410 likes | 676 Vues
2. 2004 New Contracts Transition. 14 regions merged to 4 regions in 6 months!!!. OCONUS. OCONUS. June 1, 2004. November 1, 2004. 3. Evolution of Map. Jun 1. Jul 1. Aug 1. Sep 1. Oct 1. Nov 1. 4. Pages Under the Map. CONUS. OCONUSPacificTLACEurope . 5. Better Organization of Content (targeted to what Benes want to know).
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4 Pages Under the Map
5. 5 Better Organization of Content (targeted to what Benes want to know) Im New to TRICARE
Eligibility, DEERS
My TRICARE Benefit
TRICARE Materials (fact sheets, faqs, smart, and handbook)
Audiences (college students, family members, survivors, un-remarried former spouses, long-term care)
Additional programs and privacy and rights
How Do I Get Care?
Provider Directories
MTF listings, info on making appointments
How Do I Get Help?
TRICARE Service Centers
BCAC/DCAO/TRICARE Regional Offices (TROs)
6. 6 Regional Whats New Information and Summary Table
7. 7
8. 8 TRICARE Smart
9. 9 TRICARE Smart Back End Administrator
10. 10 TRICARE Smart for Bulk Orders
11. 11 MTF Locatorwww.tricare.osd.mil/mtf
12. 12 MTF Locator Backend the MTF Administrator
13. 13 TRICARE Yellow Pages
14. 14 See Something Wrong? Help Us Keep Our Content Current
15. 15 Systematic Web Improvements Identifying sites for improvements
Initiate initial improvements
Gather public feedback
Implement additional Improvements
Gather additional public feedback
16. 16
17. 17 .Web Site StatisticsFor the Month of December 31, 2004 Number of hits 37,036,023 (daily: 1,194,710)
Number of user sessions 569,895 (daily: 18,383)
Number of sub-sites 185
Number of pages 240,026
18. 18 E-Mail Subscriberswww.tricare.osd.mil/tricaresubscriptions Tricare Whats new 7060
Fact Sheets 4736
Evening Edition 2176
Outreach 483
Media Readiness Room - 1111
Subscribers list - 352
Health Care surveys for DoD Beneficiaries 224
Contracts Toolkit 206
Webmaster toolkit - 201
19. 19 Top 20 Web Sites DEERS
TRICARE North Region
Fact Sheets
TRICARE South Region
Provider Directory
TRICARE West Region
Claims Information
Regional Provider Directories
20. 20 Top 10 Downloads DD2642 Claim Form (pdf)
TRICARE Beneficiary Handbook West
TRICARE Beneficiary Handbook North
TRICARE Policy Manual 6010.54-M Surgery
TRICARE For Life Brochure
Evaluation of the TRICARE Program 1999 Report to Congress
TRICARE Prime Remote Handbook
Healthcare Survey of DoD Beneficiaries Child Technical Manual DEERS Newborn Enrollment Checklist
TRICARE Policy manual 6010.47-M TRICARE Approved Ambulatory Surgery Procedures
CMAC Rates
Evening Edition News Downloads
21. 21 Top 100 Keywords Entered in Search
22. 22
23. 23 2005 Annual Survey of TRICARE Web SitesMethodology 241 Clinics, Hospitals and Medical Centers in the MTF Locator
Surveyed a total of 165 out of 241 sites
Informal, unscientific survey that provides us with a general idea of the state of the TRICARE Web Universe
Entails going to the site with list of criteria and reviewing the site to see if they do have all those elements
24. 24 Suggested Minimum Content for MTF Sites
25. 25 45% (38%) display the TRICARE logo
28% (13%) official TRICARE logo
17% (25%) altered TRICARE logo
80% (41%) have content explaining What Is TRICARE
59 % Mention
21 % Link
56% (30%) Frequently Asked Questions
24% Unique
32% Link 2005 Annual Survey of TRICARE Web SitesMTF Results
26. 26 86.49% How can I get help with TRICARE? (customer service)
70.27% Local Phone
51.35% National Phone
29.73% Customer Service Rep
10.81% DCAO
13.51% Email Address (local)
5.41% Questions@tma.osd.mil 2005 Annual Survey of TRICARE Web SitesMTF Results
27. 27 83.78% How do I make an appointment?
78.38% Information
18.92% TOL for Appointments
10.81% Online Service 2005 Annual Survey of TRICARE Web SitesMTF Results
28. 28 72.03% How do I fill a prescription?
36.31% About MTF Pharmacy
19.05% About Mail Order Pharmacy
16.67% About Retail Pharmacy
54.76% How do I refill a prescription?
38.69% Information
16.07% Online Service 2005 Annual Survey of TRICARE Web SitesMTF Results
29. 29 39% How do I enroll in TRICARE Prime?
31% What do I need to know about claims?
53% What to do in case of emergency
43% What to do for after-hours care
33% What to do for medical advice
2005 Annual Survey of TRICARE Web SitesMTF Results
30. 30 2005 Best of TRICARE on the WebGold and Silver Star Awards
31. 31 Elements of Criteriawww/tricare.osd.mil/thebestof
32. 32 Gold Star Awards(All fifteen elements)
33. 33 Silver Star Awards(At least 13 of 15 elements) Luke AFB Medical Facility
Naval Hospital Twentynine Palms
BMC Camp Pendleton 52 Area
Naval Medical Clinic, Port Hueneme
78th Medical Group
Scott AFB Medical Center
U.S. Naval BMC Iwakuni
Irwin Army Community Hospital
Munson Army Health Center
Ireland Army Community Hospital
Naval Ambulatory Care Center, NAS JRB Belle Chasse
Naval Branch Health Clinic, Brunswick, Maine
34. 34 2006 TRICARE on the Web Gold and Silver Stars its not too late!
Submit your site for a Gold Star by April 15, 2004
2006 Best of TRICARE on the Web
Nominate your site starting in May 2005
Visit www.tricare.osd.mil/thebestof for award categories and criteria
We will also be seeking judges at that time
35. 35
36. 36 2005 TRICARE Best of the WebMost Innovative Naval Medical Center San Diego, San Diego, California http://www.nmcsd.med.navy.mil/
Naval Hospital Charleston
37. 37 2005 TRICARE Best of the WebMost Improved Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, D.C.
Fox Army Health Center
Huntsville, Alabama
6th MDG MacDill AFB, Florida
38. 38 2005 TRICARE Best of the WebBest Design National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland
Reynolds Army Community Hospital
Fort Sill, Oklahoma
39. 39 2005 TRICARE Best of the WebMost Customer Focused 56th Medical Group, Luke Air Force Base, Arizona
71st Medical Group Vance AFB, Oklahoma
40. 40 TRICARE Honorable Mentions Humana Military Healthcare Services South Region http://www.humana-military.com/home.htm
HealthNet Federal Services North Region https://www.hnfs.net/bene/home/
TriWest Healthcare Alliance https://www.triwest.com/triwest/default.html
Naval Medical Center San Diego Best Design http://www.nmcsd.med.navy.mil/
Landstuhl Regional Medical Center Most Improved http://www.landstuhl.healthcare.hqusareur.army.mil/
National Naval Medical Center Most Customer Focused http://www.bethesda.med.navy.mil
Walter Reed Army Medical Center Most Customer Focused http://www.wramc.amedd.army.mil/
The US Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine website : http://chppm-www.apgea.army.mil/
41. 41