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AIMS Reform of curriculum and pedagogy Enhanced leadership capacity within schools

CPD: 21st CENTURY STEM/CS TEACHING AND LEARNING. AIMS Reform of curriculum and pedagogy Enhanced leadership capacity within schools Increased STEM/CS capacity within schools Enhanced support for students from disadvantaged backgrounds. 4 CORE CERT MODULES

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AIMS Reform of curriculum and pedagogy Enhanced leadership capacity within schools

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CPD: 21st CENTURY STEM/CS TEACHING AND LEARNING • AIMS • Reform of curriculum and pedagogy • Enhanced leadership capacity within schools • Increased STEM/CS capacity within schools • Enhanced support for students from disadvantaged backgrounds • 4 CORE CERT MODULES • Leadership and Change Management • Digital Media Literacy • Teacher as Co-Researcher • Inclusive Education • +2 Optional Courses APPLY ONLINE @ https://www.tcd.ie/courses/postgraduate/az/course.php?id=DPCED-TCTL-1P09. *subject to University approval

  2. SCHOOL CULTURE • 3 PILLARS • Pathways to College • Leadership Through Service • Mentoring • School/TA21 CFES Teams: • Persistence Programme for 2nd year Cohort • Whole School Approach

  3. Mentor Training & Showcase Bi-Monthly Mentor meetings CFES Report CFES Summit Mentor Recruitment CFES Conference Student & Teacher Interviews Student & Teacher Interviews Student & Teacher Surveys Student & Teacher Surveys CFES Plan Pathways Assignment Scholar Leadership Workshops Leadership Showcase Scholar Leadership Project DEIS Reporting Support Submit end of year report CFES Summit

  4. TA21 RESEARCH Aim Build an evidence base which supports national implementation of CFES program • Measures • Students Participation in CFES • College awareness • Self esteem and perception of self as a college goer • Aspirations • Subject choices • Teachers • Teaching philosophy • Confidence with technology • 21C teaching practices • College going culture • Beliefs about students abilities When Twice yearly for 3 years – September andApril Interviews – October and April/June • Methods • Capture impact of the project through; • Qualitative Research: Interviews and focus groups • Quantitative Research: Surveys • Whats in it for you? • Support in school DEIS reports • Influencing educational change in Ireland

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