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Comparative study of Self-Esteem between athletics and non-athletics boy students of Agricultural sciences and Natural resources of Gorgan university Mohammad Thaghi Khorand1 and Morteza Taheri2 Faculty of Sport Sciences, Agricultural sciences and Natural resources of Gorgan university, Iran1
Comparative study of Self-Esteem between athletics andnon-athletics boy students of Agricultural sciences and Natural resources of Gorgan university Mohammad Thaghi Khorand1 and Morteza Taheri2 Faculty of Sport Sciences, Agricultural sciences and Natural resources of Gorgan university, Iran1 Faculty of Sport Sciences, Imam Khomeini University, Qazvin, Iran2 ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare the self-esteem between athletics and non-athletics boy students of the Gorgan university of Agricultural sciences and Natural resources. the statistical analysis were chosen by Hierarchical sampling to get the best possible selection . total sampling size was 120 athletes and 140 non-athletes and each person was given enough time to fill up the questioner. After gathering all the relevant information, descriptive statistics for classification of data as well as required parameters were done and inferential statistics for the hypothesis tests and also for the test of analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used : and it was suggested that The self-esteem between athletic and non-athletic boy students of the Gorgan university were significantly different Key words: Self-Esteem- Student- Athletic- Gorgan University INTRODUCTION Self is a part of one’s personality that he/she is aware of it. Simply, Self-esteem means the value of somebody in ones opinion. Wayment and Zetlin (1989) consider it as Self-hypothesized identity and Erickson has called it ego-identity or permanent individuality by people. DISCUSSION Some parameters such as sense of competition, endurability, Self-reliance, Self-esteem are affected by exercise. poorshafiei (1991) investigated the relationship between Self-esteem and education progression and concluded that high Self-esteem may lead to improved education. Some studies suggested that participating in physical activities such as single and group activities, lead to improved Self-esteem that is consistent with this result .(Ferroon, Norring, Caudaray, Michaud, Huddy). MATERIALS AND METHODS The research method used in this study survey one and based on questionnaire Following data collection, descriptive statistics was used to classification, determining central indexes and variant indexes and finally ANOVA test was performed through SPSS. CONCLUSION Totally, it can be concluded that athletic activities are effective in increased Self-esteem All in all with respect to the importance of movement in life, the effects of exercise on life should be considered necessarily. Not only, athletics activities might improve physical power, but also, Psychological, social, economical, cultural, religious dimensions are improved. RESULTS 1- There is significant difference between the Self-esteem of boy Athlete University students and non-athlete. It's clear that level of Self-esteem in athletes are much more than others 2-The level of Self-esteem in boy athlete students in individual sports is more than team sports. 3-With respect to F parameter and amount of P, there is no significant difference between boy Basketball players of Agricultural Science University and Gorgan Natural Resources University. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Thanks to all those who devoted themselves for improving science. Figure 2: The average of self- esteem in athlete and non-athlete students Of single and group teams Figure 1: The average of self- esteem in athlete and non-athlete students REFERENCES 1_ Anonymous. (2004). Self-Esteem, www.emc.maricopa.edu/academics/physed/wellnes/esteem.html-9k. 2_ Baily, k., P. Moulton. Ph. D and M. Moulton. Ed. D. (1999) Athletics as a predictore of Self-esteem and Approval Motivation. The Sport Journal. Volume 2. Number 2. 3_Katz, L.(2000). How can we strengthen childrens self-esteem? http://www.kidsource.com/kidsource/content2/strengthen_ children_self .html. 4_ Parrott, G., J. Taylor, S. Enes and N. Galli. (2001). Self-esteem levels: Age and athletic participation effects. JACPOC library. volume 23. number 4. 5_ Schultz, A. M. (1999). You go girl, The link between girls positive self-esteem and sports. The sport journal. volume 2. number 2. Athlete Non athlete Athlete Non athlete Figure 3: The average of self-esteem in basketball and football players Basketball players Football players