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Graph Theory. Graphs, Paths & Circuits. WHAT YOU WILL LEARN. • Graphs, paths and circuits • The K ö nigsberg bridge problem. History. This was developed by Leonhard Euler (pronounced “oiler”) to study the Konigsberg Bridge problem.
Graph Theory Graphs, Paths & Circuits
WHAT YOU WILL LEARN • Graphs, paths and circuits • The Königsberg bridge problem
History • This was developed by Leonhard Euler (pronounced “oiler”) to study the Konigsberg Bridge problem. • Konigsberg was situated on both banks of the Prigel River in Eastern Prussia with a series of seven bridges connecting the banks via two islands. • The people of Konigsberg wanted to know if it was possible to cross all seven of the bridges without crossing any twice.
Loop A B Not a vertex Edge D C Vertex Definitions • A graph is a finite set of points called vertices (singular form is vertex) connected by line segments (not necessarily straight) called edges. • A loop is an edge that connects a vertex to itself.
The map shows the states that make up part of the Midwest states from Weather Underground, Inc. Construct a graph to show the states that share a common border. Michigan Ohio Indiana West Virginia Kentucky Example: Map
Solution • Each vertex will represent one of the states. • If two states share a common border, connect the respective vertices with an edge.
MI Michigan IN OH Ohio Indiana WV KY West Virginia Kentucky Solution (continued)
The degree of a vertex is the number of edges that connect to that vertex. A vertex with an even number of edges connected to it is an even vertex. A vertex with an odd number of edges connected to it is an odd vertex. MI, OH, and WV are even vertices IN, KY are odd vertices MI IN OH WV KY Definitions
A path is a sequence of adjacent vertices and edges connecting them. C, D, A, B is an example of a path. A circuit is a path that begins and ends at the same vertex. A, C, B, D, A forms a circuit. B B A A E E D D C C Definitions
H B C G A D K J Definitions • A graph is connected if, for any two vertices in the graph, there is a path that connects them. • Examples of disconnected graphs.
B H C G A D K J Definitions (continued) • A bridge is an edge that if removed from a connected graph would create a disconnected graph. bridge bridge
Select the graph with six vertices, a bridge, and a loop. a. c. b. d.
Select the graph with six vertices, a bridge, and a loop. a. c. b. d.
Represent the floor plan below as a graph where each vertex represents a room and each edge represents a doorway between rooms.
a. c. b. d.
a. c. b. d.
Draw a connected graph with all even vertices. a. c. b. d.
Draw a connected graph with all even vertices. a. c. b. d.