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Lessons from Cain and Abel in Genesis 4:1-26

Dive into the birth, offerings, reactions, and consequences of Cain and Abel, exploring the power of sin and the importance of submission to God's plan. Understand the profound implications of their actions and the eternal lessons they hold.

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Lessons from Cain and Abel in Genesis 4:1-26

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Sons of Adam & Eve Genesis 4:1-26 9/9/2018

  2. Their Birth • Cain means “possession”. When Eve bare Cain she said, “With the help of the Lord I have brought forth a man.” She probably thought the was the promised seed of Genesis 3:15 who would crush the serpent’s head. • Little did she realized that he would serve the serpent. Her woes begin.

  3. Their Birth • Abel means breath or vapor. • “What is your life? You are a mist (vapor) that appears for a little while and then it vanishes.” James 4 :14 • Their Occupations • Abel a keeper of sheep • Cain a tiller of the ground

  4. Their Offerings • Cain brought of the fruit of the ground. Genesis 4:3 • Abel brought fat portions from some of the first born of his flock. Genesis 4:4 • Abel’s offering received with favor. • Cain’s offering rejected. Why?

  5. The Reaction of Cain and God’s Warning • Cain reacts with anger. • What causes such anger? Genesis 4:6 • Admit that your sin caused the problem. • Recognize the power and danger of sin. Genesis 4:7b

  6. Murder • Cain’s plan; kill his younger brother.

  7. God Seeks Cain Out • Cain denies responsibility. “Brother’s keeper” • Abel’s blood cries out from the ground. • First biblical reference to blood defiling the land. Exodus 35:33

  8. Judgment • Cain’s cure was to lose his livelihood, the ground would not yield him any fruit. • He would become a vagabond, a wander, with no fixed home.

  9. Cain’s Decision • Cain departs form the presence of the Lord. • He and his wife have a son. • Starts building a city. (an attempt to neutralize God’s curse)

  10. Conclusion of the Matter • Sin may start small but it causes big problems in the end. We can only be saved God’s way and we can only please God by doing things His way. • Are you submitted to God’s plan for you? • When you are caught doing something wrong, do you rebel even more as Cain did or do you confess your sin and submit to God?

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