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MGT 3470 survey. Name; major Prerequisites MGT3040; Level of Interest in Corporate Finance I would like to learn ………(what topics; skills). I will put (a lot, little, minimum.. etc .) work I will prepare for a career in ….. This course will help (or not)……
MGT 3470 survey • Name; major • Prerequisites MGT3040; • Level of Interest in Corporate Finance • I would like to learn ………(what topics; skills). • I will put (a lot, little, minimum..etc.) work • I will prepare for a career in ….. This course will help (or not)…… • Tell me if you would rather prefer not to take this course…..why, what can I do to make it interesting?
Advantages Limited liability Unlimited life Separation of ownership and management Transfer of ownership is easy Easier to raise capital Disadvantages Separation of ownership and management Double taxation (income is taxed at the corporate rate and then dividends are taxed at the personal rate) Corporation LO2 A business created as a distinct legal entity owned by one or more individuals or entities.
Financial Management Decisions LO1 • Capital budgeting • What long-term investments or projects should the business take on? • Capital structure • How should we pay for our assets? • Should we use debt or equity? • Working capital management • How do we manage the day-to-day finances of the firm?
Financial Manager LO1 • Financial managers try to answer some or all of these questions • The top financial manager within a firm is usually the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) • Treasurer – oversees cash management, capital expenditures and financial planning • Controller – oversees taxes, cost accounting, financial accounting and data processing
Chapter 4 Long-term Financial Planning and Corporate Growth
Chapter 4 Outline • What is financial planning • Financial planning models • The percentage of sales approach • External financing and growth • Caveats in financial planning
What is Financial Planning? • Financial planning formulates the way financial goals are to be achieved • Financial plan – a statement of what is to be done in the future • What is the goal of financial management?
Short vs. Long-term Financial Planning • Short-term planning – analysis of decisions that affect current assets and current liabilities: • Cash and liquidity management • Credit and inventory management • Long-term planning – focuses on the “big picture”: • Capital budgeting • Dividend policy • Financial structure
Dimensions of Financial Planning • Financial horizon – the long-range time period the financial planning process focuses on, usually the next 2-5 years • Aggregation – process by which smaller investment proposals of each of a firm’s operational units are added up and treated as one big unit • Alternative set of assumptions about important variables (scenario analysis)
Aims of Financial Planning (1) • Examining interactions – make explicit the linkages between investment proposals for the different operating activities of the firm and financing choices available to the firm • Exploring options – develop, analyze and compare many different scenarios in a consistent way • Avoiding surprises – identify what may happen to the firm if different events take place
Aims of Financial Planning (2) • Ensuring feasibility and internal consistency – are the company’s goals compatible? • Communication with investors and lenders
Financial Planning Model: Elements (1) • Sales forecast – given as a growth rate in sales • Pro forma statements – a financial plan has a forecasted balance sheet, an income statement, and a statement of cash flows • Asset requirements – firms’ total capital budget consists of changes in total fixed assets and net working capital
Financial Planning Model: Elements (2) • Financial requirements – how to raise the capital; dividend policy and debt policy • Cash surplus or shortfall (“plug”) – the designated source of external financing needed to deal with any shortfall in financing and to bring the balance sheet into balance • Economic assumptions – level of interest rates, the firm’s tax rate and sales forecast
Simple Financial Planning Model • All variables are tied to sales and this relationship is optimal • The growth in assets requires the management to decide how to finance the growth (debt vs. equity) • Dividend policy • Financing policy
The Percentage of Sales Approach • A financial planning method in which accounts are projected depending on a firm’s predicted sales level • Not all of the items vary directly with sales
Percentage of sales approach: • example (1)
(2) Dividend payout ratio = Cash dividends/Net income = $ 44/$132 *100= 331/3% Retention ratio (plowback ratio) = Retained earnings/Net income = $88/$132*100 = 662/3% or retention ratio = 1- dividend payout ratio = 1-0.333 = 0.667
(3) Projected addition to retained earnings = 165*0.667 Projected dividends paid to shareholders =165*0.333 Net income =165
External Financing External financing needed (EFN) = the amount of financing required to balance both sides of the balance sheet For Rosengarten Corporation: Assets-(Liability + Equity) = $3,750 – $3,185 = $565 In order to have a 25% increase in sales the corporation has to raise $565 in new financing Possible sources of financing : - short-term borrowing - long-term borrowing - new equity
Capital Intensity Ratio • A firm’s total assets divided by its sales • The amount of assets needed to generate $1 sales (3000/1000=3)
EFN and Capacity Usage • Suppose Rosengarten is operating at 80% capacity: 1. What would be sales at full capacity? 2. What is the capital intensity ratio at full capacity? 3. What is EFN?
Answers: (homework) 1. 1000/.8=1250 2.Only $300 of new assets (no need for new FA). Therefore TA=3,300 Sales=1250 Capital Intensity Ratios =3300/1250 =2.64 (previously 3000/1000=3) 3. EFN =300 -185 =115 Conclusion: excess capacity reduces the need for external financing; capital intensity ratio at full capacity is lower
Forecasted sales growth 25% • Full capacity=1000/.8=1250 (no need for new FA)
Forecasted sales growth 50% • Full capacity=1000/.8=1250 (1500-1250=$250 sales should be produced on new FA)
EFN and Growth • Increase in total assets is financed internally and externally • Increase in total assets = assets (A) × sales growth (g) • Internal financing = Addition to retained earnings = Projected net income × retention ratio (R) = Profit margin (p) × projected sales[S×(1+g)] × retention ratio or or EFN = A×g – p×S×R×(1+g) Internal growth rate = ROA×R/(1-ROA×R)
Financial Policy and Growth • A firm may not wish to sell any new equity • If a firm borrows to its debt capacity sustainable growth rate can be achieved Debt capacity = the ability to borrow to increase firm value g* = ROE×R/(1-ROE×R)
Internal vs. Sustainable Growth Rates • Internal growth rate – the maximum growth rate a firm can maintain with only internal financing • Sustainable growth rate – the maximum growth rate a firm can achieve with no external equity financing
Determinants of Growth g* = [p (S/A) (1+D/E)×R]/[1-p(S/A)(1+D/E)×R] • Profit margin • Dividend policy • Financial policy • Total asset turnover
Caveats of Financial Planning Models • Rely on accounting relationships • Need to be modified over time • Objectivity of financial plans