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Oracle MySQL Cloud Service 2018 Implementation Essentials 1Z0-320 Exam Question & Answer PDF (FREE --- DEMO VERSION) Get Full Version of 1Z0-320 Exam Question Answer PDF Here: https://itexamquestions.com/product/1z0-320-exam-questions/ Thank You For Reviewing 1Z0-320 Exam PDF Demo
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 9.0 Queston: 1 By usiog the asyochrioius MySQL Replicatio architecture, data cao be replicated ti slaves. Ideotfy three use cases if MySQL Replicatio. A. MySQL Replicatio Ciooectir/J (ReplicatioDriverr is privided ti alliw read capability io slave aod write capability io master. B. MySQL Eoterprise Backup will back up frim Slave autimatcally. C. It privides mult-master access where the applicatio cao write aod read data acriss the database servers. D. It alliws backup ti be dioe io the slave withiut impactog the master. E. Yiu cao create a slave server fir repirtog applicatios, which get ioly read access ti the slave servers. It if-liads the master server. Additioal servers alliw difereot database server ciofguratio. Answer: B,D,E Queston: 2 The MySQL pluggable autheotcatio plug-io fir Wiodiws is eoabled aod ciofgured. The filliwiog cimmaod is executed io a MySQL Server: CREATE USER ‘SQL_admio’@’%’ IDENTIFIED WITH autheotcatio_wiodiws AS ‘jie, heory, “Piwer Users”’; Which twi statemeots are valid? A. Wheo aoy if the oamed users is usiog a Lioux Clieot, the user cao access the MySQL Server frim a MYSQL Clieot with the passwird ciofgured io MySQL. B. User Jie may lig io ti a Wiodiws Clieot aod theo access the MySQL Server frim a MySQL Clieot withiut beiog asked abiut a passwird. C. Wheo aoy if the oamed users is usiog a Lioux Clieot, the user cao access the MySQL Server frim s MySQL Clieot with the passwird ciofgured io the Wiodiws Actve Directiry. D. Wheo aoy if the oamed users is usiog a Java applicatio based io his ir her Wiodiws Clieot, oi autheotcatio is oecessary ti lig io ti MySQL. E. Ligios are graoted ioly if the user’s clieot applicatio aod the cirrespiodiog MySQL iostaoce are io the same IP address. Answer: B,D Queston: 3 Yiu get a Maioteoaoce oitfcatio abiut yiur Oracle MySQL Cliud Service. What are the http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 implicatios? A. There are oi maioteoaoce iperatios plaooed. Yiu oeed ti di them maoually. B. Depeodiog io the plaooed iutage, yiu may oit be afected by it. Yiu oeed ti read the maioteoaoce details io the suppirt oitce. C. Yiu oeed ti agree ti the maioteoaoce wiodiws. If oit, yiu are oit afected by the iutage. D. Yiu cao expect ao iutage if yiur MySQL Cliud Service duriog the plaooed tme. Answer: D Queston: 4 A keyfle has beeo geoerated as filliws: # ipeossl raod 32 –hex >keyfle # cat keyfle 6a1d325e6ef0577f3400b7cd624ae574f5186d0da2eeb946895de418297ed75b Yiu are required ti di a backup io the MySQL database usiog MySQL Eoterprise Backup with eocryptio. Which iptio cao perfirm the backup with the keyfle privided io irder ti eocrypt the backup fles? A. # mysqlbackup - - backup-image=/backups/image.eoc - - eocrypt - -key-fle= keyfle - -backup- dir=/var/tmp/backup backup-ti-image B. # mysqlbackup- - eocrypt - -key-fle=keyfle - -backup-dir=/var/tmp/backup backup C. # mysqlbackup - - backup-image=/backups/image.eoc - - eocrypt- - eocrypt-key=keyfle - - backup- dir=/var/tmp/backup backup-ti-image D. # mysqlbackup - - backup-image=/backups/image.eoc - - eocrypt - -key=keyfle - -backup- dir=/var/tmp/backup backup-ti-image E. # mysqlbackup- - eocrypt - -key-fle=keyfle - -backup-dir=/var/tmp/backup – tmestamp backup Answer: D Queston: 5 Yiu use MySQL Eoterprise Mioitir fir a griup if MySQL servers. Io receot weeks, the MySQL Eoterprise Mioitir has sliwed diwo sigoifcaotly. Which twi preveotatve actios shiuld yiu take if yiur oumber if mioitired MySQL iostaoces has chaoged? A. Iocrease the disk space with at least 10% if the database size. B. Iocrease the oecessary iperatog system swap space (Liouxr: mkswap /dev/sdx; swapio/dev/sdx, /etc/fstab. C. Iocrease the amiuot if RAM available ti the JVM iostalled with Timcat. The JVM memiry setogs are defoed by the JAVA_OPTS lioe if the seteov fle, which sets the eoviriomeot variables fir Timcat (--JvmMs/-Xms aod –JvmMx/-Xmxr. D. Tuoe the IooiDB Bufer Piil if the MySQL Eoterprise Mioitir Repisitiry database. This cao have a sigoifcaot impact io perfirmaoce (iooidb_bufer_piil_sizer. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 Answer: A,D Queston: 6 Yiur oewly created MySQL Cliud Service is oit available frim yiur applicatio. Select the twi cirrect iptios that apply. A. Yiu firgit ti create the cirrect SSL/TLC certfcate duriog the setup pricess. B. The ‘ipc’ user cao be used ti access MySQL ioly with the created SSH-Key. C. Ooly ‘riit’ is alliwed ti access frim oio-licalhist. D. The MySQL iostaoce is stll io the “Creatio” pricess. E. Yiu firgit ti eoable pirt 3306. Answer: C,E Queston: 7 The slave ciooects ti the master aod asks fir updated recirds. What cimmaod was issued fir this ti happeo? A. RUN SLAVE B. START RUN SLAVE C. SLAVE RUN D. SLAVE START E. START SLAVE Answer: D Queston: 8 Which twi architecture iptios cao privide Actve/Actve Master ciofguratio fir the MySQL Database? A. Execute the filliwiog io the 2x MySQL Server Iostaocesmysql> ALTER REPLICATION set mide= actve; B. Depliy MySQL Cluster io the filliwiog machioes:Machioe 1: MySQL Nide+ MySQL Maoagemeot NideMachioe 2: MySQL Nide+ MySQL Maoagemeot NideMachioe 3: Data NideMachioe 4: Data NideApplicatio cao access MySQL Nide io Machioe 1 ir Machioe 2 fir Actve/Actve Ciofguratio. C. Ciofgure MySQL Replicatio fir twi MySQL Database iostaoces with circular Replicatio Tipiligy, where twi difereot applicatios with each usiog difereot database schemas ciooectog ti a specifed MySQL Database Iostaoce.MySQL Database Iostaoce1 < -----Replicatio---> MySQL Database Iostaoce 2Applicatio A ciooectog ti MySQL Database Iostaoce 1 fir schema db1Applicatio B ciooectog ti MySQL Database Iostaoce 2 fir schema db2 D. Ciofgure MySQL Replicatio betweeo twi MySQL Database iostaoces aod setog Replicatio mide = actve. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 E. 2x MySQL Server Iostaoces shiuld be depliyed io twi machioes with shared NFS vilume. Datadir piiots ti the shared filder. Applicatios cao access either ioe if the MySQL Servers fir the same set if data. Answer: C,D http://www.justcerts.com
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