Study Shows Cannabis Could Help Reduce Diabetes Risk in Hepatitis C Patients A study recently published in the Journal of Viral Hepatitis conducted by french researchers looked at over 10,000 people who have been diagnosed with chronic hepatitis virus (HCV) before they started their own investigation. They wanted to understand the correlation of cannabis use with preventing diabetes. Their research showed that the people who claimed to use cannabis were just about half, or 49 percent, as likely to have diabetes as those who were not regular users. Even those who had used cannabis in the past had a reduced risk of diabetes compared to those who had never used it. However, the strongest correlation was with those who self-identified as regular users of cannabis. “This is important information to gain because chronic hepatitis C raises the risk factor for insulin resistance, meaning those with HCV are more likely to develop diabetes than those who are not Hep-C positive specifically because of their condition. They can be more at risk to develop the condition even if they watch other factors that could contribute to it, so research is actively being done to help medicate this risk. ” (source) “Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a risk factor of insulin resistance, and HCV-infected patients are at a high risk of developing diabetes. In the general population, research has shown the potential benefit of cannabis use for the prevention of diabetes and related metabolic disorders,” the study explained in detail.
Perth Man’s Sleep Improves After Medicinal Trial For Chronic Debilitating Pain Marijuana is a miracle herb for those who experience chronic pain, especially for those who experience debilitation because of it. For these people, harmful painkillers like opioids have been touted as the only solution from the medical industry, but more and more people are starting to discover the pain killing benefits of marijauna. The great thing about weed for killing pain is that it comes with zero harmful side effects for the majority of people who use it. The Journal of Pain, outlines how cannabis helped provide pain relief when used as an adjuvant medication for cancer patients with pain that responded poorly to opioids. When patients begin to consume cannabis, there was a clear drop in the amount of prescribed medications taken, such as antipsychotics, pain relievers and others. These drugs have big time side effects. Another recent study has from the University of Pennsylvania looked at the incidence of opioid-related deaths in states that have legalized medical marijuana. They reasoned that since pain control is a major reason why people use medical marijuana, states that have legalized or decriminalized the herb might have lower rates of opioid-related deaths. The study was published in JAMA Internal Medicine. Contrary to popular belief, about 60 percent of overdoses occur in people prescribed the drugs by a single physician, not in those who “doctor shopped” or got them on the black market. And a third of those people were taking a low dose. That just doesn’t happen with marijuana.
Marijuana May Boost, Not Dull, the Elderly Brain Andreas Zimmer and his team at the University of Bonn in Germany gave low doses of THC to young, mature and senior aged mice. What was interesting is that the elderly mice improved their performances on memory and learning tests “to the point that they resembled those of young, untreated mice.” According to Zimmer, “the effects were very robust, very profound.” The interesting thing about these recent findings is that it corroborates with other interesting research when it comes to the brain, and age related diseases like Alzheimer’s, for example. Recent research has found that in Alzheimer’s disease, compounds found in cannabis, like THC and CBD for example, might actually improve memory and ward off some of the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. The findings were presented last year at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, it’s the world’s largest source of news about brain science and health. The new findings showed that treating Alzheimer’s disease mice with the psychoactive compound found in marijuana improves memory and reduces neuronal loss, suggesting a possible therapy for the human disease.
Cannabis Oil Apparently Shrinks The Tumour of an 81 Year Old Cancer Patient It’s funny how when a pharmaceutical drug shows half the promise that cannabis does, clinical trials and funding is set up instantaneously. This has yet to really happen for cannabis, despite decades of research and studies showing that multiple compounds within cannabis completely obliterate cancer cells in a lab. It’s truly a mystery as to why there have been no clinical trials with humans, or is it? Cancer medicine and therapy is a huge money maker, imagine if something came along and destroyed it? The lack of clinical trials and denial by the medical industry, has not stopped people taking matters into their own hands, however. Sure, it doesn’t work for everyone, but with all of the information that’s emerged and continues to emerge regarding cannabis and cancer, more people who are apparently “terminal” are giving it ago. One example cam from Joy Smith a few years ago, she shared her story in the form of a petition online, at Change.org.
How Do I Get An ACMPR License In Canada? Getting ACMPR License Canada is very easy in Canada if you understand its rules in an appropriate way. With this license, the government in Canada gives patients easier access to the right medical treatment they need for enhancing their overall well-being. Apart from getting a license to grow or use marijuana, you can also receive many benefits at the same time, like cheaper medical treatment, little or no risk of engaging with issues related to law, more control over cannabis strains, etc.
How to apply for an ACMPR license? So, if you want to apply for this license, make sure you are familiar with all conditions. There are professionals like LicenceToGrow in Canada, who can help you with an easy approval of this license. There are some easy steps you need to follow. The first step is to fill out the patient assessment form with the necessary details. Complete the formalities After filling out the form, experts book a consultation for you and complete it online. They assess your condition and know what type of treatment you need. They evaluate how many grams of marijuana you need and recommend the right prescription. After that, they will send you the prescribed treatment via mail. Then, you can fill out the ACMPR License Canada application
Get your license easily The main thing to do is to mail your completed application for this license to Health Canada, they are responsible to issue your ACMPR license. After getting your license, you can begin using or growing your medical cannabis at home without any hassle. If you need any help, contacting LicenceToGrow is the best and easy way to get rid of any confusion. They have a team of experts having the right knowledge and experience in handling different cases of ACMPR licenses for different patients in Canada. Choose them over other professionals
Contact Details: Email: info@licencetogrow.ca Phone: 1 (877) GROW-420