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The Judicial Branch The Supreme Court. Teaching American History (2012-2013) Lesson 2 Leah Simons. What do you already know?. Objective (What should you be able to tell me at the end?). Social Studies 4-4.2 Explain the structure of the judicial branch Common Core Standard
The Judicial BranchThe Supreme Court Teaching American History (2012-2013) Lesson 2 Leah Simons
Objective (What should you be able to tell me at the end?) Social Studies • 4-4.2 Explain the structure of the judicial branch Common Core Standard • 4RI-7 Interpret information presented visually (tell me what a picture means) and explain how the information you see in the picture helps you understand what we’re reading.
How would you feel?? ATTENTION BOYS!!! You can’t go to school here!!! You have to go to school in the greenhouse just outside of the school.
Let’s take a look at primary sources! • What is a primary source? --letters, pictures, maps, or other documents created during a time period. We will look at…… • Two different school buildings in the 1950s • 2 additional pictures during the 1950s
Readers Theatre Vocabulary • 1. segregated-separate, set apart • 2. civil rights- something no one should be able to take away from you regardless of your skin color, beliefs, or gender (male/female) • 3. dilapidated-torn down/run down • 4. torment-treat badly • 5. integrate-combine, allow to be with • 6. mob-large group of people
In the Readers Theatre, it said the Supreme Court stepped in…. What’s this Supreme Court all about?
What’s the job of the Judicial Branch (Supreme Court)? The judicial branch checks to see if laws made by the legislative branch go along with the Constitution.
The Supreme Court is the HIGHEST court. Not every case will be heard. Only the ones that seem the most important or the cases that may affect ALL people of the United States. (local court)
The nine justices (judges) decide whether or not the laws are being carried out fairly and according to the U.S. Constitution.
How do they get their job? Judges are chosen by the President and approved by Congress (Legislative Branch) They serve their entire life unless they are impeached. Impeach means charged with a crime. They work at the Supreme Courthouse.
Why do we have an odd number instead of an even number on the Supreme Court??
So what’s the connection???The Judicial Branch (Supreme Court), Brown vs Board of Education, and the Little Rock Nine The 14th Amendment: *allows citizenship to any person born into the United States (that included slaves and former slaves) *forbids any state to deny a person his or her natural rights "life, liberty, and property without due process of law or deny any person within a jurisdiction the equal protection of it's laws *It ensured that blacks would be considered citizens.
What was the vote for Brown vs Board of Education?? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Why was it even sent to the Supreme Court? *Local Court ignored plea *NAACP got involved
Any events happening today where the Supreme Court had to step in?
Exit Slip On a sticky note, write down 3 things you learned about the judicial branch.