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Child Safety Awareness: Dangers and Precautions

Presentation on child safety risks observed in various settings like malls, stores, and homes. Emphasizes the importance of safeguarding children from potential hazards. Includes visuals and cautionary examples.

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Child Safety Awareness: Dangers and Precautions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. My brother is putting his hand dangerously at the door hinges. Any person closing it can crush his fingers. Taken 5/4/2013

  2. CHILD HUNTING IN SINGAPORE • On 5/4/2013, RuiZhe and me, li heng, went out to NEX serangoon, city square mall at farrer park and vivocity at harbourfront. We targeted any shops selling toys, books, supermarkets or candy shops and playgrounds. This ppt displays the dangers and events we witnessed during this visit

  3. boxes and scooters are placed dangerously near the edges of shelves. Any child can get hurt by such falling objects. Taken at NEX,serangoon 5/4/2013

  4. More of such dangers

  5. Arcades. Frequented by children. NEX, serangoon 5/4/2013

  6. Child is reaching in to the toy set that says “do not touch”. Seen at Isetan at NEX, serangoon. Taken 5/4/2013

  7. Child has difficulty reaching table as seen. Taken in food republic at NEX, serangoon. 5/4/2013.

  8. Child safety messages in public. Taken at fairprice XTRA, NEX serangoon 5/4/2013

  9. Child is climbing on the diary compartment. Taken at cold storage NEX serangoon 5/4/2013

  10. The egg containers are way too sharp and thin. Taken at fairprice NEX, serangoon 5/4/2013

  11. Kid sitting in a trolley. Taken fairprice NEX serangoon. 5/4/2013

  12. messages

  13. Gas cookers are not locked. Kids can play with gas. Taken at fairprice NEX, serangoon 5/4/2013

  14. Miscellaneous. Taken 5/4/2013

  15. Miscellaneous. Taken 5/4/2013.

  16. Miscellaneous. Taken 5/4/2013

  17. Ladders on bunk beds. Taken at IKEA 5/5/2013

  18. Fingers of kids can be dangerously hurt in this sliding mechanism. Taken at IKEA 5/5/2013

  19. Feet or hands can get caught in sliding devices like these. Taken at IKEA 5/5/2013

  20. The knob can be easily turned on and burn children’s hands when touched. Taken at IKEA 5/5/2013

  21. Turnable knobs that can cause very dangerous gas inhalation or fire in house if child plays with it. Taken at IKEA 5/5/2013

  22. Miscellaneous. Taken 5/4/2013

  23. Miscellaneous. Taken 5/4/2013

  24. Miscellaneous. Taken 5/4/2013

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