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Efficient Importing and Exporting with Solana: A Comprehensive Guide

Learn to create integration maps, certification files, and translation templates for efficient importing and exporting with Solana. The guide includes detailed steps, examples, and best practices.

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Efficient Importing and Exporting with Solana: A Comprehensive Guide

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  1. Importing And Exporting

  2. Importing And Exporting,topics include: • Creating Integration Maps • Direct Certification Maps and Translations • Creating Integration Jobs • Manual and Scheduled Imports and Exports • Allergens and Medical Alerts

  3. The Solana Data Setup Guide, provided at the start of your implementation, provides specifications and examples for your Import and Export files. File Definition

  4. This information is helpful for developing importable files for Solana. These can be .csv or comma or tab-delimited .txt files Your Horizon Project Coordinator can provide the Solana Data Setup Guide upon request. File Examples

  5. Creating Integration Maps Import/Export begins with the creation of a data map matching the structure and format of the file. Browse to Admin> Definitions/Setup> Integration Maps, to review existing maps.

  6. Creating Integration Maps To create a New Map, click here. Select the Job Type, Import or Export, and the Map Type. Community is used mostly for demographic data, like your Student file. Note the 3 Map Types for Direct Cert. Direct Cert- All is new and includes the capabilities of Direct Cert- Free and Reduced.. See the lesson Direct Certification Import File Preparation for more information.

  7. Creating Integration Maps Provide a Map Name, File Type (usually comma-separated or tab) and Begin on Line (Line 2 if your file has a Header row). Select Files will open your Windows Browser. Browse to and Open your file.

  8. Creating Integration Maps Solana will count the columns in the file and provide the same number on the template. Click in Field and use the dropdown to select the appropriate field value. Check Match for the field to match on during import, usually ID for demographic imports.

  9. Creating Integration Maps This is an example of a typical Student Import File template. Use SKIP to ignore a column of data on the incoming file.

  10. Creating Integration Maps Translations are very important. They allow Solana to understand the Codes in your import file. For example, Click on Translations for the Case field. Note: After saving a new template, you may need to refresh your screen to see the Translations button. Hit F5 on your keyboard or return to Integration Maps and re-select the template.

  11. Creating Integration Maps In this example, we’re creating a translations for the CASE field for a Direct Cert Free template. In the import file: SNAP = 1 TANF = 2 Medicaid Free = 3 Scroll the Translate Value list and click each case type, then Add. They will copy to the Imported Value section. Note: Use Medicaid for Medicaid Free. In the Imported Value list, input the value that represents each case type. Save, as always!

  12. Creating DC Integration Maps What you need to know about Direct Certification Import Templates • Direct Certification files may contain several matching fields including (local) ID, State ID, and Last+First+DOB. • Each template allows 2 types, Match and Secondary Match. If you have 3 matching criteria, create a 2nd template. On import, these will match on the 1st then the 2nd ,and update the matching records accordingly. • Due to privacy concerns, Social Security # is not imported into Solana so cannot be used to match. • Importing the CASE field (SNAP, TANF, etc.) is highly recommended for accuracy in reporting. • For Medicaid Reduced cases, you will need to create a separate import template and file. See the lesson Direct Certification Import File Preparation for more information.

  13. Creating DC Integration Maps Direct Certification files may include a variety of fields to match on import. State ID, (local) ID, Last+First+DOB are common. Each template allows 2 Matches. On import, these will match on the 1st then the 2nd ,and update the matching records accordingly. These, plus Case and Case Number are typical of many DC imports.

  14. Creating DC Integration Maps Some state files can be imported without modification, but, they tend to have a lot of fields that are not needed for the Case and eligibility determination. When you create the template those fields will be represented. You can choose to SKIP these unneeded fields.

  15. Creating DC Integration Maps Including the CASE fieldis highly recommended for the assignment of the specific CASE type. Translate the Case values as needed. All direct certification records, including Medicaid Free and Medicaid Reduced, can import together. If your file includes a Medicaid- Reduced value, you MUST translate it to prevent it from processing as FREE. Use the Direct_Cert_Allmap type when creating the template.

  16. Creating Integration Jobs Maps must be associated with a Job to import your file. Browse to Admin>Integration and Create New Job. Choose the Job and Map Type. Only those Map Types will be then available in the Map dropdown selections.

  17. Creating Integration Jobs Job Details control important aspects of import/exports. Inactivate Object Not in Source is checked when importing an Actives-Only Student file. Students NOT in the file but in Solana are inactivated to keep your Edit Checks accurate. Update Only will NOT create new records and is ALWAYS used for Direct Certification imports. ‘Override’ allows Grade and School changes above 10%. Leave unchecked except for your 1st import of the new year. Record, in conjunction w/ New Percentage, prevents creation of ‘bad’ records, for example if SSN is in the ID column of the import file!

  18. Creating Integration Jobs To manually run the job, click the dropdown, and click Launch Job. From the Windows Browser pop-up, double-click your file, the Job will begin.

  19. Creating Integration Jobs After the launched Job completes, click on the History tab (click the F5 key to instantly refresh), then click the Blue Triangle to review for errors. Review the errors and adjust the corresponding template accordingly. • There were the wrong number of fields • is common. • Compare the # of fields in your import file to the # in the Map. • Verify that the File Type (comma-delimited, tab, etc.) matches.

  20. Creating Integration Jobs This is what an error-free import History looks like.

  21. Creating Integration Jobs When using a Job for export, you can select any or all Eligibilities from the drop-down list. Click each to add it to the list to export. You can also choose Active, Inactive or All records.

  22. Creating Integration Jobs Exported files are sent to your \Downloads folder with the name StudentRecordExport.txt. Only Active records are included in the download.

  23. Creating Integration Jobs Solana provides several methods for automated File Transfer. Your Student File import was configured during your initial implementation. Refer to the diagram below and contact Customer Support for additions, updates or changes.

  24. Creating Integration Jobs Settings for automation are configured here. Check Automate and input Start Date and Time, Frequency, File Source and Location.

  25. Medical Alerts and Allergens Medical Alerts and Allergens can be imported and both appear on the POS Customer record at the Terminal. Medical Alerts tend to be more free-form than Allergens, are tied only to the patrons record and are limited to 250 characters per, 1 entry per record. Allergens can be imported individually or as a list, items must be separated by comma, the entire entry must be enclosed in quotes and is limited to 250 characters total. Each Allergen imported is added to the Allergen list so take care not to create duplicates, like Peanut and Peanuts. IMPORTANT: If Medical Alerts are included in the import ALL Medical Alerts are purged and reimported from the file.  If Allergens are included in the import ALL Allergens are purged and reimported from the file.  Be sure, when importing Medical Alerts or Allergens, to always provide complete, not partial, records for all students!

  26. Thanks again for your time and effort. It’s appreciated!

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