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Low Budget Marketing For Low Income Housing. Using Social Media To Rent Units. Using Social Media To Rent Units. Aiming for local community, through business and potential tenant contacts.
Low Budget Marketing For Low Income Housing Using Social Media To Rent Units
Using Social Media To Rent Units • Aiming for local community, through business and potentialtenant contacts. • Many businesses of all industry choose to stick to their old fashioned marketing tactics, often with little to no return. • When we first begin to think about being successful in renting units on our properties, in our communities…what do you think of? • Marketing/Advertising/Reputation/Community Presence/Business Contacts such as Vendors with Employees/ ???? • Limited manpower, budget, and time can cause massive roadblocks. • Referrals-building a contact list, “community business-based outreach”.
Using Social Media To Rent Units • Web Site • Establishing a home page for your business is relatively inexpensive and can reach many people. • Always include a phone number or email address so that interested visitors can contact you. • A downloadable pdf of your application is also good.
Using Social Media To Rent Units • Email Lists • One of the most overlooked or ineffectively used marketing tactics continues to be email marketing. • Manage your email contacts! • Once your email lists are ready to go you can start to think about how to communicate to these recipients in the most effective ways possible. • TIP: Sign up for a couple email subscriptions to receive email marketing from successful companies. This is a great way to find new ideas and to see what effective email marketers are doing. • Eddie Bauer, Apple, Outside Magazine, VS! • Use Professional, Relevant Messages in Your Emails.
Using Social Media To Rent Units • Email Lists • If you are going to spend time and money marketing to prospects and clients, then make sure that you are sending them quality material. • Programs like MailChimp and iContact and Constant Contact provide some useful templates.
Using Social Media To Rent Units • Email Lists • One of the best ways to do this with email marketing is to only send your emails at the most opportune days and times of the week/month. • Avoid weekends as lots of spam gets sent during this time. • Avoid evenings as lots of spam is sent then and you may risk having your message included in a mass delete. • Avoid Mondays as this is usually the busiest day for most people. • Avoid public holiday periods and summer holiday rushes. • TIP: The best days and times to send email campaigns typically fall mid week, during working hours.
Using Social Media To Rent Units • Facebook • Make sure it's easy to find your company's contact information, including phone numbers, business address, and website details. • In addition, add a customer support tab that includes an FAQ or Q&A section, plus practical information such as how to get an application. • TIP: Don’t Overpost- "With great power comes great responsibility." Nothing turns customers off faster than being inundated with Facebook posts. • Reward “Fans” for participation. A business gives you a lead for instance, you highlight them on your page.
Using Social Media To Rent Units • Facebook • Social Media Examiner's Top 10 Small Business Facebook Pages for 2012 • #1: How to Market Your Horse Business • #2: Recruit Military • #8: Legendary Whitetails • #9: Dog Pack Snacks
Using Social Media To Rent Units • Facebook • What helped these sites? • Great photos • Informative/entertaining posts • Engagement with viewers • Publishes a good variety of content • Lots of recommendations. • Harder Industry Is Ours! But think about what you can incorporate to draw interest to your page, and ultimately your properties.
Using Social Media To Rent Units • Twitter • Twitter is quickly developing into a useful marketing tool for small and midsize companies that sell products and services. • Some big companies have a knack for tweeting in a way that drives their business. • Study what they say and how they get a rapport going with their customers. • Some of the best are Levi’s, Nike, Zappos, and Chow.
Using Social Media To Rent Units Web Site/Facebook/Twitter
Using Social Media To Rent Units • Twitter • When you set up your Twitter account you can follow companies, and the tweets of those companies will automatically come to you. • Pick and choose carefully. • When a company you’ve selected retweets interesting posts from others, it is much like a referral. • In general, experts in B2B Marketing recommend you follow customers, analysts, partners, potential customers, media, and bloggers in your industry. • Recognize the people and companies with the most to offer your company.
Using Social Media To Rent Units • Real Estate Listings/Directories • Your area of interest. State-wide. National. • www.lowincomehousing.us • www.socialserve.com • www.ilhousingsearch.org
Using Social Media To Rent Units • Linked In • Many people still call LinkedIn the "most boring" of the three major social networks. • Twitter & Facebook are the top two… • …but LinkedIn has really done a great job over the last year in order to keep up and maintain its position on the top 3 podium. • Start Your Own LinkedIn Group!
Using Social Media To Rent Units • Traditional Marketing Options (Social Media Equal) • Press Release (Twitter & Facebook) • General Flyers (Facebook & Email) • Direct Mail (Twitter & Facebook & Email) • Public Service/Sponsorship (Twitter & Facebook & Email) • Yellow Pages • Apartment For Rent Signage (Twitter & Facebook & Email) • Bulletin Boards (Twitter & Facebook & Email) • Newspapers (Now Online Versions as well) • Tenant Incentives ($25 gift card for finding an applicant/leased tenant) • Word of Mouth • Business Cards vs. Business Card Marketing (listing Social Media) (250 cards for $25…10 cents a copy).
Using Social Media To Rent Units • Additional Tips • Who are your very best customers? Make sure your advertising reaches them. • Can you sponsor a community event? • Positive exposure in the community can bring in new applicants/residents. • Piggyback advertising. Is there someone in your area that send out a lot of mailings? • Split the postage. Pay a small fee to be included. • Key your ads! Put something in the ad to let you know where a response comes from. Put a code that will record what and where. • Ask every applicant how they found you. Make sure it is on your application.