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CSE 2341 Object Oriented Programming with C++ Note Set #1. Quick Look. Review of Syllabus Outline Requirements Expectations. What’s this class about?. From the SMU Catalog:
Quick Look • Review of • Syllabus • Outline • Requirements • Expectations
What’s this class about? • From the SMU Catalog: • “…covers object-oriented concepts using the C++ language. Topics include inheritance, templates, polymorphism, exception handling, operator overloading, and File I/O. The course also includes the object-oriented implementation of the basic data structures of linked lists, stacks, queues, sets, and binary trees and their use in efficient program design. A brief introduction to UML is presented; a review of C++ pointers will be given”
Textbook Starting out with C++4th Edition, 2005 UpdateBy:Tony Gaddis
Instructor • Kamran Khan • OFFICE: 328 Caruth • PHONE: 214 280 7124 • E-MAIL: kkhan@engr.smu.edu • Office Hours: • TBA
Teach Assistants • Xu (Alex) Bai • Abishek Goel • Wael Kdouh
Grade Evaluation Total Possible Points: ~ 985
Grade Evaluation Example • Total Possible Points: 985 • Highest Scores by a Student: 962 • Your Scores: 915 915 962 * 100 = 88
Competencies attained in 2341 • Effective use of the C++ preprocessor • Explain the use of operator overloading • Explain the use of function name overloading • Design and code an inheritance hierarchy • Create a library of functions which can process data as objects • Understand memory management and dynamic allocation
Competencies (continued) • Understand polymorphism and virtual functions • Demonstrate a knowledge of an “is a” and “has a” relationship between classes • Write a C++ program using sequential and random file processing • Use exception handling techniques • Write a class template and driver to use it
Assignment Deliverables • Programming Assignments • Due Monday @ 10 p.m. of the week listed on the course outline • Upload a compressed file to the proper WebCT folder containing the following components: • All Source and header files • UML or pseudocode (as required by the assignment) • UNIX (.out) executable file
Assignment Deliverables (continued) • Homework Assignments • Weekly homework assignments • Will usually require you to read ahead of lecture to familiarize yourself with material to come • Due at the beginning of class on Wednesday • Print file off web and answer questions • Answer may be typed or hand-written
Late Assignments • Homework Assignemtns • Not Accepted Late • Programming Assignments • Can be submitted up to 48 Late into the appropriate LateFolder on WebCT • Only allowed with special permission of the course instruction (not the TA) • 10 point deduction
Lab Periods • 1st Week (This Week) is MANDATORY • Will take you through the complete assignment life cycle for a 2341 programming assignment • Review UNIX and vi tutorials if you are new to UNIX
Scholastic Honesty • Outside assistance other than from your instructor, a TA, or university tutoring service is considered scholastic dishonesty • Look at/copying from another student’s work is considered scholastic dishonesty • Consequences of Scholastic Dishonesty • First Incident – 0 on assignment for all involved • Second Incident – F in Course and Honor Council Referral or Disposition • Professor reserves the right to modify these depending on the particular case
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