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Finnish Co-operative Movement 110 years: Celebratory Conference. September 24, 2009 Arto Hiltunen, CEO, SOK, S-Group

Finnish Co-operative Movement 110 years: Celebratory Conference. September 24, 2009 Arto Hiltunen, CEO, SOK, S-Group. Agenda. Case S-Group S-Group’s first 100 years Mission, vision, values Structure and organisation S-Group in figures Strategic value innovations

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Finnish Co-operative Movement 110 years: Celebratory Conference. September 24, 2009 Arto Hiltunen, CEO, SOK, S-Group

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Finnish Co-operative Movement 110 years: Celebratory Conference. September 24, 2009 Arto Hiltunen, CEO, SOK, S-Group

  2. Agenda • Case S-Group • S-Group’s first 100 years • Mission, vision, values • Structure and organisation • S-Group in figures • Strategic value innovations • Comments on the previous presentations Arto Hiltunen

  3. Agenda Case S-Group S-Group’s first 100 years Mission, vision, values Structure and organisation S-Group in figures Strategic value innovations Comments on the previous presentations Arto Hiltunen 3 5.6.2014

  4. Poor services, supply Co-op more effective than private stores Private stores more effective than Co-op Private stores lose their direction New meaning to customer- ownership, New areas of growth S-Group’s first 100 years 1900 2000 New strategy, new structure 1983 Arto Hiltunen

  5. Mr Juhani Pesonen elected CEO of SOK year 1982

  6. Agenda Case S-Group S-Group’s first 100 years Mission, vision, values Structure and organisation S-Group in figures Strategic value innovations Comments on the previous presentations Arto Hiltunen 6 5.6.2014

  7. The S-Group’s mission is to provide services and benefits to its members. Arto Hiltunen

  8. THE S-GROUP’S VALUES • Customer focus • Responsibility • Renewal • Profitability Arto Hiltunen

  9. THE S-GROUP’S VISION Most preferred and comprehensive services – customer-owner’s first choice Arto Hiltunen

  10. Agenda Case S-Group S-Group’s first 100 years Mission, vision, values Structure and organisation S-Group in figures Strategic value innovations Comments on the previous presentations Arto Hiltunen 10 5.6.2014

  11. Structure of the S-Group Customers / Members Own 22 regional cooperatives SOK Corporation own S-Group’s support and service functions S-Group’ssupply chain management SOK’s operations Operations Operations Customers / Members St.Petersburg, Baltics customers Arto Hiltunen

  12. Business structure Bank 10 % Grocery sales 43 % Service station stores and fuel sales Department stores and speciality goods 25 % 40 % 30 % 10 % Cars and automotive goods Agribusiness Hotels and restaurants Other S Group’s restaurants S Group’s car dealerships Arto Hiltunen

  13. Agenda Case S-Group S-Group’s first 100 years Mission, vision, values Structure and organisation S-Group in figures Strategic value innovations Comments on the previous presentations Arto Hiltunen 13 5.6.2014

  14. Growth of S-Group’s operations, 2008

  15. Distribution of S-Group’s sales by business area 2008 Altogether EUR 11 820,6 million /+12,1 % Altogether Agricultural trade Automotive trade and accessories sales Department stores and speciality stores Supermarket trade Servicestation store and fuel sales Tourism and hospitality

  16. Number of members 2000-2008(cooperatives belonging to the Bonus system)

  17. Bonuses paid to members2000-2008 EUR million

  18. Agenda Case S-Group S-Group’s first 100 years Mission, vision, values Structure and organisation S-Group in figures Strategic value innovations Comments on the previous presentations Arto Hiltunen 18 5.6.2014

  19. Value innovation, the basis for the Blue Ocean Strategy Costs If you can base the value innovation on your special structure or knowledge, you can create a constant competitive edge Value Inno- vation Kim-Mauborgne: Blue Ocean Strategy Value for customer Arto Hiltunen

  20. Market shares in grocery trade in Finland, S- and K-Group Lähde: AC Nielsen, myymälärekisteri

  21. S-Group profit and asset allocation in the seventies COOP COOP Suppliers and Service providers COOP COOP COOP COOP SOK COOP COOP COOP COOP COOP COOP COOP COOP COOP COOP

  22. S-Group profit and asset allocation in the nineties Coop Suppliers and Service providers Coop Coop SOK Coop Coop Coop Coop

  23. ABC chain Customer-owner operations Chain management, governance model The strategic value innovations of theS-Group S-Bank NEOT purchase & logistics Inex purchase & logistics Regional structure Asset allocation to the frontline 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 Arto Hiltunen

  24. Agenda Case S-Group S-Group’s first 100 years Mission, vision, values Structure and organisation S-Group in figures Strategic value innovations Comments on the previous presentations Arto Hiltunen 24 5.6.2014

  25. Thank you!

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