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Discover the enduring impact of the mighty Roman Empire on Europe's diverse political and cultural landscape, influencing language, religion, and trade routes. From the glorious Byzantine Empire to the calamitous Black Plague and the transformative Renaissance, delve into the complex history that shaped the continent. Uncover the rise of Ottoman Empire, the Crusades, and the era of exploration that heralded new horizons and global connections. Witness the evolution of Europe through conquests, divisions, and rebirth that define its rich heritage.
History and Culture of Europe • The political and cultural differences in Europe today were affected by events dating back to the ancient Roman Empire.
Roman Empire (pg. 290) • Started around 753 BC by Romulus • Conquered surrounding regions until it reached it’s greatest expanse around 117 AD • The northern and eastern European borders were set at the Rhine and DanubeRivers (why?) (p. 290)
Roman Empire • Around 330 AD, Emperor Constantine moved the Roman government to the city of Byzantium on the Bosporus Strait (later named Constantinople). • Because of it’s location, this city controlled most trade between Asia, Africa and Europe. This brought wealth to the east, and reduced influence of Rome. Silk Road
Division of the Roman Empire • The empire became too big to control from Rome, so, in 395 AD, Emperor Diocletian divided the empire into a Greek speaking east and Latin speaking west.
Division of the Christian church • This division would later lead to the split in Christianity with the Catholic (west) and Orthodox (east) Churches. • Catholic churches followed the leadership of the Pope in Rome and used Latin as the “official” language. • Orthodox churches established local leadership and used local language
Fall of the Roman Empire • Because of political division, the western half of the Roman Empire became weak, and was invaded by “Germanic tribes” from just outside the Empire. • This led to Rome being conquered by Vandal tribes in 476 AD. (“vandalize”)
European Languages (pg. 290) • This explains the division between the three major language families of Europe: • “Germanic” – German, Dutch, English in northern Europe • “Romance”: Italian, French, Portuguese, and Spanish in western Europe • “Slavic” – Polish, Czech, Ukranian, Slovak in eastern Europe Privet Hello GutenTag Witaj Bonjour Ciào Hola
Middle Ages – a “Dark” time • For the next 1000 years, society in western Europe broke down into small, hostile, separate kingdoms. • Learning, science, and technology stopped. • The one unifying force remaining was the Catholic church, led by increasingly politically strong Popes.
Muslim Expansion into Iberia • In 711 AD, Muslim from north Africa (called “Moors”) crossed the Strait of Gibraltar and conquered most of the Iberian Peninsula • Expansion was stopped at the Pyrenees mountains (physical boundary) by Frankish (French) troops. • The “occupation” lasted until they were defeated by the army of Isabella and Ferdinand (Spain) in 1492.
The Crusades • From 1096 to 1291, Catholic Popes in Rome order a series of “Crusades” in an effort to retake the “Holy Land” (Jerusalem) from the Muslims, and to unite the warring kingdoms of Europe against a common enemy (Islam). • It didn’t work (10+ tries). • It did lead to increased trade between Italy and Asia.
Eastern Roman Empire • The Byzantine Empire, centered in Constantinople, focused on trade throughout the Balkan Peninsula. • Traveling traders, and mountainous terrain resulted in many ethnic groups developing close together.
Ottoman Empire • The eastern Roman Empire (Byzantium) lost influence with the rise of Islam in Turkey and in 1299, the Ottoman Empire was established. • It spread through eastern Europe and lasted until after World War I (more later…)
Trade leads to Plague (pg. 294) • From 1347 to 1352, increased trade from Asia led to the spread of “Black Plague” • Fleas on “pack rats” in land-based cargo carried this disease to trade hubs, then it spread to humans. • Spread to/from trade ports • “Ring around the rosy (cheeks) Pocket full of posies (smell) Ashes, ashes, (dead burned) We all fall down” (1/3 of Eur. pop. died – 25 million)
Trade leads to “Rebirth” • Starting around 1350, the Renaissance began in Italian city-states like Venice, Genoa and Milan. • Rich families would pay (“patronize”) talented artists to create works of art to show off their wealth. • Famous artists include daVinci and Michaelangelo • Started a period of study in science and nature, and a time of invention
European Religion • Inventions like the printing press (1455, Gutenberg) allowed for widespread learning and knowledge • This led to questioning of the Catholic Church’s authority • 1517 – Martin Luther protests Catholic church practices (95 Theses) • This starts the Protestant Reformation in Germany Protestant Catholic Orthodox Muslim
Age of Exploration • New navigation technology (new sail design, compass from China, astrolabe) and expensive goods from Asia encourage ocean exploration • 1490’s 1500’s - Spain and Portugal in C/S Amer. • 1600’s 1700’s - England and France in N. Amer. • Not all countries were involved: • Germany – Atlantic access blocked by England • Italy – focused on Mediterranean trade
Age of Empires (W=P) • Desires to have more (resources, space, control) than other countries led to taking control of land to benefit the “mother land” • Spain – Central and South America, Philippines • England – North America, Caribbean, Australia, India, Hong Kong, Africa (“sun never set” pg. 304) • France – North America, Vietnam, Africa • Not all countries had “productive” colonies, some were just empty land (see pg. 404 and 419) • Wealth = Phys. Res. ( “I have more than you!!)
Age of Revolution (Industrial) (W=Pt) • Industrial Revolution begins in 1780’s England • Coal + iron = steel • Steel + oil = machinery • Countries now realized that more technology can also build wealth • Wealth = Physical resources technology • Increased manufacturing and weaponsleads to nations taking more colonies(Conference of Berlin 1885)
Age of Revolution (Political) • Kings abused their absolute power • This led to many independence movements in European colonies • 1776 - United States breaks from England • 1789 – France beheads Louis XVI, Napoleon gets power • 1820’s – Central and South American colonies break away from Spain and Portugal
Nationalism and Conflict • During the 1800’s and 1900’s, fear of other cultures created fear of other nations • Strong sense of national pride led to intense rivalries • Countries form alliances with others of similar culture, economies, governments, or common enemies • “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”
World War I (1914-1918) • Due to alliances throughout Europe, one localized event resulted in widespread declarations of war. • Austria blamed Serbia for the death of their prince... • Central Powers – Austria, Ottoman Emp., Germany • Allies – Serbia, Russia, France, England, Italy • Ger. invaded Fr. through neutral (and flat) Belgium • Allies win
After the “War to end all wars” • As punishment for losing the war, all Central powers lost land (resources)…. • Poland created as a “buffer zone” between Germany and Russia • Germany lost Alsace region (coal and iron) • Ottoman Empire and Austria-Hungary broken into separate, ethnically “pure” countries, except Yugoslavia (p. 322)
World War II (1939-1945) • Germans and Italians, unhappy with post-war govt., choose radical new leaders, Hitler and Mussolini • Hitler invaded Poland in 1939 to “reclaim lost land” • Allies did nothing at first • Germany invaded France through Belgium, AGAIN • Allies – England, France, United States • Axis Powers – Germany, Italy, Austria, Hungary • Russia “neutral” until…
End of /After World War II (p. 312) • Hitler invaded the Soviet Union, the U.S.S.R. joined Allies and forced Germany back • After the war, U.S.S.R. kept control of occupied land • Allies divide Germany into E/W Germany • “Berlin Wall” split capital • This began 50 years of Communist control over Eastern Europe • Led to heavy pollution and poor development
European Union (pg. 326) • France and Germany were tired of fighting over resources, so they decided to SHARE resources • ECSC established (1951) to control coal/iron use • EC (1967) joined by countries for access to trade • EU (1993) started as a Europe “free trade zone” • In 2000, EU most countries start using a common currency (Euro)
Ethnic conflict in the Balkans (p. 322) • After the fall of Communism, Yugoslavia fractured into 6 mostly ethnically pure countries • Areas of multiple cultures experienced “ethnic cleansing” where one group kills only one other group to “cleanse” the area of “outsiders” • Worst cases were in Bosnia /Herzegovina and Kosovo • Region still experiencing tension