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AACN Clinical Nurse Leader Implementation Conference June 16-17, 2004

AACN Clinical Nurse Leader Implementation Conference June 16-17, 2004 Jolene Tornabeni, FACHE, FAAN EVP/COO Inova Health System Chair, Implementation Task Force The Vision and the CNL CNL VISION

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AACN Clinical Nurse Leader Implementation Conference June 16-17, 2004

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Presentation Transcript

  1. AACN Clinical Nurse Leader Implementation ConferenceJune 16-17, 2004 Jolene Tornabeni, FACHE, FAAN EVP/COO Inova Health System Chair, Implementation Task Force The Vision and the CNL

  2. CNL VISION The Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL) champions innovation, improves patient outcomes, serves as a lateral integrator and reduces health care costs. The CNL is able to integrate emerging nursing science into practice through leadership and mentoring and elevate the entirety of nursing practice. The CNL is a recognized, credible leader in all settings and serves as an advocate for reform in the health care delivery system while putting best practices into action.

  3. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens (nurses) can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead

  4. Give me a lever large enough and I will move the world Archimedes

  5. It is a pure waste of time to do anything average. Madonna

  6. There is no Security in this life, there is only OPPORTUNITY General Douglas MacArthur

  7. If You’re Not the Lead Dog The View Never Changes Rick Scott

  8. The higher you climb up the flagpole, the more people there are who can see your rear end. Don Meredith

  9. I have a dream... Dr. Martin Luther King

  10. P urpose P erspiration The Three P’s P ace Set the… Have a clear... Willingness to perspire Susan Herbert, RN

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