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AWARENESS AND SCREENING IN TAMILNADU Rajalakshmi Ravi, M A, Head- Awareness and Screening Programme. … helping the underprivileged with kidney ailments TAMILNAD KIDNEY RESEARCH FOUNDATION. Background. TAMILNADU. Lifestyle diseases- most common cause of death

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  1. AWARENESS AND SCREENING IN TAMILNADU Rajalakshmi Ravi, M A, Head- Awareness and Screening Programme … helping the underprivileged with kidney ailments TAMILNAD KIDNEY RESEARCH FOUNDATION

  2. Background TAMILNADU • Lifestyle diseases- most common cause of death • Deaths after 40 years of age in Tamil Nadu – • cardiovascular causes (40%)* • diabetes and other non communicable diseases (14.8%)* • Diet, high fasting blood glucose, high blood pressure – reasons for >10% of years of life lost (YLL) and lived with disability (YLD)* *- Tamil Nadu: Disease burden profile, 1990-2016. Available from http://www.healthdata.org/sites/default/files/files/Tamil_Nadu_-_Disease_Burden_Profile%5B1%5D.pdf

  3. Status of awareness & screening in Tamil Nadu • Primary health care focused predominantly on maternal and child health, and communicable diseases till recent times • NCD awareness and the complications need to be understood by the common man as a lifestyle disease • Diabetes mellitus, hypertension and heart diseases are looked upon as separate issues at PHC levels

  4. Cost Burden of CKD Accessibility Quality • Average monthly expenditure for CKD (hemodialysis, medication and investigations) works to Rs.20,650 ($295) • Requirement of two HD per week – balancing act between optimal health and health expenditure • Malnutrition is highly prevalent in CKD patients in low socio economic groups • Limited access to quality renal care for population below poverty line.

  5. Practical solution…. Primary prevention Creating awareness about kidney disease Prevention Secondary prevention Early diagnosis (screening)

  6. TANKER Awareness and Prevention Programme (TAPP –our model) • Awareness talks on kidney disease–with/without audio visual aids • Distribute and display educative materials • Road shows and walkathons • Debates and competitions Leaflets distribution Debate –Medical college For women WKD road show

  7. Our reach Target Audience • Adults in corporate offices • Organized government and non government sectors like transport department, police department, etc. • General public • School children beyond 10 years of age

  8. Screening for early detection • Organised and unorganised sector; adults • BMI and BP check • Urine dipstick test for protein and glucose • Blood Sugar • Blood Urea and Serum Creatinine for risk category • Consultation with doctors – with ultrasound if needed • Counseling by social workers on diet and lifestyle • Follow up through telephonic contact

  9. Our findings • The level of awareness on kidney disease among truck drivers was 29%. • TAPP observes that 13.9% of the population are at risk of CKD Between March 2005-Oct 2018 331 Camps, screened 29,155 people

  10. Cost of preventing CKD Urine test = Rs. 650 ($ 9.28) Blood Sugar = Rs. 3,300 ($ 47.1) Blood urea and serum creatinine = Rs. 15,000 ($ 214.2) Equipments = Rs. 500 ($ 7.1) Stationery and educative materials = Rs. 250 ($ 3.57) Screening personnel cost = Rs. 2,000 ($ 28.57) Cost of prevention per 100 people = Rs. 21,700 ($ 310) COST OF PREVENTING CKD IS Rs 217 ($ 3.1) PER PERSON PER YEAR

  11. Mile stones for TAPP • Screening provided at gas stations and other public places initiated in 2014 • Starting of the walk in clinic at TAPP office since 2016 • Signing of MOU with Indian Oil Corporation to screen truck drivers across Tamil Nadu in 2018 and 2019 • We have screened 2732 truck drivers all over Tamil Nadu in four months.

  12. In store… • Continuum of awareness programme all over Tamil Nadu by starting TAPP facility in 1st, 2nd and 3rd tier cities • To detect Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension and kidney disease with available tools and lower cost • Enforce life style modification as means to prevention & progression • Work in concurrence with the government and other stake holders to attain the above vision to create a healthy society • Action at grass root level utilizing the existing public health infrastructure

  13. Know prevention ………….. no pain No prevention …………….. know pain • Thank You

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