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WEBCAMS. -A digital camera capable of downloading images to a computer for transmission over the Internet or other network. By: Samantha Humpartzian. A N D. WHAT IS A WEBCAM?. HOW DOES IT WORK?.

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  1. WEBCAMS -A digital camera capable of downloading images to a computer for transmission over the Internet or other network. By: Samantha Humpartzian

  2. AND WHAT IS A WEBCAM? HOW DOES IT WORK? A webcam is something that can be used to video conference and to talk with friends. Many people use these devices but the majority is teenagers. A webcam is basically something that is connected to a computer, or is actually in the computer. (laptop) • A webcam works by taking an image and transferring it to the computer, and then displayed where the person would like it to be displayed. There are websites that you can save your webcam images/ videos for free. For example, Youtube. Some webcams can only get one picture/30seconds, while others have streaming video, which captures 30 images/second.

  3. History of the webcam! The first webcam created at Cambridge university’s computer science school in 1991 (the actual creator is unknown, they say it was made to watch a coffee pot). Since then people have been using webcams everywhere. For example: Homes Business Public streets Buildings Webcams are mostly used in homes because people that have families that live far from them, want to see how they are doing and see each other. For example, some people use them for relatives to see children . The use of a webcam is limitless.

  4. Types of webcams This type of webcam is usually on a desk close to the computer. This type of webcam clips on to something solid. For example, a laptop. There are LOTS of webcam features, like HD webcams and character webcams This type of webcam is built in the computer, it is usually installed in a laptop.

  5. Mini quiz!! What is a webcam? A webcam is something that can be used to video conference and to talk with friends How does a webcam work? A webcam works by taking an image and transferring it to the computer, and then displayed where the person would like it to be displayed. What year was the webcam created? Where? The first webcam created at Cambridge university’s computer science school in 1991 Where can a webcam be used? Homes Business Public streets Buildings What are 2 types of webcams? -webcam on the desk -Webcam clipped on the computer -webcam in laptop -Character webcam

  6. More information?? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Webcam http://www.fergie.ca/webcam.htm http://www.bbc.co.uk/webwise/guides/setting-up-webcams **Where I got my information** http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-a-webcam.htm http://www.answers.com/topic/web-cam

  7. Smile!! 

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