems, among others, along with the general community; . Promotion of workshops at the macroregions. E.g. Healthcare (with participation from the public, private and organized civil society, along with the community at large; # The 2015 version of the Guidebook and the first Interinstitutional Workshop are available in the following webpage: pgsistemicos.blogspot.com.br # For further information: rodrigoschoeller.blogspot.com.br
Howto do: A- Evaluatetheactionsand observe the CRITERIA ofthe SPM Actionplan (The Criteria for the SPM Actionplansenableevaluation: ofthe Project Actions; Public Policies, etc.) EFFECTIVITY SUSTAINABILITY PEACE External Internal 3-Necessidades 3-Needs: • Physiological; Psicological and Self-fulfillment 2-Provide 1- ChoosePrioritized Focus E.g. Treatment; (With greater relevance on family structures) Public Effects (Externalities) Cooperation Networks 4- Impacts on the 3 dimensions Of sustainability: • Economic; Social • and Environmental. 4- Impactos nos 3 eixos da sustentabilidade 6-Map and Integrate # Develop the Systemic Thinking 5-Integration from the 3 sectors: Public; Private and Organized Civil Society and the community at large 5-Integração dos 3 setores e da Comunidade em geral Values HSD (Harmonic and Sustainable Developement) Further information on files: SPM focusing on DSGs and Habitat III and SPM focusing on Healthcare (Guidebook and presentation)- Available at: pgsistemicos.blogspot.com.br
RESULTS OF THE SYSTEMIC PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT ACTION RIO GRANDE DO SUL - SYSTEMIC PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT ACTION (SPM) com Foco na Saúde “The performance of the Justice Court State Committee on Healthcare (TJRS), has, in the last five years, resulted in the extinction of aproximately 30 thousand judicial proceedings related to demands for healthcare” Regarding Porto Alegre and according to State Court Justice Martin Schulze: “presently 80% of the lawsuits related to healthcare can be dealt with simply by fowarding the requirement through the Healthcare System itself” Source: http://www.cnj.jus.br/noticias/cnj/79186-tribunal-de-justica-consegue-reduzir-numero-de-acoes-com-demandas-de-saude Source: Case III- Porto Alegre–Rio Grande do Sul Public Defendant Actions related to healthcare
How to do: B – Implement actions based on the steps established at the SPM CONVERGENCE MATRIX – e.g. Healthcare(obs:1- TheSPM CONVERGENCE MATRIX enables the implementation of the criteria and national/international directives, adapted to local reality;2- For more information on this case: pgsistemicos.blogspot.com.br - at the SPM GUIDEBOOK) ) 1- CHOOSE THE ENVIRONMENT/HABITAT # Define a geographical limit to develop and perfect the SPM Actionplan – e.g. a determined State/County/Municipality Within such area, choose an environment able to form the cooperation network - e.g.1. CNJ State Executive Committee on Healthcare ; e.g.2. Healthcare Judicialization case- FNS/CNMP Healthcare Cooperation Networks for Heatlh(available at: pgsistemicos.blogspot.com.br) 2 –FIRST GENERAL LINE OF ACTION: DEVELOP INTERINSTITUTIONAL ACTION: # Promotion of thematic workshops at the macroregions- e.g. Healthcare macrorregiões (video available at: http://pgsistemicos.blogspot.com.br/2013/06/workshop.html) 3- SECOND GENERAL LINE OF ACTION : FOSTER INSTITUTIONAL ACTION: #. Fowarding of SPM Guidebooks for the members of the institutions; # Promoting welcoming events (e.g.: Healthcare Secretariat representatives), online courses (EAD); improvement courses (e.g.: CAMs- Magistrate Improvement Courses) and workshops (e.g. for the Magistrate’s secretariat and clerks) (obs: Despite the promotion of intra-institutional events, frequently there is participation from representatives of partners of the CNJ Executive State Committee)– such as the Justice Court Pilot-Project as presented at the SPM GUIDEBOOK)
SPM CONVERGENCE MATRIX – e.g.HEALTHCARE 4- TWOFOLD APPROACHES: 4.1- ENLIGHT the agent on the importance of acknowledging the existent interconnections on the systems it intervenes. 4.2 – Make available Methods/Tools able to permit the practice of the Project 5 – TWO STAGES: 5.1 – Choosing the Priority Focus: (such as the perfectioning of the drug distribution network; the creation or improvement of the Technical Support Nuclei-NATs- and the establishment of Unified Healthcare System –SUS- ombudsman; the promotion of family planning;); 5.2 – Map and Integrate: 5.2.1 – Map (needs, possibilities and existent activities) 5.2.2 – Integrate: 1- Public hearings, meetings, committees, etc; 2 – Awareness diagnosis; 3- Cooperation Terms; 4- Criteria and systemic operational flowcharts; 5- Guidebooks; 6- Institucional Workshops; 7- Interinstitucional Workshops; 8- Technical Chambers and NATS; 9- Irregularities investigation 10- blogs e websites pgsistemicos.blogspot.com.br
COMMOM POINT OF VIEW Cooperation Networks HOW TO D: B – Implement actions based on the following steps forseen at the SPMCONVERGENCE MATRIX (THE SPM CONVERGENCE MATRIX enables the implementation of the criteria nd other national and international directives, adapted to local reality) EFFECTIVITY SUSTAINABILITY PEACE External Internal 1-CHOOSE ENVIRONMENT /HABITAT: E.g. Fori; Committee, Projects; Actions; Neighborhood, County, etc. 2- FOMENT THE INTERINSTITUTIONAL ACTION 6-Always starting from the priority focus and considering the criteria for SPM Actionplan 3- PROMOTING INSTITUTIONAL ACTION 5- TWO STAGES: 5.1- CHOOSING THE PRIORITY FOCUS 5.2-MAPPING AND INTEGRATING 4- TWOFOLD APPROACHES: 4.1- ENLIGHT 4.2- MEANS/ TOOLS VALUES HSD (Harmonic and Sustainable Developement)
In practice – How to fullfil the recomendation established on item 6 of the cumprir a recomendação constante no item 6 da SPM Convergence Matrix: “Always start from the priority focus and in light of the Criteria of the SPM Actionplan EXAMPLE: Foster the interinstitutional and institutional interplay (items 2 e 3 of the Convergence Matrix) in such a way that promotes the integration of thetree sectors(public, private and organized civil society) and the comunity at large (Criteria 5 of the SPM Actionplan) 5-integration of the 3 sectors: Public; Private, Civil Society and Comunity at large 2- FOSTER INTERINSTITUTIONAL INTERPLAY 3- Promote INSTITUTIONAL ACTION From a priority focus, It is possible to realize that people and institutional may take part in Cooperation Networks Examples: (obs: Roles that “doesn’t really matter who performs, as long as it is done”
1- PUBLIC SECTOR: 1.1 – EXECUTIVE POWER: # In geral: promotion and implementarion of the SPM Actionplan 1.1.1- Federal: nacional directives, resources, international strategic positioning 1.1.2- State: regional convergence, criteria, Committees/groups; 1.1.3- Municipal: direct interaction with public, Committees; Ex. SPM Committee- see SPM Guidebook Cooperation Term- focus on healthcare– second clause; ex2. Social Management Committee - Decree 10.461/09 Of Rio Grande County/RS available at: rodrigoschoeller.blogspot.com.br 2010 files diretory 1.2- LEGISLATIVE POWER (federal, state and municipal): # convergence, criation e aproaval of the SPM Actionplan – based lawmaking 1.3- JUSTICE POWER (federal, state ): 3.1- Judiciary: Coordination of the CNJ Health Executive Committees, SPM Actionplan promotion projects (see: Pilot-Project presente at the SPM Guidebook – Focus on Healthcare- avaliable at pgsistemicos.blogspot.com.br); 3.2 – Defensorias Públicas and other institutions: criteria, flowcharts; 3.3 –Public Ministry: Promotion to the SPM Actionplan
2- PRIVATE SECTOR: # Fullfilling the criteria from the SPM Actionplan, which provide a sinthesis of the many criteria and directives, both national and international, included but not limited to : $ - do Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI); $ - Enterprise Sustainability Index (ISE); $- Balanced Scorecard methodology – (BSC), entre outros; To develop indexes, providing additional value to the activies and, therefore, attracting investors and possibilitatinh access to resources, responsibily. 3- ORGANIZED CIVIL SOCIETY 3.1- participative Democracy- e.g. Committees, voluntariat; 3.2 – representative Democracy- : representative choosing aligned with criteria of the SPM Actionplan and to national and international directives 4- COMUNITY AT LARGE 4.1 – Regarding those that acknowlgde the Obligation-Rights duality and promote family-focused services, comunity-focused and so forth; 4.2 - - Relating to those that maintain linear thinkng, externalizing autophagic, individualistic behaviours. Require the Systemic Planning.
The SPM Actionplan implements what is established at the first paragraph of the Habitat Agenda for the Municipalities: “ ...There is a great oportunity and reason for hope that a new world may be built, one where socio-economic development along with environment protection reinforce themselves as the components of sustainable development, both mutually within the national agendas and through cooperation among the countries (source: Habitat Agenda for the Municipalities/Marlene Fernandes. Rio de Janeiro: IBAM,2003)
SPM Actionplan, however, does not fullfils itself only based on HABITAT Agenda directives, but it also sumarizes several other criteria and indexes, such as: Source: Guia Exame Boa Cidadania Corporativa 2006 Fonte: URBACT In such a way, it is possible to develop indexes that increase the value of the actions, possibly attracting investment to local enterprises, or it enables the access to resources necessary for the Project implementation. Notwithstanding, it also optimizes the management of scarce resources and reduces/qualifies the judicial proceedings Fonte: www.undp.org
STARTING FROM 2015, the aim is to develop SPM Actionplan focusing on the Sustainable Development Goas (DSGs/GOAL- 2015) e on HABITAT III (2016), adapting it to local reality Fonte https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/focussdgs.html Fonte: https://www.habitat3.org Fonte: Meu Município e a HABITAT III – cartilha da CNM: http://www.cnm.org.br/biblioteca/download/2130
HABITAT III https://www.habitat3.org/urbandialogues
GENERAL STRAGETY FOR ACTION In order to implement the project, the following sugestions are made (liable to standardize a Cooperation Term object clause) 1- (WHAT TO DO) cooperate on implementing and adapting to local reality the DSGs and HABITAT III Directives, 2 - (How to do) through the utilization of the criteria and SPM Actionplan convergence matrix 3 - (Results) in such a way that it promotes Harmonic and Sustainable Development (HSD) , 4 - consequently, reduce and/or qualify the judicial proceedings. • EXAMPLES OF THE PROPOSED ACTIVITIES: • Item A focal points : • Promote, through the utilization of the criteria and SPM Actionplan convergence matrix, • Including when choosing the priority focus, • The activities of mapping, evaluation, replication, alingment, integration, implementation and adpatation to local reality, • Both within institutions and interinstitutionally • Of actions, activities, projects and public policies • That contribute to achieve the DSGs and HABITAT III Directives • especially thoses performed through cooperation networks and/or those that strive to reduce the amount of Judicial proceedings;
Item b focal points: • Foster the formation of localSPM Committees among with other forms of cooperation networls (such as, e.g., the Social Management Committees and the Mixed Comissions) , • Implement, through the utilization of the criteria and SPM Actionplan convergence matrix, the DSGs, the directives of the Habitat III and the activities constant on Item “A” of the third clause of the present Cooperation Term, • Adapt such items to economic contextualized realities, both on social, environmental and geopolitical scope, • Item c focal points: • Ensure that the activities performed based to the Cooperation Term are similar to those established on the SPM Guidebook, (available at : pgsistemicos.blogspot.com.br), • Especially those mentioned at the Guidebook introduction and on the Corregedoria-Geral de Justiça Pilot Project. Observation: Examples of the activities mapped and aligned through strategic planning and Project development, which impact on general public policymaking? 1- CNMP: http://www.cnmp.mp.br/portal/noticia/7577-acao-nacional-divulgados-resultados-do-bienio-2013-2015 and http://www.mprs.mp.br/areas/medicamentos/arquivos/apresentacoes/cnmp_projeto_judicializacao_da_saude.pdf 2- CNM: http://www.municiencia.cnm.org.br 3- Which activities does your institution applies?
Utilizing the SPM Actionplan Convergence Matrix (and Criteria) to implemente and adapt the DSGs and HABITAT III directives to local reality INICIAL OBSERVATIONS : # The items 1 through 4 of the SPM Actionplan convergence matrix (along with the SPM Actionplan Criteria) establish general directives meant to be followed at the implementation phase: occuring at the Steps defined at item 5 (choose priority focus and map-integrate) # The choice of the priority focus may occur along with or preceeding the choice of the environment for Action (item 1 of the matrix). Therefore, we sugest selecting the DSGs that reflects the major necessities of the environment/habitat intended for implementation # Among the DSGs and HABITAT III directives, some stand apart: GOAL 3: Health– We sugest that the Justice Courts replicate within the States, the pilot-project of the Rio Grande do Sul Justice Court (see SPM Actionplan Guidebook) .GOAL 11: among the aspects of this DSGs, we may, for example, prioritize The public safety policies and/or the attendance to the needs of the vulnerable population ( Also impacting on “Cohesion and Social Equity–Urban Dialogues of the Habitat III)
. “Urban Frameworks ”–Habitat III Urban Dialogues: prioritizing the development of Urban Legislation - http://www.cidades.gov.br/index.php/component/content/article?id=3752 . GOAL 6 : Clean water and sanitation. Example: SPM focusing on waste dumps . GOAL 4: : Quality education – connected to GOAL16: • . GOAL 16: effective, capable institutions: prioritize the family relationships, especially through Family planning in its amplest conception ( which has larger scope than the related goal 3.7 of the DSGs) and through protection of Family bonds. The Family, foundation of the larger society, is instrumental to develop Right-Obligations consciousness, necessary to achieve virtually all DSGs and HABITAT III directives . For more information on Family bonds, please verify the Doctoral Thesis related to Family Network Project: http://rodrigoschoeller.blogspot.com.br/2013/10/tese-de-douturado-com-acoes-da.html and further documents available at : rodrigoschoeller.blogspot.com.br • GOAL 17: the results of the SPM Actionplan align to GOAL 17 and its goals • (see: https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/focussdgs.html), along with HABITAT III directives
Utilizing the SPM Actionplan Convergence Matrix (and Criteria) 1- Choose the ENVIRONMENT/HABITAT 1.1 – Establish a geographical limit (neighbourhood/comunity/county/State) to determine the territorial amplitude of the action; 1.2- Within such area, choose an environment to form the cooperation network: • If the priority focus is healthcare(GOAL 3): we sugest forming CNJ Healthcare Municipal Executive Committees; • If the focus is related to the Social Dimension: we sugest forming Social Management Committees based on Municipal Decreenº 10.461, of October 27 2009 – CGS and Integrated Rio Grande Program: http://rodrigoschoeller.blogspot.com.br/2010/10/SPM-decreto-municipal-n-10461-de-27-de_26.html • For a larger scope: (possibly expanding the focus for the socio-economic and environmental dimension- all of the DSGs) the optimum choice is the creationof Systemic Planning and Management Committees; • Regarding issues related to Judicial Proceedings of a certain Jurisdiction: we sugest creating Mix Commissions of the Judiciary Power;
Utilizing the SPM Actionplan Convergence Matrix (and Criteria) Important: The matrix is oriented towards the achievement of the SPM Actionplan Criteria. Therefore, it is importante that representatives of the public, private and organized cilvil society participate. 2 – Foster INTERINSTITUTIONAL Action: # Regional workshops are required- based on the model established for the Healthcare focus 3 – Foster INSTITUTIONAL Action: # Trainment both online and in loco are required- based on the methodology created for the pilot-project mentioned in the SPM Actionplan Guidebook 4- TWO APPROACHES: 4.1- Enlight ( Acknowledge the system that intervenes on the prioritized focus OBS: It is not necessary to obtain ample understanding of every theme covered by the SPM Actionplan. The importante is to promote cooperation networks, which will provde the necessary knowledge to achieve the mission;
SPM CONVERGENCE MATRIX 4.2 –Make available means/tools to start the Project (obs: the actions are constructed and distributed within the scope of item 5) We suggest the edition of guidebooks containing the operational flowcharts Obs: examples of Operational Systemic Flowcharts impacting on the DSGs: http://www.abmp.org.br/UserFiles/File/caderno_fluxos_operacionais.pdf 5 – TWO TIMEFRAMES (IMPLEMENTATION properly said ) 5.1 – Choose the priority focus: (OBS: see initial observation) Obs: the dimension of the focus depends on the capacity of the network to sustain its needs regarding the three aspects of sustainability ( see SPM Actionplan criteria) 5.2 – Map and Integrate: 5.2.1 – Map (necessities , possibilities and existent activities) 5.2.2 – Integrate: it is possible to adapt the procedures of the SPM Actionplan focusing on healthcare, prioritizing the edition of Guidebooks with attention to the Item 6 of the Convergence Matrix In such a way, it is possible to develop indexes of Harmonic and Sustainable Development (HSD)
SPM Action –Criteria and Alignment EFFECTIVITY SUSTAINABILITY PEACE External Internal 3-Needs: • Physiological; Psicological and Self-fulfillment 2-Provide 1- ChoosePrioritized Focus DSGsand HABITAT III (With greater relevance on family structures) Externalities Cooperation Networks 4- Impacts no the 3 dimensions Of sustainability: • Economic; Social • and Environmental. 6-Map and Integrate # Develop the Systemic Thinking 5-Integration from the 3 sectors: Public; Private and Organized Civil Society and the community at large Values HSD (Harmonic and Sustainable Developement)
What is the meaning of life?What is our common mission? It seems that the most important aspect in life is the Quality of the Relationships we establish with our con consciousness and the living beings and objects we Interact with. It seems more! It seems that for us to achieve sustainability, effectivity and internal-external Peace, we must realize that. Files and information : pgsistemicos.blogspot.com.br If you are willing to cooperate for our common mission, please foward this document and/or blog link to you emailing list or submit sugestions to: pgsblog@gmail.com