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39 million americans need diplomas ged 2014-time for change. what will the changes mean to adult education?. 2 critical concerns for ABE/GED instructors: a) get students to pass GED and prepare them for workforce and higher education b) improve digital literacy
what will the changes mean to adult education? • 2 critical concerns for ABE/GED instructors: • a) get students to pass GED and prepare them for workforce and • higher education • b) improve digital literacy • 3 areas for our focus today: • a) overview of changes-topics & item types • b) resources-lesson plans & websites • c) alignment of CCSS and 2014 GED test
What will the changes mean to adult education? • During the 2014-15 school year, K-12 students will be assessed on CCSS; • the GED test will align to these. • Emphasis on DOK (Depth of Knowledge) rather than Bloom’s Taxonomy- • we need to teach skills that enable reasoning…refer to • http://www.gedtestingservice.com/educators/the-new-assessment-downloads • GEDTS has partnered with Pearson Vue-test will be solely computerized. • Test takers must be able to type 20 words/minute to be successful on the • Extended Response and Short Answer items …RIGOR!
Mathematical reasoning • The math portion of the test will focus on problem solving in 2 areas: • a) quantitative (45%) and b) algebraic (55%) • The skill groups will be aggregated into 4 reporting groups: • a) quantitative problems in rational numbers (25%) • b) quantitative problems in measurement (20%) • c) algebraic problem solving with linear equations and expressions (30%) • d) algebraic problem solving with graphs and functions (25%)
Mathematical reasoning • Approximately 30% of the GED test items will be aligned to a • mathematical practice standard in addition to a content indicator (NCTM)… • refer to http://www.nctm.org & • http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=9822&page=115 • Here are the 5 practices: • a) Building solution pathways and lines of reasoning • 1. search for and recognize entry points for solving a problem • 2. plan a solution pathway or outline a line of reasoning • 3. select the best solution pathway, according to given criteria • 4. recognize and identify missing information that is required to solve a • problem • 5. select the appropriate math technique to use in solving a problem
Mathematical reasoning • b) Abstracting problems • 1. represent real world problems algebraically • 2. represent real world problems visually • 3. recognize the important attributes of a problem • c) Furthering lines of reasoning • 1. build steps of a line of reasoning • 2. complete the lines of reasoning of others • 3. improve or correct a flawed line of reasoning
Mathematical reasoning • d) Mathematical fluency • 1. manipulate and solve arithmetic expressions • 2. transform and solve algebraic expressions • 3. display data or algebraic expressions graphically • e) Evaluating reasoning and solution pathways • 1. recognize flaws in others’ reasoning • 2. recognize and use counterexamples • 3. identify the information required to evaluate a line of reasoning • OUR GOAL IS TO HELP STUDENTS DEVELOP A PROCESS FOR APPROACHING PROBLEMS-ONE THEY WILL REMEMBER
Mathematical reasoning • Candidates will be provided with an online calculator, the TI-30XS. • View a calculator demonstration video at • http://www.gedtestingservice.com/educator/ticalc • Item types will include multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, drop-down, hot spot, and drag-and-drop.
science • The science test is expected to be more difficult for many students because • of the emphasis on eight science practices that focus on gleaning • information from scientific texts, reason with data representations, and • apply key scientific models, theories, and processes. • The 8 practices are: • a) Comprehending scientific presentations • b) Investigating design • c) Reasoning from data • d) Evaluating conclusions with evidence
science • e) Working with findings • f) Expressing scientific information • g) Scientific theories • h) Probability and statistics • There are 3 broad science areas: • a) physical science (40%), b) life science (40%), and c) earth and • space science (20%)-the 41 subtopic areas reflect high-school-level • curricula and what is most relevant to adults. Content from these 3 areas • will focus on human health & living systems and energy & related • systems
science • Like the 2002 test, the 2014 will not require test-takers to know science • content of facts beyond a broad knowledge of concepts. Our job as • teachers will be to teach how to do science. • Item types will include multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, short answer, • drag-and-drop, and hot spots.
social studies • The social studies test includes content from 97 sub-topics that are • aligned with one of the eleven new social studies practices. This is a huge • amount of content. The consistent thread: high level reasoning skills. • There will be four content domains: a) civics & government (50%), b) • United States history (20%), c) geography & the world (15%), and • economics (15%). Test-takers are expected to have broad familiarity with • the concepts.
Social studies • Social Studies Core Practices: • a) Drawing conclusions and making inferences • b) Determining central ideas, hypotheses, & conclusions • c) Analyze events & ideas • d) Interpreting meaning of symbols, words, & phrases • e) Analyzing purpose & point of view • f) Integrating content presented in different ways • g) Evaluating reasoning & evidence • h) Analyzing relationships between texts • i) Writing analytic response to source texts
Social studies • j) Reading & interpreting graphs, charts, & other data • k) Measuring the center of a statistical dataset • Three new skills have been added to the 2014 test: a) analyzing • relationships between texts, b) writing analytic responses to source texts, • & c) reading and interpreting graphs & charts. • The four content domains will be focused on 2 distinct themes: • development of modern liberties & democracy, and dynamic responses in • societal systems.
Social studies • The social studies test will now have an extended response that will be 25 • minutes in length. It will require the test-taker to analyze one or more • texts in order to produce a writing sample. The computer will score based • upon the following 3 traits: • a) first- how well does test-taker analyze arguments & gather evidence • from the source text so to support position? • b) second- how well developed & organized is the sample? • c) third- how well doe s the test-taker demonstrate conventions of Edited • American English?
Social studies • Item types will include multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank/short answer, • drag-and-drop, hot spot, and extended response. • Stimulus materials may include brief text, maps, graphs, and tables, • drawn from “the Great American Conversation”, such as the Bill of Rights, • or from primary and secondary source documents such as political • speeches and commentaries.
Reasoning through language arts (rla) • The two biggest changes in language arts are the greater emphasis on • reasoning skills in the context of argumentative text and a new essay • requirement, called Extended Response, which requires the test-taker to • analyze one or more source texts to produce a writing. • Unlike the 2002 test, the 2014 exam will group ALL language arts under a • single test comprised of reading comprehension, writing, and language • convention & usage.
rla • 75% of the RLA will be informational texts-including nonfiction drawn • from science, social studies, and workplace documents. • We will need to change the reading content in our programs to emphasize informational texts and include complex texts • Candidates will be asked to determine main ideas, points of view, • meanings of words & phrases, and inference & claims.
rla • Compared to the 2002 test, the 2014 RLA exam will add the following reasoning skills: • a) analyze how individuals, events, and ideas develop & interact over the • course of a text • b) analyze the structure of texts, including how specific sentences or • paragraphs relate to each other and the whole • c) determine author purpose & point of view, and how it is conveyed and • shapes the content & style of a text • d) evaluate the argument & specific claims in a text • e) analyze how 2 or more texts address similar themes
rla • The Extended Response portion will present examinees with real-world • situations where they can demonstrate their ability to develop an • argument and support their ideas with text-based evidence (side-by-side • passages, one in the RLA and the other in Social Studies). There will no • longer be an expository prompt. • Test-takers will be evaluated (by the computer) on the following 3 traits: • a) analysis of argument & use of evidence, b) development of ideas & • structure, and c) clarity & command of standard English conventions.
rla • Reading and writing programs need to be melded together, and writing must become an integral part of both science and social studies curriculum. • Proficient keyboarding skills are now a must: follow web site navigation • prompts, use a mouse, open/close informational windows, use a scroll bar, • access item content on multiple pages via tabs, select answers on a • coordinate plane grid, type on a keyboard, understand what symbols are • allowed in short and long answer response, use backspace/delete keys, • select & move words, use editing tools, copy paste, use undo/redo, use • tracking tools, flag items, use drag & drop, use hot spots.
rla • The Language Conventions and Usage section of the 2014 test will shift • from the multiple-choice selection used on the 2002 Series, to drop-down • menus for the answer choices. • It is my opinion that we should all be using • http://www.myskillstutor.com and Access 21st Century. • The district purchased these for all of us. • As with other test sections, item types will include multiple choice, fill-in- • the-blank, drag & drop, and drop-down. Extended Response is new.
A description of the item types • Extended Response (ER) Item • ER allows test-takers to demonstrate their written communication skills • and analysis of text at a high DOK level by producing a writing sample in • response to a prompt. The 2 ERs will be in the RLA and the social studies • portion of the test. Response will be to textual source materials. • Short Answer (SA) Item • The science test will feature SA items that assess higher-level cognitive skills. • A short paragraph will be required in response to graphical and/or textual • stimuli.
A description of the item types • Drag-and- Drop Item • Drag-and Drop items have 2 parts: drag tokens and drop targets. Test-takers • will be given several drag tokens which must be places on one or more • specified drop targets. This may be in response to sequencing, reordering, • graphing, mapping, etc. • Hot Spot Item • Hot Spot items typically contain a graphic with virtual “sensors” places • within key-locations of the graphic. The test-taker either clicks on the correct • sensor, or graphs a point onto it.
A description of the item types • Drop-Down Item • Drop-Down items contain responses opportunities embedded directly within a • text. This will primarily be used to assess language skills. The test-taker will • have a text with 5-8 drop-down menus embedded within it. • Fill-in-the-Blank (FIB) Item • The test-taker will be required to supply a word, short phrase, or numerical • answer in response to an open-stem question.
A description of item types • Multiple Choice (MC) Item • MC items will continue to appear in all 4 content areas. Each MC will have 4 • answer options-only one will be correct. • Item Scenarios • The math, science and social studies tests will feature item scenarios made of • a stimuli and 2-3 associated items. Stimuli may be a short text, graphic, or • combination of the two.
A description of item types and scoring • Discrete Item • The math, science, and social studies will also include discrete, or single • items, that may or may not have a stimulus embedded within them. • Scoring • Raw test scores will be converted to a score of 100-200 points on each test. The minimum passing score for high school equivalency will be 150 on each test, for a total of 600 for the battery. Where the 2002 test allowed a passing score of 410, but requires a 450 to pass, there will now be onesingle score.
Depth of knowledge (dok) lesson guide • Level 1: Recall-the student is able to recall facts & information • Activity Suggestions/Prompts • recall or recognize a fact, term, definition, procedure, or property • demonstrate a rote response • use a well-known formula • represent in words or diagrams a scientific or mathematical concept • perform a routine procedure or set of steps • identify, calculate, or measure • make a timeline, chart • write in your own words, or report to class
Dok lesson guide • write a brief outline, explain the event, process, or story • write a summary or paraphrase of an event • Level 2: Working with Skills and Concepts-the student is able to apply skills and show understanding of underlying skills • Activity Suggestions/Prompts • explain the relationship between facts, terms, properties, & variables • describe examples & non-examples of concepts • select a procedure and perform it • formulate a routine problem given data & conditions
Dok lesson guide • collect/display, organize, represent, & compare data • make a decision as to how to approach a problem • classify, organize, & estimate • compare data & make observations • interpret information from a simple graph • construct a model by moving pieces to form a logical model • choose from several explanations for the process in an activity & write an explanation • map the relationship of the concepts • define the logical order of steps, or reorder the series
Dok lesson guide • Level 3: Strategic Thinking-the student exhibits deep knowledge using reasoning, planning, & evidence; cognitive demands are complex & abstract; questioning is multi-level & requires student to explain his/her thinking • Activity Suggestions/Prompts • use a Venn Diagram show compare/contrast • design a flowchart • classify concepts or events • evaluate two sources of information • interpret information from a complex graph • use reasoning, planning, & evidence
Dok lesson guide • explain thinking beyond a simple explanation by only a word or two • justify a response when more than one option is available • identify research questions • use concepts to solve non-routine problems with more than one answer • form conclusions from observed data • complete a multi-step problem that involves planning & reasoning • provide an explanation of a principle • cite evidence and develop a logical argument for concepts • conduct a designed investigation
Dok lesson guide • Level 4: Extended Thinking-the student must demonstrate complex reasoning, experimental design, & planning • Activity Suggestions/Prompts • Select or devise an approach among many alternatives to solve a problem • Based on data from a complex experiment, deduce the fundamental relationship between several controlled variables • Conduct an investigation; analyze its data; form conclusions • Relate ideas within the content areas • Develop generalizations of the results obtained and the strategies used & apply them to new problem situations • Create graphs, tables, & charts w/out instructor help
Lesson plan design (refer to samples given) • Lesson Plan Title • II. Common Core State Standards (refer to website provided) • III. GED Assessment Targets • IV. Time • V. Objective (write this as an outcome that you expect from the students) • VI. Required Materials • VII. Anticipatory Set (activate student’s background knowledge-be motivating • & interesting-this is “the hook”) Try the following: brainstorm, share • real-life examples, pose a real-life problem or scenario
Lesson Plan design (refer to samples given) • VIII. Instruction (relate to objective, involve student activity, build skills) • Try the following: think-pair-share, debate, “why” questioning, scenario • examination/case studies, Socratic questioning, group • compare/contrast, group examination of examples, group discussion, • diagrams, timeline, tables, & charts, pair & double-pair, evaluating • a text for examples, modeling a thought or process,build a close • reading, working w/manipulatives, stations, role-playing, questioning, • peer teaching
Lesson plan design (refer to samples given) • IX. Guided Practice (I do/we do/you do) • X. Application (student demonstrates proficiency of intended goal) • Reflection (What have you done? What have you learned? How can you • improve? What’s next?) • XII. Assessment • Start a binder by subject area; • save and file your lesson plans.
websites • Common Core Standards • http://www.corestandards.org/the-standards • GED Testing Services • www.gedts.org • 2014 GED Test Webinar Archive • http://www.gedtestingservice.com/exploring-the-2014-ged-test-webinar-archive • www.myskillstutor.com
websites • Teacher Resources (membership option) • www.teachervision.com • www.edhelper.com • www.sharemylesson.com • NYC Department of Education Depth of Knowledge Website • http://schools.nyc.gov/Academics/CommonCoreLibrary/ProfessionalLearning/DOK/default.htm • English Language Informational Text-Reading Professional Development Module • http://myboe.org/portal/default/Content/Viewer/Content?action=2&scld=306592
websites • Mathematics: Kindergarten through Twelve Standards for Mathematical Practice Professional Development Module • http://myboe.org/portal/default/Content/Viewer/Content?action=2&scld=306591 • Guide to the Common Core Standards: Kentucky Adult Education • http://www.teachersdomain.org/special/ccaded/ • CCSS Presentations and Webinars • http://www.cde.ca.gov/re/cc/presentationswebinars.asp
websites • Hess’ Cognitive Rigor Matrix & Curricular Examples • for Math/Science and Reading/Writing • Math & Sciencehttp://www.stancoe.org/SCOE/iss/common_core/overview/overview_depth_of_knowledge/cognitive_rigor_matrix_math_science.pdf • Reading and Writing • http://www.stancoe.org/SCOE/iss/common_core/overview/overview_depth_of_knowledge/cognitive_rigor_matrix_reading_writing.pdf
websites • GED 2014 Curriculum Blueprint • http://www.passged.com/media/pdf/educators/curriculum-blueprint.pdf • Writing and Conversational Prompts • http://iteslj.org/questions