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NCATE Unit Standards. 6 Standards. Conceptual Framework (1) :. This prepares educators to work in P-12 schools (1) It provides direction (1) It is knowledge-based, articulated, shared, coherent, consistent with the unit and/or institutional mission, and continuously evaluated. (1)
NCATE Unit Standards 6 Standards
Conceptual Framework(1): This prepares educators to work in P-12 schools(1) It provides direction(1) It is knowledge-based, articulated, shared, coherent, consistent with the unit and/or institutional mission, and continuously evaluated.(1) Provides a base that describes the units philosophy and standards. (This distinguishes their graduates from another institutions)(1)
Standard 1:Candidate Knowledge, Skills and Professional Disposition Candidates that are prepare to work in the school system must know and demonstrate the content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge and skills, pedagogical and professional knowledge and skills, and professional dispositions necessary to help all students. Must meet professional, state, and institutional standards.
Knowledge of Teachers Should know the content that they are planning to teach and can explain important principles and concepts(1) 80% or more of the unit’s program completers pass the content examination. (1) Should have a broad knowledge of teaching strategies(1) Presentation of material should be clear and meaningful(1)
Skills of Teachers Develop a meaningful learning experiences by considering school, family and community that surrounds them. (1) Reflect on their practice(1) Able to analyze educational research and finding to incorporate into their teachings. (1) Assess and analyze students work Make appropriate changes Monitor students progress
Dispositions for All Candidates Familiar with the professional disposition in professional, state, and institutional standards Demonstrate fairness Belief that all students can learn Work with students, families, colleagues, ad communities to reflect these professional dispositions
Overview and Reflection for Standard 1 Teachers have sufficient knowledge of content to help all students Educators follow and meet the licensure standards for their state. Teacher candidates are expected to meet professional standards that meet their subject of teaching based on state and national requirements(1) Teacher candidates are expected to demonstrate knowledge, skills, and professional disposition to provide learning opportunities that support student’s intellectual, social, and personal development. (1) Teachers are able to adapt to diverse learning
Standard 2Assessment System & Unit Evaluation Collects and analyzes data on applicant qualifications, candidate and graduate performance, and unit operations to evaluate and improve the performance of candidates, the unit, and its programs. (1)
Assessment System (2) • The unit assessment system reflects the conceptual framework and professional and state standards. (1) • It includes:(1) • Comprehensive and integrated assessment • Evaluation • Fairness, accuracy, and consistency
Data Collection, Analysis, and Evaluation (3) The unit provides regular and comprehensive information on applicant qualifications, candidate proficiencies, competence of gradates, unit operations, and program quality. (1) Data is gathered, compiled, aggregated, summarized and analyzed to improve candidate performance, program quality, and unit operations. (1)
Use of Data for Program Improvement (4) The unit uses the date to evaluate the courses, programs, and clinical experiences. (1) The analyzes is used to initiate changes in the system. (1)
Overview and Reflection for Standard 2 • The school is responsible for its program and graduates to be at the highest level(1) • The use of technology is used to assist in data management • Program reviews and refinements are necessary overtime to ensure quality • The school provides a evaluations papers during the semester- to evaluate the teachers • Assessment systems may include plans and timelines for data collected and analyzed(1)
Standard 3Field Experiencesand Clinical Practice Design, implement, and evaluates field experience and clinical practice so that teacher candidates develop and demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions necessary to help all students learn(1)
Collaboration Between Unit and School Partners (5) Everyone designs, delivers, and evaluates field experiences and clinical practices to help ensure the candidates develop their knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions. (1) They also determine where the candidates should do their field experience and clinical practices(1) They support the candidates learning in the field(1)
Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Field Experiences and Clinical Practice Candidates must meet an entry and exit criteria for clinical practices(1) Field experience is to help Candidate’s to observe in schools and other agencies Both Clinical Practices and Field Experience reflect the unit’s conceptual framework and help candidates continue to develop the content, professional, and pedagogical(1) Clinical studies are to help support teaching and learning(1)
Candidates’ Development and Demonstration of Knowledge, Skills, & Professional Dispositions to Help All Students Learn Assessments used in clinical practice indicates that candidate’s meet professional, state, and institutional standards(1) Assessments are used to assess candidates’ performance and impact on students learning(1)
Overview and Reflection for Standard 3 • Field experiences and clinical practice are implemented to help provide preparation for teacher candidates(1) • Helps develop the competence necessary to begin or continue careers as teachers or other school professionals. (1)
Standard 4Diversity (6) Assessments indicate that the candidates can demonstrate and apply proficiencies related to diversity. Candidates will also experience working in a diverse population. (1)
Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Curriculum and Experiences (7) Curriculum and Experience provide a well grounded framework for understanding diversity(1) Candidates are aware of different learning styles and adapt instruction or service appropriately for all students(1)
Experiences Working with Diverse Faculty (8) Candidates will be prepared to work with diverse faculty.
Experiences Working With Diverse Candidates Candidates engage in professional education experiences in conventional and distance learning programs with all type of groups They work together on projects
Experiences Working With Diverse Students in P-12 Schools (3) Field experiences or clinical practice for both conventional and distance learning programs provide experience all diverse groups
Overview and Reflection For Standard 4 All candidates will experience working with a large group of diverse people. We work with a large diversity population of students, teachers, and other staff members
Standard 5Faculty Qualifications, Performance, and Development Faculty qualifications will model best professional practices in scholarship, service, and teaching. Also include assessments of their own effectiveness(1) They will also work together with colleagues in the disciplines and schools. (1)
Qualified Faculty • Professional education faculty have earned doctorates or exceptional expertise that qualifies them for their assignments(1) • School Faculty may be licensed in the field(1)
Modeling Best Professional Practices in Teaching • Thorough understanding of the content they are teaching(1) • Helps Candidates develop the proficiencies outlined in professional state, state, and institutional standards(1) • Encourages Candidates development of reflection, critical thinking, problem solving, and professional dispositions(1)
Modeling Best Professional Practices in Scholarship • Demonstrates scholarly work in their field(1)
Modeling Best Professional Practices in Service • Provide service to other schools and communities(1) • Practice in P-12 programs to improve teaching, candidate learning, and the preparation of educators(1)
Unit Evaluation of Professional Education Faculty Performance • Systematic and comprehensive evaluations of faculties teaching performance(1) • Used to improving faculty’s teaching, scholarship and services(1)
Unit Facilitation of Professional Development Opportunities for faculty to develop new knowledge and skills, especially as they relate to conceptual framework, performance assessment, diversity, technology, and other emerging practices(1)
Overview and Reflection for Standard 5 • Teacher’s with higher education may introduce candidates to research and good practice that counter myths and misperceptions about teaching and learning(1) • Our Professor introduced to observation • Candidate’s are actively engaged as a community of learners and model good teaching(1) • We are required to observe for at least 15hrs. • Professional education faculty are teacher scholars who value teaching and learning in their own work(1)
Standard 6Unit Governance and Resources (9) The unit has the leadership, authority, budget, personnel, facilities, and resources, including information technology resources, for the preparation of candidates to meet professional, state and institutional standards(1)
Unit Leadership and Authority (10) • The unit has the leadership and authority to plan, deliver, and operate coherent program of study(1) • Academic calendars, catalogs, publications, grading policies, and advertising are accurate and current(1)
Unit Budget (11) The unit receives sufficient budgetary allocations at least proportional to other units on campus with clinical component to provide programs that prepare candidates to meet standards(1)
Personnel (12) • Workload policies, including class-size and online course delivery, allows faculty members to be effectively engages in teaching, scholarship, advisement, collaborative work in P-12 schools, and service. (1) • Faculty loads for online and on campus do not exceed 12hrs for undergraduate and 9hr for graduates(1) • 18 candidates for each full-time equivalent faculty member per semester or the equivalent(1)
Unit Facilities (13) Unit has adequate campus and school facilities to support candidates in meeting standards(1) Use of information technology in instruction(1)
Unit Resources Including Technology (14) • The unit allocates resources across programs to prepare candidates to meet standard for their fields(1) • It provides adequate resources such as:(1) • Sufficient and current library(1) • Curricular resources and electronic information(1) • Distance learning(1)
Overview and Reflection for Standard 6 • The school preforms- key leadership role in governance and management of curriculum, instruction, and resources for preparation of professional educators(1) • Responsible for the quality(1) • Manage all programs offered(1) • Continuing preparation of teachers(1) • This class gives us a chance to work with technology and work in a distant learning classroom environment
Reference www.ncate.org/Standards/NCATEUnitStandards/UnitStandardsinEffect2008/tabid/476/Default.aspx#3 http://cotsen.org/the-art-of-teaching-program/program-overview/inquiry/ http://www2.ed.gov/nclb/accountability/results/progress/fl.html http://www.etfo.ca/PUBLICATIONS/ATETFOFEEO/Pages/Vol.%203,%20No.%204.aspx http://familyonbikes.org/blog/2012/04/educating-kids-through-parent-child-partnerships/ http://woman.thenest.com/multicultural-skills-teachers-9632.html http://bestcoursehub.com/home/index.php/study-guide-which-are-your-strong-intelligences/ http://education.washington.edu/cme/newsletter/2009/fall/ladson-billings.html http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/united-states/classroom-technology-connects-the-globe-292879.html http://ps17q.org/additional%20files/September2011final%5B1%5D.gif http://gothamschools.org/2008/12/16/imagining-the-scale-of-next-years-school-budget-cuts/ http://stateimpact.npr.org/florida/2011/12/27/broward-biggest-offender-of-class-size-requirements/ http://parklandparrot.com/parkland-elementary-schools/ http://www.securedgenetworks.com/secure-edge-networks-blog/?Tag=Technology%20in%20the%20Classroom * great website for technology information.