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SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY. A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner APRIL 2013. Our Mission:
SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner APRIL 2013 Our Mission: The mission of Sudlersville Elementary School is to educate and enlighten each of our students through an engaging curriculum and high expectations (for behavior and achievement) by dedicated teachers and staff with support of parents and the extended community. APRIL 4/3 Schools reopen 4/3 Computer Lab availability for parents 6-8 pm 4/5 School Spirit/Movie Night 4/5 1st Grade Field Trip 4/9 JA in a Day (financial literacy) 4/9 Resource Fair for parents on financial literacy 5-7 pm. Chick-Fil-A will provide food for this event. 4/9 PTA Meeting 6:30 pm 4/10 Roller Skating Night 4/10 BOE meeting 6:00 pm 4/10 Computer Lab availability for parents 6-8 pm 4/11 & 4/12 SCHOOL CLOSED for parent conferences 4/11 Parent conferences 11:30am-7:00pm 4/12 Parent conferences 7:30am-3:00pm 4/18 Spring Pictures 4/18 QAC GALA at 6:30 pm 4/19 Officer Phil Assembly 8:00am Grades 3 & 4 8:45am Grades K-2 4/19 3rd marking period Awards Assembly 1:00pm Grades 1 & 2 1:40pm Grades 3 & 4 4/20Delmarva Shorebirds “Hit The Book” game night for SES 7:05 pm 4/22 Earth Day at SES 8am – 2pm 4/23 Savings Day (Queenstown Bank) 4/23 Field Trip 4th Grade 4/24SCHOOLS CLOSED Professional Day 4/25 PreK & K Registration 11am-6:00pm 4/26 PreK & K Registration 7:30-3:00pm 4/26 Laser Show for 1-4 grades @ 1:00pm 4/29 Jump Rope for Heart Activity 4/29 ESOL/PreK Registration 4/30 ESOL/PreK & K Registration 5/1 BOE meeting @ 6:00 pm Principal’s News Financial Literacy at Sudlersville Elementary School By: Michele Hampton, Terri Gloyd, and Elaine Butler Sudlersville Elementary School will be the first school in the county to pilot a financial literacy day on April 9, 2013 for grades K-4. We are referring to this day as JA in a Day. We are partnering with Junior Achievement of Central Maryland, QAC Chamber of Commerce, Bob Sullivan Financial, Queenstown Bank, Chick Fila, Peoples Bank, PNC Bank, SES PTA, Chesapeake College, QACHS, and Judy Center to kick-off financial literacy in Queen Anne’s County. During this most eventful day, business/community volunteers will teach five lessons to the students all about finances and being responsible with money. We will also have an evening resource fair for parents and students to attend. At 5:00 PM, Chick Fila will provide dinner for all in attendance before the event. At 6:30 PM, we will have our regularly scheduled PTA meeting. Look for an invitation as the date approaches. Mrs. Elaine Butler, parent coordinator, will be seeking parent input during the March 12th PTA meeting. Additionally, we are hosting two assemblies for Teaching Children to Save Day on April 23, 2013. This is sponsored by the American Bankers’ Association. Presenters from Queenstown Bank will be here to teach children to save during a 45 minute assembly.
SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner APRIL 2013 AUTHOR OF THE MONTH CONGRATULATIONS TO: Carter Winterstein Jazmyn Cooper Ramirez Domingo Daniel (Jose) Hernandez Michael L. Lindyberg Climate Survey The SES computer lab will be available for parents to respond to the QAC Climate Survey which will be online. We will also have a limited number of copies of the climate survey in the main office for those who prefer the paper/pencil version. This provides parents an opportunity to provide their input. Please take the time to respond. Maryland Summer Centers for Gifted and Talented StudentsBy: Michele HamptonThe 2013 Maryland Summer Centers program provides diverse gifted and talented student population with advanced, rigorous, experiential learning opportunities that nurture these students' talents and abilities within unique learning environments. The goal is to provide opportunities for gifted and talented students to work with like-minded peers in an area of ability and interest. The deadline is fast approaching so click the link...www.marylandpublicschools.org/summercenters for more information, and/or to fill out an online application for one of the great programs offered this summer. Applications must be postmarked by April 15, 2013. Fine and Performing Arts and Chesapeake Bay Watershed Investigations have earlier deadlines. Americanism Essay Contest WinnersBy: Michele HamptonSudlersville Elementary School has two winners to be recognized for the Americanism Essay Contest. This county-wide contest is sponsored by the American Legion, and students are provided the opportunity to express themselves about a topic on Americanism. We would like to congratulate Ashlynn Kunes (Mrs. Settlemaier's class) and MacKenzie Rodriguez (Mrs. Leventhal's class). The S.E.S. Relay for Life team will be having a bake sale on April 11th and April 12th. This will be during parent conferences. Please stop by and support us. JANUARY TOTALS Box Tops winners are:1st - Ms. Kane = 197 points2nd - Mrs. Davis = 193 points3rd – Mrs. Dean = 178 points Campbell Labels winners are:1st - Mrs. Dean = 551 points2nd – Ms. Eber = 504 points3rd – Mrs. Munson = 500 points
SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner APRIL 2013 Grade 2 News Pre-K News Grade 1 News It is hard to believe that it is April. We would like to thank all of our parents that helped with the Easter activities, including the Easter egg hunt, and provided yummy snacks. The children had a wonderful time! Pre-K has begun a new and exciting unit. They have recently traveled back into time to the land of the DINOSAURS! The children have been learning all about the different kinds of dinosaurs, their real names, what they ate, and how they roamed the earth. The Dinosaur unit is tons of fun and the children are enjoying all the activities that go with this unit. Parent-Teacher conferences will begin on Wednesday, April 10th for Pre-K. Mrs. Chance will be able to conference with parents on Friday, April 12th. If you have not reserved your conference time please let us know whether or not you will be able to attend so that we can reschedule. We look forward to meeting with everyone for Parent-Teacher conferences. The Pre-K Team A happy spring to everyone! Now that the nice weather is here and spring fever has set in, please review appropriate school behavior and good manners with your children. Even though students would rather be outside playing, we still have lots of content to cover during our last marking period. Your support is greatly appreciated. Parent - Teacher conferences will be held only on Thursday, April 11 and Friday, April 12. Please make every effort to attend. If you need to change the time, contact your child’s teacher. Reading, writing and math continue to be our fundamental priorities. This month we will continue learning reading strategies and practicing fluency in literacy block, concentrate on improving our writing skills, work and adding and subtracting 3 digit numbers and begin geometry. We will also finish our science unit on Earth and Space. In the next few weeks or so, permission slips for our field trip will be going home. We are trying to set up a visit to The Chesapeake Maritime Museum in St. Michael’s, Md. All parents are welcome. Please look for information to come home. Let’s remember to read, read, read!!! Happy Spring!As always, 1st grade is busy learning and doing lots of new things. In Math, we are beginning our unit on subtraction with tens and 2-digit numbers. In Language arts we are continuing to develop our sentence writing and paragraph writing. In Science we will continue our unit on Movement and Sound. In Social Studies we are in our unit entitled Looking Back. Please continue to read with your child daily and complete reading logs for Literacy Block. Don't forget our field trip to Chesapeake College on Friday 4-5-13.Thank you for all of you support!First Grade Team Kindergarten News This is an exciting time in kindergarten! The children are beginning to read and write independently and are showing growth in many areas. At parent conferences, on April 11 and 12, your child's teacher will share the great things your child has accomplished, so far, in kindergarten. The teachers will also be telling you what to expect when your child goes to first grade. Please give some thought to specific questions or topics you would like to discuss with your child's teacher during the conference. Remember to read with your child and have your child read to you!! Thank you, The Kindergarten Team
SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner APRIL 2013 Grade 3 News Grade 4 News Another fun day will be April 22nd, 2013 (“Earth Day”) and students should look forward to many exciting “hands on” activities as well as presentations from a variety of folks that will share their expertise in regards to our Earth. On Thursday, April 11th and Friday, April 12th, 2013 we look forward to meeting with parents for the annual spring conferences. If you have not set up a parent conference, please call your child’s teacher as soon as possible. In Math, we continue to study Topic 10~ “Fraction Comparison and Equivalence.” Looking ahead to Topic 11, the students will be studying “Two Dimensional Shapes and their Attributes.” Please continue to sign your child’s reading log and make sure age- appropriate grade level books are being read. Feel free to contact us at anytime and have an “amazing, April!” Fractions...We are working hard on our fraction unit. Please keep working with your child. If you have questions don't hesitate to ask. Field trips...We have two field trips coming up back to back. April 23rd and May 9th. Look for forms coming home soon. Focus...We are 3/4 of the way through 4th grade and almost at the end of your students SES journey. Please stress focus for your child. (Wow it’s already) Awesome April! We hope you had a fun, restful spring break! We are back into the regular routine now that testing is over and its time for students to buckle down and work hard. Speaking of testing, the children put in a good effort on the MSA and we are proud of them~ the results will be coming via mail to your house in the summer. April is a busy month! We look forward to our first “JA in a Day,” (“Junior Achievement”) program for our students on Tuesday, April 9th, 2013. This program will be exciting and rewarding for our children. Five lessons about finances and being responsible with money will be taught by business and community volunteers. At night there will be a dinner sponsored by “Chick-Fil-A” at 5:30 p.m. before the “JA program,” and immediately following at 6:30 there will be a PTA meeting.
SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner APRIL 2013 Health Room Heat-related illnesses include dehydration, heat exhaustion (nausea, dizziness, weakness, headache, fainting) and heat stroke. These injuries can be prevented. Lastly get a pre-season physical examination. Childhood sports injuries may be inevitable, but there are some things you can do to help prevent them. Enroll your child in organized sports through schools, community clubs, and recreation areas where there may be adults who are certified athletic trainers. Athletic trainers are also trained in the prevention, recognition and immediate care of athletic injuries. Make sure your child uses the proper protective gear, such as mouth guards or eye protection for a particular sport. Warm up before exercise. This can help minimize the chance of muscle strain or other soft tissue injury during sports. Warm up exercises make the body's tissues warmer and more flexible. Wear sunscreen and a hat where appropriate to reduce the chance of sunburn, which is actually an injury to the skin. Stay properly hydrated while playing. (8 oz. of fluid every 20 minutes during sports activities) Treat Injuries with like sprains and strains with R.I.C.E. Rest. Reduce or stop using the injured area for 48 hours. Ice. Put an ice pack on the injured area for 20 minutes at a time, 4 to 8 times per day. Use a cold pack, or ice bag that has been wrapped in a towel. Compression. Compression of an injured ankle, knee, or wrist may help reduce the swelling. Ask your doctor which one is best. Elevation. Keep the injured area elevated above the level of the heart. Use a pillow to help elevate an injured limb. Recognize the dangers of playing in the heat. Playing rigorous sports in the heat requires close monitoring of both body and weather conditions. Heat injuries are always dangerous and can be fatal. Children perspire less than adults and require a higher core body temperature to trigger sweating. Parent Involvement We have some exciting new books for parents to borrow from the Parent Resource Center located in room B3. Included are “We Both Read” books (K-4) available in English and Spanish, along with a CD of Reading Comprehension Quizzes to use at home. We also now have “We Read Phonics” books (K-2), “You Read to Me, I’ll Read to You” books (K-2), “Half and Half” books with a great story and cool facts, “Green Light Readers” books for beginning readers that includes fun age- appropriate activities for each story and a book and CD entitled Involving Parents in Their Children’s Reading Development. These books are great for reading together with your student. There is also a Parent’s Homework Dictionary (Helping Parents Understand Homework) book in both English and Spanish. The dictionary helps parents to understand homework students bring home with explanations of concepts in Math, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies for grades K-10. Please stop by the Resource Center to check them out and borrow. Parent/Teacher conferences should be an informative and rewarding experience. Below are five tips that can help you have a more successful Parent/Teacher conference: 1) Plan for it. Before you come to your conference, write out questions you would like to ask. What are my child’s strengths and weaknesses? 2) Keep an open mind. Your goal is to work for cooperation between you and your child’s teacher. Even if the teacher says something you disagree with, try to listen to what he or she has to say. 3) Ask to see your child’s work. there is no better way to see how your child is progressing than to look at his or her school work. 4) Ask for suggestions. If your child is doing well, ask what you can do to keep things on a positive track. If there are problems, ask what you can do to help. 5) Clarify and summarize as you go. Teachers sometimes use educational buzzwords. If you don’t understand something the teacher says, just ask! Computer Lab availability for parents: April 3rd and 10th, 2013 from 6-8 p.m. This is an opportunity for parents to use the computers for internet access for school related activities. Please let me know if you would like to come. More Building Blocks of Healthy Development will be in the May newsletter. Elaine Butler, Parent Coordinator x248
SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner APRIL 2013 Math Matters Reading Did you know that April is Math Month? Maryland Council of Teachers of Mathematics has proclaimed April MATH MONTH! Your child should bring home a calendar of math activities to try at home each day. It is so important to help students see how important math is at school, at home and in our world. Consider participating in this fun time each day. FINANCIAL LITERACY People often say that “Money makes the world go ‘round.” This is especially true today as many Americans are facing financial hardships. Join us in helping students and families in understanding how to make good choices with money. We have a special day scheduled for April 9- Junior Achievement in a Day. Community and school volunteers will be spending all day with our classes to teach 5 lessons about money and wise choices. Then from 5-7pm that evening, financial businesses and banks will share information with families about making wise money choices. There will be free information, prizes and snacks from Rita’s and Chik-Fil-A of Kent Island. Plan to join us! We thank everyone who has made this special day possible, especially Junior Achievement of Central Maryland and the Queen Anne’s County Chamber of Commerce. Then, on April 23, Queenstown Bank is sponsoring two assemblies for our students as we honor “Teaching Children to Save”, a special day set aside by the American Bankers Association. COMMON CORE MATH PRACTICE #7- Look for and make use of structure. This practice asks students to recognize and use patterns and rules that occur when we work with numbers. For example, students may notice that 2 +3 is the same sum as 3 + 2, or that we can combine several triangles to form a rectangle or new shape. This practice helps students connect math patterns to make them more efficient and effective problem solvers. COMMON CORE CONTENT- Fact Fluency You can be a BIG help with fact mastery. Practice facts with your child. Ask them to share their “strategy” with you. How do they quickly recall facts? Do they know how to count on? Do they use “doubles”? Do they decompose numbers to make simpler facts, and then put the parts together to get a whole? Have they practiced facts so much that they automatically know a sum, difference, quotient or product? Practice build recall and knowing their facts helps children feel more confident and be more successful in math! We are excited about the reading progress so many of our children have made this year! The children who are reading at home on a regular basis are making the most progress. There is a direct correlation between the students who read at home and complete their reading logs and reading success. Keep up the good work! If your child is not reading at home and doing their reading logs each week, please support them in doing this very worthwhile activity. Your support makes all the difference for your child's success. What do successful readers do?1. They get their minds ready and think while they read. They look over a text before they start reading. This is similar to looking at a map before starting on a road trip or looking at a blueprint for a building. They try to connect what they already know to what they are reading. 2. They wonder about the things they read. They ask questions in their minds and then try to answer them for themselves and for others. 3. They use their minds to predict what might happen next in a story or in an article. ENJOY READING OVER THE SPRING BREAK!Mrs. Thurber Reading Specialist S.E.S. 2013 Earth Day Monday, April 22 Come one! Come all! Parents and friends of S.E.S. are welcome to participate in our annual Earth Day Celebration. Stop by any time throughout the day, 8 am – 2 pm, Monday, April 22. Join in the fun. Help with student learning activities while you learn more about our environment, too.
SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner APRIL 2013 Media News Music The Delmarva Shorebirds Baseball game will be held on Saturday, April 20th at 7:05 p.m. Information will be sent home regarding if you will be attending and if you need extra tickets OR you can email me with the information @ kelly.embert@qacps.org. The March Read Across Maryland reading log is due on Wed. April 3rd. There will be a box in the library to place it in. Thank you! Jump Rope For Heart is Coming to Our School! Did you know that heart disease and stroke are the #1 and #3 cause of death in America? Did you know that a majority of those lives impacted by heart disease could have been prevented through lifestyle changes? Healthy behaviors begin at home and should be reinforced at school. For the month of April, SES will be fundraising for a VERY important cause! Please aid your child’s efforts when collecting donations for the American Heart Association. Thank You Gifts can be seen on the donation envelope. Please have all donation envelopes returned to P.E. teacher Ms. Dean NO LATER than April 26th. Our annual jump rope activity day will take place on Monday, April 29th. Grades K-4 will have the opportunity to participate in cardiovascular exercises such as jumping rope, dancing, and more! FUNDRAISING OPPORTUNITIES: APRIL 8th-APRIL 26TH EVENT DATE: APRIL 29th On Thursday May 30, SES will be presenting the annual Spring Concert. The 1st grade classes will be performing, along with the 3rd/4th grade spring chorus, and the 4th grade recorder club. The Eagle Squad will also make a special appearance. The show will begin at 6:30 pm. Performers will need to arrive at 6:00 pm. Volunteer of the Year for QACPSBy: Michele Hampton Congratulations to Mrs. Annette DiMaggio, Volunteer of the Year for Queen Anne's County Public Schools. Mrs. DiMaggio is Sudlersville Elementary School’s PTA president. She has been a tremendous positive influence for the students at our school. Mrs. DiMaggio is highly regarded by the teachers, students, parents, as well as, the community members. She is dedicated, thoughtful, and on the cutting edge of innovative activities to support the community. Please join me in celebrating Mrs. DiMaggio's recognition. She will be honored at the QAC GALA on April 18th. Guidance Pre-K/Kindergarten Registration will take place April 25 and 26th. Please call to make your appointment today! If your child turns 4 before September 1st they are eligible for pre-K and if your child turns 5 before September 1st, they will need to register for Kindergarten. Kindergarten is mandatory in the state of Maryland. Fourth grade parents: During the month of April, fourth grade students will be learning about personal safety through a curriculum called Think Smart, Stay Safe! Through a grant by the local Department of Social Services, children and parents will be given workbooks. Please take note when these workbooks come home and use them as a way to talk about some very important issue regarding their well being. Due to time limitations, not all subjects will be discussed in the books. Some subjects are best discussed with parents. Please feel free to contact me with any questions regarding this curriculum.
SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner APRIL 2013 Calling All Students for Earth Day! Show Off Your SES Recycled Art! We are getting ready for our third annual SES Recycled Art Show. Bring your art to S.E.S. on Monday morning, April 22, and celebrate 2013 Earth Day with us! All S.E.S. students are invited to submit an art project that shows something related to our Chesapeake Bay. Art must be made from discarded material. Highlights of last year’s Recycled Art Show included a great blue heron, fish, terrapins, blue crabs, jelly fish, and a model of the Bay Bridge—all made from trash and junk. The show is part of our Earth Day celebration. It is part of our effort to encourage recycling and waste reduction in our community. Parent Conferences at SESBy: Michele HamptonI would like to remind everyone that parent conferences are April 11th and April 12th. If you have any questions or concerns, you might want to write those down so you can discuss them with your child's teacher at the time of the conference. Your child's teacher will be sharing academic growth for this school year and the goals to be attained by the end of the year. Working with parents as partners is one of our goals. Please make every effort to attend your child's conference. As always, thank you for your support! The Judy Center Partnership News SEFEL Lending Library The Judy Center Partnership helped to establish a SEFEL (Social Emotional Foundations on Early Learning) Lending Library for Prekindergarten and Kindergarten classrooms at Sudlersville Elementary School. Teachers and instructional assistants were trained in SEFEL. The Judy Center Partnership provided SEFEL coaching throughout the year for the teachers. SES 2012-2013 Yearbook orders have been collected during March. If you missed your chance- we will accept orders until April 16. Books cost $16 and will arrive in early June. Make checks payable to Sudlersville Elementary School.