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STPD CourseSchedule WUT – Spring 2007

Time. Day 1. Day 2. Day 3. Day 4. 8:15. Lecture: Course Overview. Exercise: Worst Idea. Exercise: Improvement. Lecture: Technology. Selection. Roadmap. 9:15. Exercise: Brainwalking. Lecture: New Concept. Lecture: Intellectual. Exercise: Technology. Ideation. Property 1. Roadmap.

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STPD CourseSchedule WUT – Spring 2007

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 8:15 Lecture: Course Overview Exercise: Worst Idea Exercise: Improvement Lecture: Technology Selection Roadmap 9:15 Exercise: Brainwalking Lecture: New Concept Lecture: Intellectual Exercise: Technology Ideation Property 1 Roadmap 10:15 Lecture: Strategic Exercise: Problem Exercise: Superhero Lecture: Course Summary Technology Planning Grouping Powers 11:15 Break Break Break Break 11:30 Lecture: Voice of the Lecture: Voice of the Lecture: Intellectual Assignment: Project Customer 1 Customer 2 Property 2 Proposals 12:30 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch 1:15 Assignment: Customer Assignment: Customer Assignment: Intellectual Exercise: Project Review Interview 1 Interview 2 Property Scan 2:15 Adjourn Adjourn Adjourn Adjourn STPD CourseSchedule WUT – Spring 2007 Click on headers to link to exercises and assignments. STPD Course Schedule

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