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Chapter 3

Chapter 3. 3.2 Social Control. Internalization of Norms. Every society develops norms that reflect the cultural values its members consider important For society to run smoothly these norms must be upheld Two basic ways norms are enforced: internalization and sanctions.

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Chapter 3

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  1. Chapter 3 3.2 Social Control

  2. Internalization of Norms • Every society develops norms that reflect the cultural values its members consider important • For society to run smoothly these norms must be upheld • Two basic ways norms are enforced: internalization and sanctions

  3. Internalization of Norms • Internalization- process by which a norm becomes a part of the individuals personality, making the person to conform to society • Traffic rules • Dinner manners

  4. Sanctions • Sanctions- rewards or punishments used to enforce conformity • Positive Sanctions: action that rewards a particular behavior • Introduce early on through the family; parents praising their children for good behavior • Teachers reward students for good work, good grades • Pay raises at work • Cheers at athletic events

  5. Sanctions • Negative sanctions: punishment or threat of punishment used to enforce conformity • Threat of punishment is sometimes enough to produce conformity • Frowns, ridicule, rejection, imprisonment and death are forms of negative sanctions • More important the norm, more serious the negative sanction • Must be rewarded for good behavior and punished for bad behavior for positive and negative sanctions to work

  6. Sanctions • Formal sanctions: reward or punishment given by a formal organization • School, business, or government • Negative formal: low grades, fired at work, fines, or imprisonment • Positive Formal: diplomas, pay raises, promotions, awards • Informal sanction: spontaneous expression of approval or disapproval given by an individual or a group • Majority of norms enforced informally • Positive informal: compliments, smiles, gifts, or pat on the back • Negative informal: frowns, gossip, rebukes, insults, ridicule, ostracism-exclusion from group

  7. Social Control • Social Control: enforcing of norms through either internal or external means • Principle means in all societies is self-control • Learned through the internalization of norms • Agents of social control • Police • Court system • Religion • Family • Public opinion

  8. Social Control • Individuals must follow certain rules of behavior to function smoothly • When people ignore society’s basic norms, social order is in jeopardy • Society's methods for ensuring conformity breaks down, social stability is lost • All societies must have an effective form of social control

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