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http://www.aukweb.net/events/detail/14-610/#more. 1/ Simon Cowell announced this week that he has signed contracts to keep Britain’s Got Talent and The X Factor on TV until which year?. 2/ The England team have reached the semi finals of the world cup in which sport?.
1/ Simon Cowell announced this week that he has signed contracts to keep Britain’s Got Talent and The X Factor on TV until which year?
2/ The England team have reached the semi finals of the world cup in which sport?
3/ The long running TV series Dr. Who is about to celebrate which big anniversary?
5/ What is the most popular pet’s name in the UK? (clue: it starts with an A, and is also the name of the teacher in ‘Bad Education’)
6/ How tall is the tallest building in the world? (The Burj Khalifa in Dubai)
7/ Which two bands joined forces this week to become a supergroup, and what is the name of this new group? (clue: it is an amalgamation of the names of both bands!)
8/ On World Record Day last week, Kenci Ito broke the world record in a time of 16.87 seconds for moving 100m in which way?
9/ What does the popular event ‘Movember’ aim to raise money and awareness for?
1/ Simon Cowell announced this week that he has signed contracts to keep Britain’s Got Talent and The X Factor on TV until which year? 2016
2/ The England team have reached the semi finals of the world cup in which sport? RUGBY
3/ The long running TV series Dr. Who is about to celebrate which big anniversary? 50 YEARS
5/ What is the most popular pet’s name in the UK? (clue: it starts with an A, and is also the name of the teacher in ‘Bad Education’) ALFIE
6/ How tall is the tallest building in the world? (The Burj Khalifa in Dubai) 830M
7/ Which two bands joined forces this week to become a supergroup, and what is the name of this new group? (clue: it is an amalgamation of the names of both bands!) McFLY AND BUSTED – NOW CALLED ‘McBUSTED’
8/ On World Record Day last week, Kenci Ito broke the world record in a time of 16.87 seconds for moving 100m in which way? ON ALL FOURS
9/ What does the popular event ‘Movember’ aim to raise money and awareness for? PROSTATE CANCER
10/ How much did this year’s Children in Need raise? 31 MILLION
Tie Breaker 1 – which Olympic gold medallist is this? MO FARAH
Tie Breaker 2 – Which ‘naughty’ pop star is this? DIZZEE RASCAL