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LPGI & Affiliates covers protection methods for grounding from lightning, Ground Potential Rise, isolation, and shielding. Our connectivity & lighting protection solution offers you reliable & high-quality connections. Visit us at https://www.lightning-protection-institute.com/ to know more.
Introduction to Lightning Protection Institute The world’s best and most critical expertise for the proper implementation of IEEE Standard 1692; which is a treatise for multi-purpose communications and high-voltage installations. We have found from forty one (41) years of experience, and special expertise, that it’s far too easy to "get it wrong" in cookie-cutter applications of the tried-and-true requirements of Standard 1692, leaving expensive equipment vulnerable to costly damage and weeks off line for extensive repair.
LPGI & Affiliates Business Description 1. Lightning behavior and control 2. Electrical protection of lightning and lightning induced Ground Potential Rise (GPR) 3. Special Grounding Methods to minimize Lightning Ground Potential Rise (GPR) 4. Electrical Substation Protection and substation grid grounding design 5. Telecommunication protection from surge and Ground Potential Rise (GPR) 6. Ground Potential Rise (GPR) evaluations for substations and power plants 7. One and two day grounding and electrical protection training 8. Forensic Analysis and Expert Witness in Court
ERNEST M. DUCKWORTH, JR., P.E. 962 Coronado Drive Sedalia, Colorado 80135 (303) 688-5800 Fax: (303) 688-5551 E-mail: duckyern@msn.com www.lightning-protection-institute.com Professional consulting engineer engaged in private practice. Primary areas of expertise include lightning behavior and control, lightning protection, lightning grounding, electrical substation protection, grounding, communications design, power design, Ground Potential Rise (GPR) evaluations, electrical fault calculations, electrical engineering training, lightning grounding training, and forensic analysis. Forty four (44) years of experience as an Electrical Protection Engineer. Thirty-seven publications in magazines and journals on electrical protection related subjects. Responsible for the development of IEEE Std. 1692-2011, “IEEE Guide for the Protection of Communication Installations from Lightning Effects”.
We've all heard the saying that lightning never strikes the same place twice, but is it true? The answer is absolutely not. In fact, lightning occurs so frequently that it would be hard for that to be true. At any given time, there are 2000 thunderstorms on the planet, and they produce around 6000 lightning strikes every minute. That's more than 8.5 million strikes a day. They each have 100,000 times the power of household electricity. The most important aspect in the application of Standard 1692 is that the final protection package design has to be perfectly correct in every aspect to provide failure-proof protection. One small error in proper application can make a protection design package totally useless.
Lightning Protection and Grounding Facts and Fallacies The idea of preventing a lightning strike goes back to 1754 when the master himself, Ben Franklin, was still experimenting. Prokop Divisch installed 216 earthed points on a 7.4 meter wooden frame, and a few years later it was suggested by Lichtenberg that a catenary of barbed wire over a house could prevent a strike. The idea of using multiple points to discharging a cloud and neutralize its charge has been thought about and tried for years. "The idea is just as bogus now as it was then." -- clarification added by LPGI. It may be a bit technical but read on to understand why.
LPGI &Affiliates Engineering analysis, inspections, investigations, design, and calculations: $225/hr., based on actual hours worked, including travel portal to portal. Preparation for depositions, participation in depositions or preparation of others, preparation for formal presentations in a technical or legal setting, or any other participation in legal aspects of cases other than direct deposition or testimony: $325/hr. including travel portal to portal. Formal presentation, seminars, depositions and testifying, either court proceedings or mediation and arbitration: $375/hr. including travel portal to portal.
Recommended Guide For The Protection Of Equipment Workable special protection methods to prevent lightning damage to equipment and possible harm to associated working personnel are presented. This document covers: protection methods for Ground Potential Rise (GPR), isolation, shielding, and grounding from lightning. Warning: Protecting a structure from lightning does absolutely nothing to protect the equipment within that structure, and the housed equipment is normally worth many times the value of the structure.
LPGI Lightning and Grounding Course {This is the only training available in the country which provides methods for grounding and protecting tower and equipment building from lightning induced Ground Potential Rise (GPR)} This is also the only training in the country that covers IEEE Standard 1612-2011, the only national lightning equipment standard. This two (2) day training seminar will be suit-cased to your location for $1,000 per attendee with a minimum of ten (10) attendees plus instructor travel expenses, and $150 per course manual. Request a firm quote at duckyern@msn.com. Contributing Documents: ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities: "Guide for Protection of Equipment and Personnel from Lightning", August 1, 2002 by E. M. Duckworth Jr., P.E.
LPGI & Affiliates Lightning Protection and Grounding Consulting Services We sell no products * Unparalleled Lightning Protection Evaluation and Design Expertise * Forensic analysis * Feasibility studies * Electrical, Mechanical, Structural, Civil and Systems Engineering * Research and Development * Communications and Grounding * Expert witness communications consulting * Engineering training on special grounding design for lightning-induced GPR * Field testing of soils and grounding systems
* Engineering protection of structures & towers from lightning * Engineering protection of equipment from AC Power and telecommunication surges * Field engineering grounding reviews for towers, substations, buildings, private homes * Grounding system design * Microwave and cellular tower ground design to less than one ohm, insuring against major damage and down time from lightning strike GPR. * Development of Electrical Protection Standards documentation for tower sites * Insurance lightning claims support due to equipment damage and harm to personnel * Acoustical and Electrical shock investigations for telecommunications services * Certified GPR and ZOI reports * Emergency next-day onsite technical support Companies familiar with our work and expertise
Address: 962 Coronado Drive Sedalia, Colorado 80135-8303 Ph No. (303) 688-5800 Email: duckyern@msn.com